Our goal is to bring young people and companies together by finding the right talent and providing the right skills. Our vision is to be the world’s first choice when excellent trained talent is needed. Through our cross-industry customer diversity, our partnerships with colleges and universities throughout Germany, leading and innovative companies and our memberships in associations, we move in a large network of broadly diversified knowledge. SPECTRUM was originally founded over 35 years ago as an IT consulting company. In the meantime, this concept has become the core of our work. AZAV certified training provider – We turn talents into experts. At the same time, we make career starters and experienced experts fit for the challenges of today’s working world. In short: We turn talents into experts and find the right company for them!
Stuttgart, Germany
Founded in 1986
51-100 Employees
Working industry
Type of company
Service provider, Manufacturer
1 Headquarter
Number of products
2 Products
Number of services
3 Services
Specialised areas
Human Resources, Training, Information Technology & Services, Qualifizierung, Nachwuchsprogramm, Digitalisierung, Business Development, Berufseinstieg, Demographischer Wandel, Business Intelligence
Spectrum offers a wide range of products and services
Career Solutions - Nachwuchsfachkräfte finden | SPECTRUM AG
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Upskilling Services for your company | SPECTRUM AG
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Upskilling Services für Ihr Unternehmen | SPECTRUM AG
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Wer kann sich bewerben? | Traineeprogramme die aus Talenten IT Experten machen
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Career Solutions - Find young professionals | SPECTRUM AG
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Spectrum operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Spectrum
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Spectrum
Where is Spectrum located?
The company headquarter of Spectrum is located in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Spectrum approximately have?
As of the latest available information Spectrum has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was Spectrum founded?
Spectrum was founded in 1986
In which industries does Spectrum mainly work?
The company Spectrum has it's main focus in the industries of Other
What is the current company status of Spectrum?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Spectrum seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Spectrum
Spectrum Training Service
Birmingham, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
We are committed to empowering individuals to thrive in a rapidly changing world by encouraging critical thinking, collaboration, and adaptability. Our goal is to inspire personal growth, professional excellence, and a strong sense of ethical responsibility, creating confident and well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to society. Spectrum Training Services is a team of experienced professionals and subject matter experts, with a training approach that combines cutting-edge content with interactive and engaging delivery methods. We believe in fostering a collaborative learning environment where participants can actively contribute, share insights, and learn from each other. At the heart of our training philosophy is the belief that learning is a continuous journey. With a commitment to excellence, innovation, and practicality, we offer a diverse range of training courses tailored to various industries and skill levels. At Spectrum Training Services, we believe in the transformative power of education. Spectrum has 10 fundamental principles to training to ensure we provide the best experience to our learners.
Vienna, United States
51-100 Employees
Our mission is to introduce the best talent to the best companies. SpectrumCareers provides resources for your interim staffing needs. This dual methodology provides you with timely industry intelligence while quickly delivering talent from our network of vetted professionals. The result is a talent infusion that enhances the performance and spirit of your organization. The firm’s strong work ethic and focus on building long-term relationships is what sets them apart from other recruiting firms in the area.
Berlin, Germany
1-10 Employees
Die SPEKTRUM GmbH ist ein Berliner soziales Unternehmen für berufliche Bildung und Integration mit 30-jähriger Erfahrung.
ML spectrum and Co.KG
Hanau, Germany
1-10 Employees
Seit 2000 begleiten wir von ML-spectrum Unternehmen, Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter:innen mit maßgeschneiderten Konzepten, Trainingsprogrammen und Coachings auf dem Weg zu mehr Erfolg.Dazu kooperieren wir mit über 100 Trainern:innen, Coachs, Trainingsdesignern:innen mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten, Erfahrungen und Sprachkenntnissen. Dabei setzen wir auf langjährige Erfahrung der durchführenden Trainer und Coaches, lebendige Lerninhalte und eine pragmatische Herangehensweise. Gerade im digitalen Zeitalter beinhaltet das Lernen längst mehr als die klassische Präsenzschulung. Diese ist ein Teil des Ganzen und inzwischen durch weitere Formate ergänzt, die wir modular und präzise für Ihren Bedarf einbinden. So stehen neben der klassischen Betreuung durch Experten auch Optionen im Mittelpunkt, die das eigenständige Wiederholen und vor allem den Austausch der Teilnehmenden untereinander fördern.
Spectrum Executive Search
London, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
We are headhunters for organisations ranging from start-ups to multinational corporates, and the common theme is technology. Established in London in 2001 by Managing Partner Daniel Osmer, Spectrum is a UK retained board and executive recruitment firm with global reach. Asante is a credit-led Neo Bank leading the charge to extend digital financial services….
Spectrum Networks - India
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
51-100 Employees
We provide a range of IT training services to organisations to skill up their management and IT teams in technologies that are relevant and required to make them digitally empowered organizations. We have been privileged to work with most leading organisations in the region, covering all aspects of IT training service. Our presence covers the Middle East as well as the APAC regions with our offices and training centers located in the UAE, KSA, Tunisia, India and Singapore. Spectrum Networks is the Authorised Learning Partner for some of the leaders in IT technology for Digital Transformation. Team Spectrum Networks honored with the prestigious IT Training Provider award by Channel Insights ME. We believe this requires a reasonable level of up-skilling for the organization and our mission is to facilitate these essential skills through our online IT Training courses. We offer IT certification courses that help organisations and people upgrade their knowledge. Spectrum Networks was recently recognized as the Finalist in Business Excellence (Learning) at the 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards, amongst more than 4000 partners globally.