Electroactive Polymer
Electroactive Polymer

Top Electroactive Polymer Companies

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5 companies for Electroactive Polymer

PiezoTech Arkema's Logo

Pierre-Bénite, France

1-10 Employees

Piezotech® FC is a range of P(VDF-TrFE) fluorinated copolymers. Piezotech® FC copolymers are an excellent choice for sensors, energy harvesting, actuators, speakers, ferroelectric memories. Piezotech® RT is a range of P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) and P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) terpolymers. Piezotech® RT terpolymers are particularly advantageous for high-k dielectrics in OTFT, actuators, and electrocaloric devices. Join Arkema-Piezotech at LOPEC, the world's leading exhibition for flexible, organic and printed electronics. Arkema produces and markets electroactive polymers Piezotech®, in the form of powders, inks or films. Trade show dedicated to composite materials and their applications.



Image for Electroactive Polymer | Electroactive Ink | Arkema Piezotech

Electroactive Polymer | Electroactive Ink | Arkema Piezotech

... Electroactive Polymer | Electroactive Ink | Arkema ...

Verified Market Research's Logo

Boonton, United States

51-100 Employees


We deliver market research reports on time everytime. We are always dedicated to turn decisions into actions. We deliver best in-class market research reports in addition to consultancy services. We are known for custom research studies on diverse markets. We diffuse all our services for enabling a hassle-free and centralized market research solution for all kinds of needs. With a team of 500+ Analysts and subject matter experts, VMR leverages internationally recognized research methodologies for data collection and analysis, covering over 15,000 high impact and niche markets. This robust team ensures data integrity and offers insights that are both informative and actionable, tailored to the strategic needs of businesses across various industries. Verified Market Research® is also a member of ESOMAR, an organization renowned for setting the benchmark in ethical and professional standards in market research.



Image for Global Electroactive Polymer Market Size By Type (Conductive Plastic, Inherently Conductive Polymer, Inherently Dissipative Polymer), By Application (ESD Protection, EMI Shielding, Actuators), By Geographic Scope And Forecast

Global Electroactive Polymer Market Size By Type (Conductive Plastic, Inherently Conductive Polymer, Inherently Dissipative Polymer), By Application (ESD Protection, EMI Shielding, Actuators), By Geographic Scope And Forecast

... Global Electroactive Polymer Market Size By Type (Conductive Plastic, Inherently Conductive Polymer, Inherently Dissipative Polymer), By Application (ESD Protection, EMI Shielding, Actuators), By Geographic Scope And ...

Lambson's Logo

11-50 Employees


See also our plants, R&D centers & offices. Join us to discover our portfolio of solutions for inside and oustide the battery cell. Join us to discover our portfolio of solutions for 3D Printing applications. Find and compare our resins and photoinitiators by trademark, chemical or common name, CAS, technical data and more... Browse our library of brochures, flyers, technical presentations, expert articles, and more.



Image for Piezotech®: electroactive polymers for printed organic electronics - Arkema Group | Arkema Sartomer

Piezotech®: electroactive polymers for printed organic electronics - Arkema Group | Arkema Sartomer

... Piezotech®, subsidiary of Arkema, develops and produces P(VDF-TrFE) piezoelectric and P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) electroactive polymers for printed organic electronics, wearable, internet of things and printed electronics. ...

Nanoxeed's Logo



Image for 接触式変位センサ EDS Electroactive Polymers 電場応答性高分子 | ナノシード|NANOXEED

接触式変位センサ EDS Electroactive Polymers 電場応答性高分子 | ナノシード|NANOXEED

... 接触式変位センサ EDSは、電場応答性高分子(Electroactive Polymers)を利用した新しい素材の製品です。産業分野において利用できます。従来の変位センサ(LVDT、ポテンショメーター、リニアエンコーダ)とは異なり、素材はゴム製であり、3方向すべてで伸縮可能であるため、設置や操作のずれを許容しながら変位を測定できます。用途は、ファクトリーオートメーション、構造ヘルスモニタリングなどの用途があります。EDSは、デンマークElastiSense社の製品です。 ...

