Quantum Internet
Quantum Internet

Top Quantum Internet Companies

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22 companies for Quantum Internet

Qunnect's Logo

New York, United States

11-50 Employees


We build hardware to transform telecommunications infrastructure into scalable quantum networks. All of our hardware is built to operate at room temperature without sacrificing the quantum performance. These devices are the key to robust and scalable quantum networks.



Core business
Image for Enabling the Quantum Internet

Enabling the Quantum Internet

... Enabling the Quantum Internet ...

Quantum for Business's Logo

Delft, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


The Group was established in 1991 with the aim of providing a platform for talented, career-driven professionals and offering them the opportunity to become entrepreneurs themselves. Quantum for Business is a European platform of Quantum Technology that educates, connects and guides frontrunner businesses who want to lead the quantum revolution. Quantum for Business is a non-profit, joint initiative that leverages the potential of quantum, liberates quantum knowledge and brings it to businesses, raising the adoption of Quantum Technology. Quantum for Business is supported by the Dutch National Quantum program as well as leading public institutes and businesses in quantum. Their mission: to develop scalable prototypes of a quantum computer and an inherently safe quantum internet, based on the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. The Cronos Group is a diverse group of companies, active in several innovative sectors. The Netherlands is a vibrant international hotspot for quantum technology, with leading science, technology and talent. InnovationQuarter is the regional economic development agency for the Province of Zuid-Holland.



Image for Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World? | INTRODUCTORY

Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World? | INTRODUCTORY

... Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World? | ...

QDNL Participations's Logo

Amsterdam, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


It can be hard to know where to invest or how to provide the long term support needed to get a return for the benefit of humanity. The QDNL Participations €15M fund provides the bridge between the grant-giving phase of quantum research and the 'patient capital' phase of venture investment.‍We provide impactful business and commercial support to transform potentially great technical ideas into obviously great investable companies, helping brilliant technical minds organise leading talent to bring their ideas into the world for the benefit of humanity.We've invested in some of the world's most groundbreaking quantum businesses:. Dutch quantum-focused investor QDNL Participations is announcing the close of a €15m fund dedicated to helping university quantum spinouts scale.



Core business
Image for QDNL Participations

QDNL Participations

... QphoX raises €8m to bring quantum modem technology to market, building towards the quantum internet ...

Aliro Technologies's Logo

Boston, United States

11-50 Employees


Aliro Quantum, The Quantum Networking Company®, offers AliroNet™ to emulate, pilot, and deploy entanglement-based quantum networks that are capable of running a wide variety of applications from secure communications to clustered quantum computing and distributed quantum sensing. Aliro, spun out of NarangLab at Harvard University, includes world-class experts in quantum and classical networking and is leading the charge in quantum network development by offering the foundational technologies needed for organizations around the world to build scalable and powerful distributed quantum systems. AliroNet™ users include utility companies, telecommunications providers, public sector organizations, enterprises, and researchers who are simulating, designing, piloting, orchestrating, and building the world's first entanglement-based quantum networks. Aliro Quantum are secure, reliable, professional, trusted experts providing enterprise grade hardware agnostic solutions.



Core business
Image for Aliro Quantum, Entanglement-based Secure Networking

Aliro Quantum, Entanglement-based Secure Networking

... Aliro Quantum, The Quantum Networking Company™, is leading the charge on quantum network development and building the foundation for the quantum internet. ...

Qutech's Logo

Delft, Netherlands

51-100 Employees


Researchers from Fujitsu and QuTech have developed new and ultra-cold electronic circuits to control diamond-based quantum bits. At QuTech, we aim to develop scalable prototypes of a quantum computer and an inherently safe quantum internet, based on the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. We are jointly creating the quantum future, because we believe that quantum technology can be a game changer in many social and economic sectors. Mission-driven research institute for quantum computing and quantum internet.



Core business
Image for QuTech - Research institute for quantum computing and quantum internet

QuTech - Research institute for quantum computing and quantum internet

... QuTech is a mission-driven research institute for quantum computing and quantum internet, founded by TNO and TU Delft. ...

Quantum Bridge Technologies's Logo

Old Toronto, Canada

11-50 Employees


At Quantum Bridge, we’re working to build a quantum-based internet that will revolutionize the way that the world generates, processes, exchanges and secures data. Founded in 2019, Quantum Bridge is developing and bringing to market state-of-the-art communication technologies based on principles of classical and quantum information theory. The company’s technology foundation builds on the team’s decades of research and industry experience in the fields of quantum and classical information theory, communication, cryptography and cybersecurity. We’re tackling cutting-edge engineering and theoretical problems related to the generation and manipulation of quantum entanglement, including quantum repeaters and core proprietary technology to make current networks quantum-resilient. Mattia Montagna is CEO and co-founder at Quantum Bridge.



Core business
Image for About us - Quantum Bridge

About us - Quantum Bridge

... At Quantum Bridge, we’re working to build a quantum-based internet, based on principles of classical and quantum information ...

