Unimind Cognition Logo

Unimind Cognition

Unimind Quantum – Put your Business on Superposition

Who is Unimind Cognition?

While various methods exist for creating small numbers of qubits, when it comes to scaling beyond 1,000,000 qubits and achieving an error-corrected general-purpose quantum computer, photonics emerges as the sole viable approach. Photonics, harnessing the power of light particles known as photons, offers unique advantages that make it the most promising technology for reaching such ambitious qubit capacities. Photonics enables the integration of a large number of qubits, allowing for the creation of intricate quantum systems with millions of qubits, addressing the challenge of scaling up quantum computing. Photonics provides efficient and reliable transmission of quantum information over long distances, ensuring the fidelity of quantum states, and enabling the establishment of quantum communication networks and distributed quantum computing. Photonic systems leverage the unique properties of photons, such as entanglement and superposition, to implement error correction codes, overcoming errors caused by decoherence and imperfections in qubit operations, enhancing the reliability and stability of quantum computations.

This company is:


Pune, India

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2020

Products & services of Unimind Cognition

Product Growth Strategies – Unimind Quantum image


Growth Strategies – Unimind Quantum

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Cognitive Computing
Deep Learning
Conversation AI
Machine Learning
Robotic Process Automation


Data and Analytics

Contact of Unimind Cognition

City: Pune

State: Maharashtra

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Unimind Cognition

The company Unimind Cognition is located in Pune, Maharashtra, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Unimind Cognition has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Unimind Cognition was founded in 2020

The company Unimind Cognition has it's main focus in the industries of Data and Analytics

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Unimind Cognition seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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