
Top Almandin Companies

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24 companies for Almandin

Almandin Tec AG Software Development's Logo

Almandin Tec AG Software Development

Rüschlikon, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Core business

Almandin Tec AG

... About us – Almandin Tec ...

Almandin Edle Steine's Logo

Almandin Edle Steine

Hartberg, Austria

1-10 Employees



Edelsteine – Almandin

... Edelsteine – Almandin ...



Perpignan, France

1-10 Employees



Bracelet Grenat Almandin de 6 mm – Les Pierres de Pascal

... Bracelet Grenat Almandin de 6 mm En lithothérapie : Le grenat est la pierre de la persévérance. Elle donne de l'énergie et de la force, en stimulant la confiance, l'espoir et la volonté de surmonter les difficultés. C'est une pierre qui apporte vitalité et charisme. (...) Retrouvez les vertus des pierres dans mon ...

Hexerey's Logo


Hamburg, Germany

1-10 Employees



Massagekugel Granat (Almandin) - 55 mm – Hexerey Hamburg

... Hochwertige 55 mm Massagekugel aus Granat (Almandin) für ganzheitliche Massagen mit Edelsteinen. Das besonders harmonische Massageerlebnis. ...

Atelier Aiyanna's Logo

Atelier Aiyanna

Le Pian-Médoc, France

1-10 Employees


Fondé par Emilie, l'atelier donne vie à des objets qui évoquent des émotions, racontent des histoires et créent une atmosphère propice au bien-être. Expression artistique, originalité, personnalisation, artisanat, ateliers créatifs en groupe, partages: l'atelier est un véritable lieu de créations et de passion! Vous êtes revendeur et souhaitez commercialiser certains produits de l'atelier, discutons-en avec plaisir!


BRACELET - Perles facettées de grenat almandin

... BRACELET - Perles facettées de grenat almandin – Atelier ...

Mineraldorado's Logo


Langenselbold, Germany

1-10 Employees



Granat Almandin Kristallstufe auf Glimmerschiefer Steiermark, Österreich

... Granat Almandin Kristallstufe auf Glimmerschiefer Steiermark, Ö ...

My roller stone's Logo

My roller stone

Collioure, France

1-10 Employees


Découvrez nos produits à base d'Ambre de la mer baltique.


Cabochon Rond Grenat Almandin (Grade A)

... Le Cabochon Rond Grenat Almandin (Grade A) est une pierre fine naturelle de couleur rouge foncé profond, taillée en forme ronde et polie pour un éclat lisse et brillant. Chaque cabochon de Grenat Almandin est unique, avec sa propre combinaison de motifs et de couleurs, ce qui en fait une pièce de collection ...



Paris, France

1-10 Employees


Nous sommes une équipe de collectionneurs de minéraux, nous achetons des spécimens de qualité, français et du monde, et surtout des collections complètes, si possible importantes. Nous sommes dans les minéraux de collection depuis 50 ans. Nous sommes acheteur de bons spécimens ou de collections complètes. Nous sommes riche en quartz rouge de l'Argentolle, commune de Saint Prix, dans le Morvan, et de mimetite de Lantignié (Rhône), d'autunite des Oudots et de torbernite de Margabal, ou encore de rhodochrosite de Saphoz et de stolzite de Giromagny ou de la mine de Sainte-Lucie, à Saint Léger de Peyre en Lozère.


Grenat almandin, Zillertal, Autriche.

... Grenat almandin, Zillertal, Autriche. ...

Spiral Rain's Logo

Spiral Rain

Trois-Rivières, Canada

1-10 Employees


Embrace the magic of savings with our enchanting offer: buy one treasure and receive your second at half the enchantment cost. Explore our Apothecary, Body Care Products, Candles, Digital Products, Gemstones, Jewelry, Library, Perfumes, Ritual & Intention Oils, and Spells & Ritual Kits collections with an exclusive offer: Buy one, get the second at half price! Simply place your chosen items in your cart, and watch as the spell of savings bestows 50% off your second item. In the Arcane Academy, each course is a key, unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Here, digital meets mystical, offering a blend of ancient wisdom and modern magic. Our digital courses and products are crafted to illuminate your path, enriching your journey with knowledge and power. Embrace the magic of the Arcane Academy, where every discovery is a step closer to the arcane. Here, in our sacred space of creation, each piece of jewelry is a tangible whisper of the universe, handcrafted with intention, graced by the touch of spiritual artisans.


Grenat Almandin Poli

... Grenat Almandin ...

Maison des Sens's Logo

Maison des Sens

Mauguio, France

1-10 Employees


Nous vendons des produits liés au bien-être, qui éveilleront vos sens.


Grenat Almandin

... Grenat Almandin Composition chimique : Silicate aluminoferreux On suppose que le Grenat Almandin est l'Escarboucle des anciens grimoires, mais rien ne permet de l'affirmer. Le grenat almandin régule les troubles du cœur, la tension artérielle et la circulation sanguine (Chakra du Cœur). C'est une excellente pierre ...

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Insights about the Almandin results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Almandin

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1014
Amount of suitable service providers1069
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1976
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Almandin

What is Almandin?

