With over 1,500 productions and more than 200 million recorded words, our clients rely on our experienced teams of project managers, translators, directors, sound engineers, video specialists, and last but not least our access to over 3,000 voice talents for the proper stylistic adaptation of their media projects into a wide variety of target languages.
Hamburg, Germany
Founded in 1998
11-50 Employees
Working industry
Type of company
Service provider
Ownership structure
Sole Proprietorship
1 Headquarter
Number of products
5 Products
Number of services
10 Services
Specialised areas
Information Technology, Motion Picture and Video Industries, Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries, Information, Sound Recording Industries, Recording studio, noncommercial records Services allied to motion pictures , Translation Service
Toneworx offers a wide range of products and services
Services Audio EN — toneworx studios
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Services Video EN — toneworx studios
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Services Games EN — toneworx studios
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toneworx Portfolio EN — toneworx studios
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Services_Audio DE — toneworx studios
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Services_Video DE — toneworx studios
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Portfolio_Games DE — toneworx studios
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Portfolio_Audio DE — toneworx studios
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Toneworx operates in 1 country around the world
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Some frequent questions that have been asked about Toneworx
Where is Toneworx located?
The company headquarter of Toneworx is located in Hamburg, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Toneworx approximately have?
As of the latest available information Toneworx has around 11-50 employees worldwide.
When was Toneworx founded?
Toneworx was founded in 1998
In which industries does Toneworx mainly work?
The company Toneworx has it's main focus in the industries of Other
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Toneworx
Presta Voice
Paris, France
1-10 Employees
For that reason, we are committed to three key points:. Our agency offers a choice of more than 500 voice talents in over 75 languages. To ensure profesional sound quality, we also take audio post-production in charge.
ASAP Studio OG
1-10 Employees
Voice over recordings, audio production, voice talent management and multimedia localisation has been our specialty since 2004. In order to provide our clients with high quality recordings, we represent artists across a wide range of styles and ages who are academically trained and professionally experienced in the fields of voice acting and audio production.
Lisbon, Portugal
1-10 Employees
We are a company specialized in voiceover and content localization services. Sound technicians for recording and post-production.For each project we analyse along with the Client the necessity to complement the service with a personalized casting, a voice over director for the recording session, translations to other languages, multimedia technician for video editing and TV adaptation, social media and advertisement.We are prepared for remote sessions with our Clients and the Voice Actors all over the world, from our office in Lisbon. With more than 20 years of experience, we find the ideal voice for our clients' projects.
Eastleigh, United Kingdom
11-50 Employees
All our services undergo rigorous quality checks by expert linguists before delivery. Experience seamless production and engage your listeners like never before. Bringing sights and sounds to life, - with 18 years of unrivalled expertise, we are an audio visual company based in Southampton UK, delivering World Wide. Specialists in multilingual Voice Overs, Dubbing and Video Production.
Selica International Ltd for Innovation and Evolution
City of London, United Kingdom
51-100 Employees
With over 3000 language experts, in over 250 languages we are able to simultaneously handle all your linguistic needs. Sourcing only specialist skilled language experts ensures you receive the best quality, with fast turnaround. We have bespoke resources dedicated to our clients’ changeable needs.
Creative Sounds Germany C.S.G GmbH
Hagen, Germany
11-50 Employees
Wir liefern den Sound zu zahlreichen Fernsehsendungen, Filmen, VOD (Video On Demand), OTT (Over the Top Television), BlueRay, DVD und Streaming Produktionen unserer nationalen und internationalen Kunden. Seit über 25 Jahren sind wir in der Audio-, Film- und Musikindustrie tätig und bieten nicht nur Übersetzungen, Synchronisationen, Subtitling, Audio Description u.v.m. Wie findet man die am besten geeignete Stimme für eine Produktion? Wir haben die Erfahrung und die passenden Stimmen, um Ihre Produktionen auf höchstem Niveau mit etablierten Stars oder neuen, unverbrauchten Sprechern zu besetzen. Die Übersetzung eines Filmdialogs, einer Dokumentation oder das Schreiben einer Audio-Description ist ein kreativer Prozess. Alle Studios sind akustisch optimiert gebaut und gewährleisten eine optimale Raumakustik für Aufnahme und Mix. Unsere Studios verfügen über modernste Technik im Bereich Soft- und Hardware und bieten unseren Sprechern die perfekte Umgebung für einen kreativen Aufnahmeprozess. Unsere Toningenieure verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung im Mischen für die Filmindustrie auf höchstem technischen Niveau.