CryptoNext Security's Logo

Paris, France

1-10 Employees


We are in a business based on mutual trust. We are always on the look out for new talent. Our services include training, project management, technical consulting along with support and maintenance programs managed from our CryptoNext Technical Assistance Center (CTAC). CryptoNext Security is a pioneer in post-quantum cryptography. The company was founded in 2019 as a start-up after 20 years+ of founders academic research at the Sorbonne University (SU), INRIA and CNRS in Paris. Today, it is a recognized leader in the post-quantum cryptography technology thanks to several milestone achievements. Florent has founded and managed several startups and SMEs in France, Europe and Russia, mostly in the software industry. Jean-Charles Faugère is a pioneer in quantum-safe cryptography and the co-author of several algorithms submitted to the on-going NIST post-quantum standardization process.



Core business
Image for CryptoNext joins France’s industry, academic and institutions team to build the future of the French quantum Internet communication system

CryptoNext joins France’s industry, academic and institutions team to build the future of the French quantum Internet communication system

... CryptoNext joins France’s industry, academic and institutions team to build the future of the French quantum Internet communication ...

Qulabs Software India's Logo

Hyderabad, India

11-50 Employees

We Engineer Solutions To Complex Problems Using Quantum Principles. We are building solutions to significant problems that will demonstrate the advantage of quantum technologies as a landmark achievement on the path to applicable, large-scale quantum computers. We are building machine learning capabilities that are superior to traditional classical algorithm and solves computationally intensive problems.​. We are enhancing the memory capabilities of quantum networks for sustainable long distance communication. We are creating quantum simulation solutions for various physics and chemistry applications.



Image for Solutions | Qulabs

Solutions | Qulabs

... Quantum computing revolutionizes the way we work, we provide research based solutions and build products across Quantum AI, Quantum Memory, Quantum Networking, Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Secure Direct Communication, And Quantum Internet. ...

marcstreefland.nl's Logo

The Hague, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


Er is een aangepaste en opnieuw vorm gegeven bestelpagina gemaakt. Haag & Baas is een jong Haags kledingmerk met een voorkeur voor echt Haagse slogans en strakke designs. DeBetonboorder is een platform waar vraag en aanbod op het gebied van betonboren regionaal wordt gekoppeld. Op het juiste moment in kunnen springen met een passend aanbod gebaseerd op zoekgedrag, sociale activiteit en of direct marketing input. Met de juiste kennis en expertise in huis kan uw bedrijf in korte tijd grote slagen maken. Wij helpen u graag met het gestalte geven van uw merk, product, bedrijf of naam.



Core business
Image for Studio M - Creativiteit, Effectiviteit & Inspiratie!

Studio M - Creativiteit, Effectiviteit & Inspiratie!

... The Quantum Internet ...

Quantum Umweltreinigung's Logo

Dusseldorf, Germany

1-10 Employees



Core business
Image for Impressum: - Spezialreinigung und Grundreinigung von Böden

Impressum: - Spezialreinigung und Grundreinigung von Böden

... Darko Kranjec Fleher Straße 191 40223 Düsseldorf Telefon: 0211 46 89 18 96 Telefax: 0211 46 89 18 97 E-Mail: info(at)quantum-umweltreinigung.de Internet: www.quantum-umweltreinigung. ...

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Facts about those Quantum Internet Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Quantum Internet

Country with most fitting companiesNetherlands
Amount of fitting manufacturers15
Amount of suitable service providers8
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2009
Youngest suiting company2023

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Quantum Internet

What is Quantum Internet?

The Quantum Internet signifies a revolutionary network architecture which leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to facilitate communication between quantum computers, devices, and servers. Unlike traditional internet, which transmits information in binary bits (0s and 1s), the Quantum Internet utilizes quantum bits or qubits. These qubits have the unique capability to exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to superposition, and can be entangled—a phenomenon allowing them to be instantly correlated with each other regardless of the distance separating them. This advanced communication method promises unparalleled levels of security, as any attempt to intercept the quantum data would inevitably alter its state, thereby revealing the breach. The implications of such a network are vast and profound, extending from ultra-secure communication channels that could potentially render eavesdropping obsolete, to the facilitation of quantum computing applications that require intense computational power. These could include, but are not limited to, more efficient drug discovery processes, optimization problems, and complex system simulations. The Quantum Internet, by harnessing the peculiarities of quantum mechanics, is poised to redefine the landscape of digital communication and computational science, offering a leap forward into a future where data security and computational capabilities could exceed the current limitations of classical computing infrastructure.

Advantages of Quantum Internet

1. Enhanced Security
Quantum internet leverages the principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantum encryption and quantum key distribution, to provide unparalleled security. This technology ensures that any attempt at eavesdropping can be instantly detected, as observing quantum data inherently alters it.

2. High-Speed Data Transmission
The use of quantum entanglement in quantum internet allows for the instantaneous transmission of information across vast distances, significantly surpassing the speed limitations of traditional fiber optic networks. This feature enables near-instantaneous communication, even across global distances.

