Spectrum Logo


Our goal is to bring young people and companies together by finding the right talent and providing the right skills. Our vision is to be the world’s first choice when excellent trained talent is needed. Through our cross-industry customer diversity, our partnerships with colleges and universities throughout Germany, leading and innovative companies and our memberships in associations, we move in a large network of broadly diversified knowledge. SPECTRUM was originally founded over 35 years ago as an IT consulting company. In the meantime, this concept has become the core of our work. AZAV certified training provider – We turn talents into experts. At the same time, we make career starters and experienced experts fit for the challenges of today’s working world. In short: We turn talents into experts and find the right company for them!

Quick overview

Stuttgart, Germany

Founded in 1986

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry


Type of company

Service provider, Manufacturer


1 Headquarter

Number of products

2 Products

Number of services

3 Services

Specialised areas

Human Resources, Training, Information Technology & Services, Qualifizierung, Nachwuchsprogramm, Digitalisierung, Business Development, Berufseinstieg, Demographischer Wandel, Business Intelligence

Products & services of Spectrum

Spectrum offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Career Solutions - Nachwuchsfachkräfte finden | SPECTRUM AG


Career Solutions - Nachwuchsfachkräfte finden | SPECTRUM AG

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Product: Upskilling Services for your company | SPECTRUM AG


Upskilling Services for your company | SPECTRUM AG

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Product: Upskilling Services für Ihr Unternehmen | SPECTRUM AG


Upskilling Services für Ihr Unternehmen | SPECTRUM AG

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Product: Wer kann sich bewerben? | Traineeprogramme die aus Talenten IT Experten machen


Wer kann sich bewerben? | Traineeprogramme die aus Talenten IT Experten machen

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Product: Career Solutions - Find young professionals | SPECTRUM AG


Career Solutions - Find young professionals | SPECTRUM AG

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Headquarter of Spectrum

Spectrum operates in 1 country around the world

City: Stuttgart

State: Baden-Württemberg

Country: Germany

Locations of Spectrum

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Spectrum

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Spectrum

The company headquarter of Spectrum is located in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Spectrum has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Spectrum was founded in 1986

The company Spectrum has it's main focus in the industries of Other

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Spectrum seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Spectrum

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Spectrum

ML spectrum and Co.KG's Logo

ML spectrum and Co.KG

Hanau, Germany

1-10 Employees


Seit 2000 begleiten wir von ML-spectrum Unternehmen, Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter:innen mit maßgeschneiderten Konzepten, Trainingsprogrammen und Coachings auf dem Weg zu mehr Erfolg.Dazu kooperieren wir mit über 100 Trainern:innen, Coachs, Trainingsdesignern:innen mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten, Erfahrungen und Sprachkenntnissen. Dabei setzen wir auf langjährige Erfahrung der durchführenden Trainer und Coaches, lebendige Lerninhalte und eine pragmatische Herangehensweise. Gerade im digitalen Zeitalter beinhaltet das Lernen längst mehr als die klassische Präsenzschulung. Diese ist ein Teil des Ganzen und inzwischen durch weitere Formate ergänzt, die wir modular und präzise für Ihren Bedarf einbinden. So stehen neben der klassischen Betreuung durch Experten auch Optionen im Mittelpunkt, die das eigenständige Wiederholen und vor allem den Austausch der Teilnehmenden untereinander fördern.

ProServ's Logo


Karlsruhe, Germany

1001-5000 Employees


Wir sind Matchmaker zwischen engagierten Bewerber:innen und attraktiven Unternehmen. Wir sind HR-Experten für die Logistik und die produzierende Industrie. Wir sind aktiver Teil unserer Mitwelt, darum engagieren wir uns. Unser größter Antrieb ist der Aufbau von erfolgreichen Beziehungen. All unsere Trainer verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung und vermitteln den Kursteilnehmenden die Lerninhalte dank dem Einsatz neuester Technologien, wie unserem deutschlandweit einmaligen transportablen Forkliftsimulator, eindrucksvoll.

IVM Technical Consultants Vienna - The Technical Experts's Logo

IVM Technical Consultants Vienna - The Technical Experts


251-500 Employees


Egal, ob Sie gerade Ihr technisches Diplom erlangt haben oder bereits Karrierereife aufweisen, gemeinsam mit Ihnen bauen wir eine stabile Brücke zu Ihrem Zukunftsunternehmen. Mit Ihrem Talent, Know-how und Ihrer technischen Affinität unterstützen wir gemeinsam unsere Partner*innen bei der Entwicklung ihrer Visionen! Seit mehr als 40 Jahren bauen wir erfolgreiche Brücken zwischen technischen Expert*innen und innovativen Projektpartner*innen. Mit unserem Know-how und langjähriger Erfahrung bereichern wir den nationalen und internationalen Markt der Technik und bieten Exklusivität und ein Höchstmaß an Seriosität und Vertrauen. Sind Sie bereit nach Abschluss Ihrer Ausbildung oder den ersten beruflichen Erfahrungen einen neuen Weg einzuschlagen? Gemeinsam mit Ihnen bauen wir eine stabile Brücke zu Ihrem Zukunftsunternehmen.

talent::digital's Logo


Dusseldorf, Germany

11-50 Employees


We are as diverse as our customers and learners, spanning almost 4 decades and working from various locations with formal offices in Berlin and Düsseldorf. Our mission is to improve upskilling through joyful learning, enhancing company performance and enabling business success. We are a HR tech startup with roots in both Düsseldorf and Berlin. Founded by educational innovators and IT experts to make learning challenging, fun and successful, our HR tech startup looks back on successful implementations in research, business and public administration at home and abroad.With an experienced team, learning solutions are developed in Düsseldorf and Berlin that are motivating and educational. Do you put customer needs first and believe learning is the key to keep our society and economy thriving and believe in intrinsic motivation? Our dynamic team brings together a wealth of expertise in the fields of didactics and technology, converging to craft innovative learning solutions.

Digital Associates GmbH's Logo

Digital Associates GmbH

Berlin, Germany

11-50 Employees


Our mission is to provide the right talent to help companies navigate the rapidly changing technological landscape of the fourth industrial revolution, the digital age. The market average is to deliver candidates after 4 days. The best candidates have an average of 5 to 6 potential project offers at the time. Using our industry expertise, we know what questions to ask to deliver exactly the candidates you need. Frustrated by the lack of quality and expertise offered by traditional recruitment companies, our founders set out on a journey to create a better solution. Our Managing Director is a highly skilled computer scientist with extensive industry experience. We pride ourselves on our unique approach and ability to deliver exceptional quality. We understand the unique challenges of digitalization and are dedicated to helping Germany catch up with other countries in terms of technological advancement.

Tts's Logo


Heidelberg, Germany

251-500 Employees


Our services, our range of products and our aspirations revolve around supporting people in their work, helping them to successfully cope with change. With our three business units we develop customized solutions that support people during the process of change, allowing companies to create sustainable added value and competitive advantages. Years of experience, countless projects, customers from all industries and the public sector – we are a partner to you and a driving force for innovative technologies and new approaches to learning. Our more than 350 employees at 13 locations provide our customers with continuous impetus and play a decisive role in shaping the working world of the future in the interests of people. We deal with every issue on a case-by-case basis and with a clear focus on the future. Do you have any questions about our services? Team up with the leading lights of the industry to create new solutions in a work environment where your personality and know-how can fully come to the fore. It offers care staff a practical introduction to the system.

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