
Top Hydrogen Fuel Cell Companies

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328 companies for Hydrogen Fuel Cell

hytern's Logo


West Perth, Australia

1-10 Employees


Like the Arctic tern, hytern will reach the furthest and fly the longest than any other known commercial drone. The heart of the hytern propulsion system is a hydrogen Proton Exchange Fuel Cell (PEMFC) . The hytern fuel-cell is optimised for long-range and high endurance airborne applications. Technology adoption is a significant step towards addressing some of the challenges of living and working in regional and remote Australia. Born out of the cooperation of experts in hydrogen propulsion, drones and radio communications, hytern is set to be another Australian first. Hydrogen fuel-cell propulsion offers a four-fold increase in endurance against battery power and internal combustion engines, whilst producing no greenhouse emissions or pollutants. Inspired by the arctic tern, hytern will fly the longest over unmatched distances, with a zero carbon footprint.

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hytern | Hydrogen fuel cell long-range drone

... | Hydrogen fuel cell long-range ...

SMB7 NATURAL RESOURCES Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Vehicles's Logo

SMB7 NATURAL RESOURCES Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Vehicles

Houston, United States

251-500 Employees


The infrastructure of hydrogen pipeline transport, points of hydrogen production and hydrogen stations for distribution as well as the sale of hydrogen fuel, and thus a crucial prerequisite before a successful commercialization of automotive fuel cell technology. Our marketing experts are ready to assist you in developing a marketing plan that drives your business. Water , H20 is the combination of element Hydrogen, H2 and Oxygen, O. This is also the same ratio the word "sea" and word "land" appear in the Quran. "sea" 32 times and "land" 13 times.

Core business

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Vehicles

... Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Vehicles - SMB7 NATURAL ...

Haskel Australasia Pty Ltd's Logo

Haskel Australasia Pty Ltd


11-50 Employees


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Hydrogen Compression, Transfer & Storage Solution at Hydrogen Fuel Cells North America

... , Transfer & Storage Solution at Hydrogen Fuel Cells North ...



Crofton, United States

1-10 Employees


GenCell’s EVOX™ is a disruptive technology that fills this gap. Fueled by zero-emission hydrogen and ammonia, EVOX™ ensures charging stations keep running 24/7, providing reliable, fast charging to multiple vehicles.

Core business



Okazaki Manufacturing's Logo

Okazaki Manufacturing

Cardiff, United Kingdom

251-500 Employees


We are proud of our heritage and history and have been a trusted supplier to customers throughout the world for over 50 years. We manufacture a comprehensive range of metal sheathed MI cables with an operating range from 1.5 K to 2200°C. We are proud of the work that our engineers do to bring the latest technological advances. Covering a temperature range from -269°c to +2,200°c our products can be used in the harshest of conditions. Okazaki’s range of electric heating systems is constructed using the company’s own manufactured mineral insulated cables. Okazaki Manufacturing Company is a world leader in the supply of temperature sensors & heater products operating from manufacturing sites in Japan, Taiwan & USA. Our experience has been built up over the last 60 years, and we are totally committed to working in partnership with our customers to meet their demanding requirements. Through continuous development in product design and investment into the latest, cutting edge technologies, we will maintain our market-leading position and continue to provide our customers with the next generation of temperature sensors & heaters.

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Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Expo 2021

... Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Expo ...'s Logo

Delft, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


The zepp.Y50 fuel cell system offers a unique level of integration at industry leading power density. The zepp.X150 fuel cell system has been designed with a modular power system in mind. is specialised in the development, production and integration of fully integrated hydrogen fuel cell systems. also supports concepts and projects with its consulting and engineering services. A marinised version is available as the X150-M. The X150 is now available for pre-ordering, the first deliveries are expected mid-2024. Europa is the first hydrogen-powered truck that doesn’t require compromises. But unlike diesel trucks, Europa is 100% emission-free, making it the ideal choice for companies looking to reduce their environmental impact..


Technology - hydrogen fuel cell systems

... Hydrogen fuel cell technology has major advantages over its market ...

CellImpact's Logo


Karlskoga, Sweden

11-50 Employees


A world leading manufacturer of customised bipolar flow plates for hydrogen fuel cells. With a growing list of global customers and over 50 completed projects, we are the premier bipolar flow plate manufacturer in the world. We will improve plate design and fully prepare it for manufacturing. At the production site in Karlskoga, we offer prototypes to high-volume manufacturing. We offer state-of-the-art leak testing, cleaning options and advanced measurement instruments.

