Schaendorf Cattle Company Logo

Schaendorf Cattle Company

Home - Schaendorf Cattle Company

Who is Schaendorf Cattle Company?

We produce high quality meat by using farming techniques that preserve the environment. Throughout their time on the farm, our cattle are provided with proper housing, nutrition, and quality care. We believe knowing where their food comes from makes it delicious.

Hopkins, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2017

Products & services of Schaendorf Cattle Company

Product Other - Schaendorf Cattle Company image


Other - Schaendorf Cattle Company

At Schaendorf Cattle Co. we realize you care about where your food comes from that’s why we believe in transparency when it comes to our farming practices. We wanted to provide high quality meat options in an easy to order format. Whether you are looking to fill your freezer for a few months or need a subscription format, we have you covered. Unlike other online beef suppliers, we apply our sustainable farming practices to how we sell our beef. We thought of cuts and selections that make the best sense to sell so that their is no waste. We love our beef and hope you will too. Enjoy!

Product All - Schaendorf Cattle Company image


All - Schaendorf Cattle Company

At Schaendorf Cattle Co. we realize you care about where your food comes from that’s why we believe in transparency when it comes to our farming practices. We wanted to provide high quality meat options in an easy to order format. Whether you are looking to fill your freezer for a few months or need a subscription format, we have you covered. Unlike other online beef suppliers, we apply our sustainable farming practices to how we sell our beef. We thought of cuts and selections that make the best sense to sell so that their is no waste. We love our beef and hope you will too. Enjoy meat bundles from Michigan!

Product Variety Packages - Schaendorf Cattle Company image


Variety Packages - Schaendorf Cattle Company

At Schaendorf Cattle Co. we realize you care about where your food comes from that’s why we believe in transparency when it comes to our farming practices. We wanted to provide high quality meat package options in an easy to order format. Whether you are looking to fill your freezer for a few months or need a subscription format, we have you covered. Unlike other online beef suppliers, we apply our sustainable farming practices to how we sell our beef. We thought of cuts and selections that make the best sense to sell so that their is no waste. We love our beef and hope you will too. Enjoy meat packages from Michigan

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Beef E-commerce
Monthly Beef Box Subscriptions
Sustainable Agricultural Practices
Food & Beverages


Food and Beverage

Contact of Schaendorf Cattle Company

City: Hopkins

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Schaendorf Cattle Company

The company Schaendorf Cattle Company is located in Hopkins, Michigan, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Schaendorf Cattle Company has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Schaendorf Cattle Company was founded in 2017

The company Schaendorf Cattle Company has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage

Competitors of Schaendorf Cattle Company

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