Datwyler Holding's Logo

5001-10000 Employees


At Datwyler, everyone contributes to our shared success – no matter what they do, where they come from or how much responsibility they have. And: We are very competitive and love winning. That is why at Datwyler we uphold a code of conduct and are members of the UN Global Compact. We are accountable for our results and passionate to deliver. We are competitive and we love to win. We are aware of our personal contribution to the company's success. Datwyler’s large portfolio of battery seals and thermal and electrical conductive components for vehicles combines safety and performance for the highest level of thermal management. Datwyler has developed its own film coating technology, becoming the first and sole supplier capable of offering both film and spray fluoropolymer coating technologies for elastomeric closures.



Core business
Image for Advanced technologies | Datwyler

Advanced technologies | Datwyler

... Swiss partners aim to stack the deck on electroactive polymers. ...

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Facts about those Electroactive Polymer Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Electroactive Polymer

Country with most fitting companiesFrance
Amount of fitting manufacturers4
Amount of suitable service providers4
Average amount of employees51-100
Oldest suiting company1920
Youngest suiting company2017

Things to know about Electroactive Polymer

What is Electroactive Polymer?

An Electroactive Polymer (EAP) is a class of polymers that exhibit a change in size or shape when stimulated by an electric field. This unique characteristic stems from their molecular structure, which allows them to respond dynamically to electrical input. EAPs can be broadly categorized into two main types: ionic and electronic. Ionic EAPs require the movement of ions within the polymer matrix to function, whereas electronic EAPs rely on the mobility of electrons. Their ability to mimic the action of natural muscle fibers—contracting, expanding, and bending in response to electrical stimuli—makes them particularly valuable in the development of artificial muscles, sensors, and actuators. This flexibility and responsiveness to electrical stimulation enable the creation of more lifelike and responsive robots, advanced medical devices, and innovative haptic feedback systems. The impact of EAPs within their field is profound, as they open up new possibilities in robotics, biomedical engineering, and wearable technology. Their lightweight, low power consumption, and high power-to-weight ratio offer significant advantages over traditional electromechanical systems, potentially revolutionizing how machines interact with their environment and how devices are designed to interface with the human body. As research into the properties and applications of EAPs continues to advance, their role in driving innovation across multiple disciplines is expected to grow, underscoring their importance in the future of technology.

Advantages of Electroactive Polymer

1. Flexibility and Lightweight
Electroactive polymers (EAPs) stand out for their exceptional flexibility and lightweight nature. Unlike traditional materials used in actuators and sensors, EAPs can easily be molded into various shapes and sizes, accommodating intricate designs without adding significant weight. This advantage makes them particularly suitable for applications where space and weight are critical constraints, such as in aerospace or wearable technology.

2. High Energy Efficiency
Another significant advantage of EAPs is their high energy efficiency. They require relatively low power to operate, making them an excellent choice for battery-powered devices. Their efficiency is a direct result of their unique ability to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (and vice versa) with minimal energy loss, which is a stark contrast to some traditional materials that suffer from higher energy dissipation.

3. Robust Durability
EAPs are known for their robust durability. They can withstand significant environmental stresses, including temperature variations and mechanical impacts, without degrading in performance. This durability extends the lifespan of devices that incorporate EAPs, reducing the need for frequent replacements and thereby offering a more sustainable option.

4. Sensitivity and Precision
Lastly, the sensitivity and precision of EAPs in detecting mechanical changes are unparalleled. This makes them incredibly useful in applications requiring fine control and accurate sensing, such as in medical devices and robotics. Their ability to respond to the slightest changes ensures high-performance levels in applications where precision is paramount.

How to select right Electroactive Polymer supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Material Quality
Ensure the electroactive polymer materials meet industry standards for durability, flexibility, and electrical conductivity. High-quality materials are crucial for the performance and longevity of your application.

2. Customization Capabilities
Verify if the supplier can provide customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements, including thickness, shape, and electrical properties.

3. Production Capacity
Assess the supplier's ability to meet your demand, especially for large-scale projects. Consider their lead times and scalability.