Core business

Flow plates for hydrogen fuel cells

... Flow plates for hydrogen fuel cells ...

EH Group Engineering's Logo

EH Group Engineering

Renens, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


The leader in hydrogen fuel cell technologies and services. Simplified system architecture means fewer parasitic loads, lower costs and much higher efficiency. Entirely new concept of fuel cell stack design and production enables high micro-precision and significantly lower production costs. Inherent design scalability allows for deployments from 5kW - 300kW mobile applications and up to MW level on a single stack platform. Fuel cells are devices that electrochemically combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, water, and heat.


Hydrogen Fuel Cells

... Hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fuel cell ...

Soguard's Logo


Truro, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We specialise in Hydrogen technology, production and installation equipment. Find out more about creating a UK Hydrogen Production Network. Hydrogen is the most readily available source of energy in the Universe, to use Hydrogen as a source of energy you need to separate hydrogen from other elements which is achieved by using electrical energy created from other clean power sources. The hydrogen production goes through a process called electrolysis passing water through the unit and extracting hydrogen in fuel-grade volumes from 185 Kg per 24 Hour cycle. We can be a consultant for your hydrogen production. From the oil well, through processing, delivery, and use, petrol is only 20% efficient, Petrol and Diesel vehicles have harmful exhaust pollutants which cause carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and carbon particles to enter the atmosphere. Cars that are built to use electricity to run and are only 87% efficient, the substances used to manufacture the batteries are poison, and people have died mining the materials. It is fueled with cleanly produced hydrogen, with special delivery pumps at a clean, safe environment.

Core business

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles.

... Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles. ...

NAWA Technologies's Logo

NAWA Technologies

Rousset, France

11-50 Employees


NAWA Technologies was founded by Dr Pascal Boulanger and Ludovic Eveillard using a technology from the CEA with a focus on VACNT (Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes) production for electrodes. NAWA Technologies achieved first production of VACNT roll-to-roll double sided on aluminum foil. NAWA Technologies achieves world record in VACNT synthesis with VACNT production on 90 cm width foil. NAWA’s innovation is based on an innovative approach to the nanometric-scale manufacture of an electrode combining NAWA’s 3D nanocarbon and nanoplatinum. Nawa aims to focus on the composites and hydrogen markets and to set up high-capacity production lines.

Core business

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

... Hydrogen Fuel Cells ...

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Insights about the Hydrogen Fuel Cell results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers1470
Amount of suitable service providers1059
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1999
Youngest suiting company2019

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Things to know about Hydrogen Fuel Cell

What is Hydrogen Fuel Cell?

A hydrogen fuel cell is an electrochemical power generator that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, water, and heat without combustion. At its core, this technology relies on a simple chemical reaction where hydrogen acts as the fuel, oxygen (from air) as the oxidizer, and the fuel cell as the environment where the reaction takes place. Unlike conventional batteries that require recharging, a hydrogen fuel cell continuously generates electricity as long as fuel is supplied, making it a compelling solution for sustainable energy needs. Its significance in the energy sector is profound, offering a clean, efficient alternative to fossil fuels across transportation, stationary power, and portable applications. The adoption of hydrogen fuel cells can dramatically reduce carbon emissions, contributing significantly to efforts against climate change. Furthermore, its versatility and energy efficiency make it a pivotal element in the transition towards a more sustainable, zero-emission society. The potential impact of hydrogen fuel cells extends beyond environmental benefits; it also promises to revolutionize industries by providing a reliable, abundant source of clean energy, thereby fostering economic growth and innovation in green technologies.

Advantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cell

1. Eco-Friendliness
Hydrogen fuel cells emit only water vapor and warm air as byproducts, making them far more environmentally friendly compared to fossil fuel-based energy sources. This significant reduction in harmful emissions is crucial in the fight against climate change and air pollution.

2. Energy Efficiency
Hydrogen fuel cells are remarkably efficient, capable of converting up to 60% of the fuel's energy directly into electrical power. In comparison, traditional combustion engines typically achieve only 20-25% energy conversion efficiency. This higher efficiency translates into better fuel economy and longer range for vehicles powered by hydrogen.

3. Renewable Source
Hydrogen can be produced from various renewable sources, such as water, organic biomass, and even waste materials. This versatility ensures a sustainable and potentially inexhaustible supply of hydrogen fuel, making it a key player in the transition to a clean, renewable energy future.

