Technology Marketing Inc. Logo

Technology Marketing Inc.

Technology Marketing Inc. | Advanced Composite Materials Supplier

Who is Technology Marketing Inc.?

We are headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah with Sales Offices in Seattle, Washington, and Sacramento and Santa Ana, California.We offer a wide range of high quality materials and accessories specifically tuned to the needs of composites manufacturers serving the aerospace, construction, automotive, marine, sporting goods and kindred industries where lightweight structures require high strength and stiffness.Three industry professionals who recognized an opportunity in the fast growing arena of composite structures manufacturing founded TMI in 1978. We serve the aerospace and other select fiber reinforced composites manufacturing industry segments. Building on a core of high quality product lines, supplied by recognized brand-name material manufacturers, TMI brings a complete portfolio of composite structure constituent options to clients. Our policy is to advertise the origin of our products and to market them under manufacturer trade names so our clients know what they are using.With broad experience and the expertise of our people, TMI assists clients in the selection and development of materials, processes and manufacturing aids to assure product quality and reliability, and to enhance productivity and efficiency.Our vision is to become the preeminent supplier of materials, services and technology to the composites industry and strategically selected other industries. With quality products from fantastic manufacturers, we work with the materials that make your job possible. We serve the aerospace and other select industries that benefit from manufactured fiber-reinforced composites. Within our general expertise and understanding of the industry, we are specifically tuned to the needs of composites, sporting goods, and kindred industries where lightweight structures require high strength and stiffness. We work with our partners to provide quality materials you have come to expect from TMI.

This company is:

Service provider

United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1978


Aviation & Aerospace


Aviation and Aerospace

Contact of Technology Marketing Inc.

City: -

State: Utah

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Technology Marketing Inc.

The company Technology Marketing Inc. is located in Utah, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Technology Marketing Inc. has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Technology Marketing Inc. was founded in 1978

The company Technology Marketing Inc. has it's main focus in the industries of Aviation and Aerospace

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