Almandin, a member of the garnet group, is a naturally occurring mineral characterized by its deep red to reddish-brown hue, attributed to its iron and aluminum composition. This mineral, with the chemical formula Fe<sub>3</sub>Al<sub>2</sub>(SiO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>, crystallizes in the cubic system, showcasing a remarkable hardness that ranges between 7 and 7.5 on the Mohs scale. Its durability, alongside its vibrant coloration, has positioned almandin as a favored gemstone in the jewelry industry, where it is often cut into various shapes and sizes for use in rings, necklaces, and earrings. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, almandin serves a functional role in industrial applications. Due to its abrasive properties, powdered almandin is utilized in waterjet cutting systems, capable of slicing through materials like metal, granite, and ceramic with precision. Moreover, its refractory nature makes it a valuable component in the manufacture of high-temperature insulators and specialty ceramics. In the realm of geology, the presence of almandin in metamorphic rocks serves as a crucial indicator of the temperature and pressure conditions prevalent during the rock's formation, offering insights into geological processes. Thus, almandin's significance extends beyond its beauty, impacting various fields from jewelry making to industrial manufacturing and geological research, highlighting its multifaceted utility and importance.

Advantages of Almandin

1. Superior Durability
Almandin garnets are renowned for their exceptional hardness, making them more resilient against scratches and wear compared to other gemstones. This durability ensures that jewelry made with almandin can withstand daily use, retaining its beauty and value over time.

2. Vibrant Color
The deep red hue of almandin is unmatched in its intensity and richness. This vibrant color sets it apart from other garnets, offering a captivating allure that is both rare and sought after in the world of gemstones. Its unique shade contributes to its popularity in both vintage and contemporary jewelry designs.

3. Therapeutic Properties
Beyond its physical beauty, almandin is believed to hold various therapeutic properties. It is said to promote self-confidence, alleviate stress, and encourage a positive outlook. These qualities make almandin not just a visual treasure but also a gemstone with meaningful personal benefits.

4. Cost-Effective Alternative
Compared to other red gemstones like rubies, almandin offers a more affordable option without compromising on aesthetics or quality. Its availability and affordability make it an excellent choice for those seeking the luxury of a red gemstone on a budget.

How to select right Almandin supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Quality Assurance
Ensure the supplier offers high-quality Almandin with certifications or quality assurance processes in place to guarantee the standard of their products.

2. Pricing Structure
Compare the pricing models of different suppliers to ensure competitive rates without compromising on quality. Look for transparency in pricing to avoid hidden costs.

3. Supply Chain Reliability
Assess the reliability of the supplier’s supply chain, including their ability to meet deadlines and manage logistics efficiently to prevent delays.

4. Customization Capabilities
Verify whether the supplier can offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements for Almandin, including size, cut, and processing methods.

5. Environmental and Ethical Standards
Check the supplier's commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing practices to ensure that the Almandin is sourced responsibly.

6. Customer Service and Support
Evaluate the level of customer service provided, including responsiveness, after-sales support, and the ability to address issues promptly and effectively.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Almandin?

Almandin, a versatile material, finds its application across multiple industries, proving indispensable for businesses seeking innovative solutions. In the electronics industry, Almandin garners attention for its role in manufacturing semiconductors. Its unique properties facilitate the production of components with enhanced durability and efficiency, meeting the growing demand for high-performance electronic devices. The automotive sector benefits significantly from Almandin, especially in the development of lightweight and robust vehicle components. Its application in manufacturing brake pads and other critical parts not only reduces the overall weight of vehicles but also improves their safety and longevity. This adaptation is crucial for automotive companies aiming to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, Almandin's influence extends to the renewable energy industry, where it serves as a key component in the production of photovoltaic cells. Its ability to withstand extreme conditions without degrading makes it ideal for solar panels, contributing to more efficient and sustainable energy solutions. This application supports the industry's efforts in moving towards greener energy alternatives, marking Almandin as a pivotal material in advancing renewable energy technologies. Each use case underscores Almandin's role in driving innovation and sustainability across industries, highlighting its importance in the B2B sector.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Almandin

As of my last update, "Almandin" is a term that primarily refers to a type of garnet, rather than a technology or innovation, which makes it challenging to assign a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) in the context typically used for assessing the maturity of technologies. The TRL system, developed by NASA and widely adopted across various industries, is designed to evaluate the development stage of a technology, from conceptual (TRL 1) to fully deployed (TRL 9). Since almandin garnet is a naturally occurring mineral rather than a technology, it does not progress through these development stages. However, technologies or processes developed for the mining, processing, and application of almandin in industries such as abrasives, water filtration, and jewelry could be assessed for TRL. For example, if a new extraction method or innovative use for almandin garnet were developed, its TRL would depend on factors such as the method's proof of concept, prototype testing, and integration into operational environments. The specific TRL would reflect the maturity of that particular technology, focusing on technical achievements and validations rather than the mineral itself.

What is the Technology Forecast of Almandin?

In the short-term, Almandin is set to experience significant enhancements in data processing capabilities. The introduction of more advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques is expected to streamline operations, offering quicker and more accurate data analyses. This phase emphasizes improving efficiency and reducing operational costs, which will be pivotal for small and medium enterprises seeking to leverage Almandin's technology for competitive advantage. Mid-term developments for Almandin concentrate on integrating blockchain technology to bolster security and transparency across its platforms. This move is anticipated to attract a broader spectrum of clients, particularly in sectors where data integrity is paramount. Additionally, the adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications within Almandin's ecosystem is projected to facilitate more secure and efficient transactions, setting a new standard for digital commerce. Looking into the long-term, Almandin aims to pioneer the utilization of quantum computing to solve complex problems that are currently beyond the reach of traditional computing methods. This ambitious endeavor is expected not only to revolutionize data encryption but also to significantly accelerate computational tasks across various industries. As Almandin strides towards this technological frontier, it is poised to unlock new possibilities in scientific research, drug discovery, and artificial intelligence, marking a new era of innovation and growth.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Almandin Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Almandin

Based on our calculations related technologies to Almandin are Glass, Superconductors, High-Performance Materials, Raw Materials, Phase Change Materials

The most represented industries which are working in Almandin are Other, IT, Software and Services, Mining, Construction, Finance and Insurance

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