3. Improved Network Efficiency
Quantum networks can handle vast amounts of data with minimal energy consumption, thanks to the efficient use of quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This trait makes quantum internet not only faster but also more environmentally friendly than its classical counterparts.

4. Revolutionizing Computing
By enabling direct and secure connections between quantum computers, quantum internet promises to unlock new potentials in computing power. This could lead to breakthroughs in fields like medicine, cryptography, and AI, where complex computations are crucial.

How to select right Quantum Internet supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technology Compatibility
Ensure the supplier's technology is compatible with existing infrastructure, allowing for seamless integration and future scalability.

2. Security Protocols
Examine the robustness of their security measures, especially given Quantum Internet's potential for unprecedented data protection capabilities.

3. Research and Development Focus
Assess the supplier's investment in ongoing research and development to stay at the forefront of Quantum Internet advancements.

4. Network Latency
Consider the expected network latency, as lower latency is crucial for the efficient performance of quantum networks.

5. Expertise and Experience
Evaluate the team's expertise and their track record in quantum technology to ensure high-quality implementation and support.

6. Cost-Efficiency
Analyze the cost-effectiveness of their solutions, including setup, maintenance, and scalability costs relative to the benefits provided.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Quantum Internet?

In the realm of cybersecurity, quantum internet introduces an unprecedented level of security through quantum key distribution (QKD). This mechanism allows two parties to generate a shared, random secret key known only to them, which can be used to encrypt and decrypt messages. For businesses, especially those handling sensitive data like financial institutions and healthcare organizations, this means a significant upgrade in protecting information against cyber threats. Another significant B2B use case lies within the field of distributed quantum computing. Companies engaged in complex computational tasks, such as pharmaceuticals or automotive industries, can leverage quantum internet to access quantum computing resources remotely. This facilitates tasks like molecular modeling in drug discovery or optimizing supply chain logistics, by enabling these computations to be performed more efficiently than ever before. Lastly, the quantum internet paves the way for secure multi-party computation. This allows multiple entities to collaboratively compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. Industries such as finance or marketing, which rely on sharing data without compromising confidentiality, stand to benefit immensely. By enabling different organizations to securely pool data for analysis without revealing their proprietary information, they can derive valuable insights without the risk of data breaches.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Quantum Internet

As of the latest assessments, the Quantum Internet is at an early stage of development, approximately between TRL 1 and TRL 3. This positioning is primarily due to the fundamental research still being conducted to understand and harness the principles of quantum mechanics for networking applications. At TRL 1, the basic principles are observed and reported, illustrating the nascent stage where theoretical work underscores the potential of quantum entanglement and superposition for transmitting information. Progressing to TRL 2 and TRL 3 involves formulating the concept and experimental proof of concept, respectively. Here, the focus is on demonstrating the feasibility of quantum communication protocols, such as quantum key distribution, on small, controlled scales. The technical challenges that anchor the Quantum Internet at this early TRL range include the difficulty in maintaining quantum states over long distances without decoherence, the development of quantum repeaters to amplify quantum signals without corrupting their integrity, and the integration of quantum technologies with existing networking infrastructures. These technical hurdles necessitate a significant amount of experimental research and development to advance the Quantum Internet towards higher TRLs, where its practical applications and deployment strategies can be more concretely defined and tested.

What is the Technology Forecast of Quantum Internet?

In the Short-Term, significant advancements in quantum repeaters and quantum key distribution (QKD) are anticipated. These foundational technologies are crucial for establishing secure, initial quantum networks. Early applications will likely focus on enhancing cybersecurity through unbreakable encryption methods, with pilot projects and experimental networks being developed in specific regions. This phase marks the transition from theoretical research to practical, albeit limited, application. The Mid-Term phase will see the integration of quantum internet technologies into existing fiber-optic networks, expanding their reach and utility. Improvements in quantum memory and entanglement distribution will enable more consistent and longer-distance quantum communications. This period will also witness the emergence of the first genuinely functional quantum internet services, offering unparalleled levels of security and speed for specific industries such as banking, defense, and healthcare. The development of quantum routers and switches during this phase will facilitate the creation of more complex and scalable networks. Looking into the Long-Term, the quantum internet is expected to revolutionize data transmission, with entangled quantum states providing instant, secure communication across any distance. Quantum computing integration will further enhance this capability, leading to a new era of internet technology with applications in quantum computing cloud services, ultra-secure global communication networks, and advanced scientific research collaborations. This phase represents the full realization of the quantum internet's potential, transforming how information is shared and processed globally.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Quantum Internet Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Quantum Internet

Based on our calculations related technologies to Quantum Internet are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Quantum Internet are Quantum for Business


QDNL Participations


Quantum Bridge Technologies

The most represented industries which are working in Quantum Internet are Information Technology, Education, Financial Services, Data and Analytics, Hardware

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