4. Technical Support
Evaluate the level of technical support offered, including assistance with design, integration, and troubleshooting. Good support can significantly impact the success of your project.

5. Cost Effectiveness
Consider the overall cost, including the price of the materials, shipping, and potential customization. Finding a balance between quality and cost is essential.

6. Sustainability Practices
Investigate the supplier's commitment to sustainability, including their use of eco-friendly materials and production processes. This aspect is increasingly important for modern consumers and businesses.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Electroactive Polymer?

Electroactive polymers (EAPs) find significant application in the automotive industry, particularly in developing sensors and actuators that are lightweight, flexible, and highly responsive. These materials are integral to enhancing vehicle safety systems and improving the tactile response of touch-sensitive surfaces, contributing to the advanced user interface design in modern vehicles. In the medical field, EAPs play a critical role in creating innovative medical devices. Their flexibility and ability to mimic natural muscle movements make them ideal for prosthetics and orthotics, offering users more natural and comfortable movements. Additionally, they are used in drug delivery systems, where precise control over the release of medication can significantly improve patient outcomes. The aerospace sector benefits from EAPs through the development of morphing wings and actuation systems. These applications allow for real-time adjustments to wing shapes, improving aerodynamic efficiency and reducing fuel consumption. The lightweight nature of EAPs also contributes to overall weight reduction, further enhancing fuel efficiency. In robotics, EAPs are utilized to develop soft robots that exhibit a high degree of flexibility and adaptability. These robots can navigate through tight spaces and handle delicate objects with a level of precision hard to achieve with traditional materials, opening new possibilities in automated manufacturing and exploration. These diverse applications highlight the versatility and potential of electroactive polymers across various industries, underscoring their importance in driving innovation and efficiency improvements in B2B contexts.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Electroactive Polymer

Electroactive polymers (EAPs) have garnered significant attention in recent years, positioning themselves predominantly at TRLs 4 to 6, indicative of their transition from small-scale validation to integrations in relevant environments. This classification stems from the technical advancements and challenges that underscore their development. On the one hand, EAPs have demonstrated substantial promise in laboratory settings, showcasing their potential for revolutionizing sectors like robotics, biomedical devices, and energy harvesting due to their inherent flexibility, efficiency, and responsiveness to electrical stimuli. These capabilities underscore their leap from basic principles to proof-of-concept models. However, the journey towards higher TRLs is tempered by technical hurdles, notably concerning their scalability, durability under operational stresses, and integration into existing systems. The materials' sensitivity to environmental factors and the complexity of fabricating EAP-based devices with consistent performance across varied applications further complicate their ascent to widespread commercialization. Additionally, the development of effective and reliable control systems for EAPs remains an ongoing challenge. Collectively, these technical challenges delineate the current TRL positioning of electroactive polymers, reflecting both their proven potential and the technical intricacies that must be navigated to fully realize their application across industries.

What is the Technology Forecast of Electroactive Polymer?

In the Short-Term, electroactive polymers (EAPs) are anticipated to see significant enhancements in energy efficiency and power output. Innovations in material composition and processing techniques will lead to EAPs that are more responsive at lower voltages, increasing their suitability for small-scale, low-power applications such as wearable electronics and soft robotics. These advancements will also contribute to a reduction in production costs, making EAPs more accessible for a broader range of applications. Moving into the Mid-Term, developments are expected to focus on the integration of EAPs with other smart materials to create highly adaptive systems. These systems will be capable of real-time environmental sensing and response, finding applications in advanced prosthetics, adaptive optics, and smart textiles. The emphasis will also be on improving the durability and longevity of EAP devices, thereby enhancing their commercial viability and user experience in more demanding operational conditions. In the Long-Term, the horizon looks toward the convergence of EAP technology with biotechnology and nanotechnology, leading to groundbreaking applications in bioelectronics and medicine. Innovations could include bio-compatible actuators for minimally invasive surgery and drug delivery systems, as well as EAP-based muscle and tissue replacements. This period will likely witness the emergence of EAPs capable of mimicking complex biological functions, opening new frontiers in regenerative medicine and artificial organs.

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