4. Quiet Operation
Vehicles and generators powered by hydrogen fuel cells operate much more quietly than their gasoline or diesel counterparts. This reduction in noise pollution is particularly beneficial in urban settings, contributing to a more pleasant and less stressful environment.

How to select right Hydrogen Fuel Cell supplier?

1. Energy Efficiency
Assess the energy conversion efficiency of the hydrogen fuel cell. High efficiency means more energy output from the same amount of hydrogen, making the system cost-effective in the long run.

2. Durability and Lifespan
Consider the durability of the cell and its components. A longer lifespan reduces the need for frequent replacements and maintenance, contributing to lower operational costs.

3. Operational Temperature Range
Check the operational temperature range. Some cells operate efficiently only within specific temperature ranges, which might be crucial depending on your application's environment.

4. System Compatibility
Ensure the hydrogen fuel cell is compatible with your existing systems. Compatibility reduces the complexity and cost of integration.

5. Cost-effectiveness
Evaluate the overall cost, including initial investment, maintenance, and operational costs. A supplier offering competitive pricing without compromising on quality and efficiency should be preferred.

6. Supplier's Experience and Reliability
Consider the supplier's experience in the industry and their track record. Reliable suppliers with proven expertise are more likely to deliver high-quality and innovative solutions.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Hydrogen Fuel Cell?

Hydrogen fuel cells are gaining traction across multiple industries, showcasing versatility and sustainability. In the automotive sector, they serve as a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, powering vehicles with only water vapor as a byproduct. This technology is particularly appealing for fleets of commercial vehicles, where it can significantly reduce carbon footprints and operational costs. The manufacturing industry benefits from hydrogen fuel cells by utilizing them as a reliable power source for equipment and operations. They offer a constant energy supply, crucial for high-demand manufacturing processes, reducing downtime and enhancing productivity. This reliability also extends to backup power solutions, where hydrogen fuel cells provide emergency electricity for critical operations, ensuring continuity even during power outages. In the realm of logistics and distribution, hydrogen fuel cells are revolutionizing warehouse operations. They are used to power forklifts and other material handling equipment, offering faster refueling times and longer operational periods compared to traditional battery-powered alternatives. This efficiency boost aids in managing larger volumes of goods with reduced environmental impact. Lastly, the telecommunications industry employs hydrogen fuel cells as backup power sources for cell towers. This application ensures uninterrupted service, crucial during natural disasters or power outages, highlighting the resilience and reliability of hydrogen fuel cells as a sustainable energy solution across various B2B contexts.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Hydrogen fuel cells, as of the latest assessments, are predominantly positioned at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8, which signifies that the actual technology has been proven to work in its final form under expected conditions. This classification comes after years of research, development, and testing, which have led to the successful demonstration of hydrogen fuel cells in various applications, including transportation, stationary power generation, and portable power devices. The elevation to TRL 8 is primarily due to the significant advancements in membrane electrode assembly (MEA) technology, which have improved efficiency and durability while reducing costs. Additionally, breakthroughs in hydrogen production, particularly through electrolysis and steam reforming of natural gas, have made the fuel more accessible and sustainable. However, the technology has not universally reached TRL 9, which would indicate wide commercial deployment, due to remaining challenges. These include the high cost of platinum catalysts, the need for further improvements in durability under cycling conditions, and the development of a more robust hydrogen refueling infrastructure. Despite these hurdles, the ongoing investments in research and development, coupled with increasing governmental support and policy incentives, continue to push the boundaries, aiming to overcome these obstacles and fully commercialize hydrogen fuel cell technology.

What is the Technology Forecast of Hydrogen Fuel Cell?

In the short-term, hydrogen fuel cell technology is poised for significant efficiency improvements and cost reductions. Researchers are focusing on developing more durable and cheaper catalysts that do not rely heavily on expensive materials like platinum. Breakthroughs in membrane technology are also expected, aiming to enhance the fuel cells' efficiency and longevity, while startups and established companies alike are scaling up production to meet increasing demand from sectors like transportation and stationary power generation. Moving into the mid-term, the integration of hydrogen fuel cells into broader energy systems will become more prevalent. This phase will witness the establishment of comprehensive hydrogen infrastructure, including large-scale production, storage, and distribution networks. Technological advancements will facilitate the use of green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of hydrogen fuel cell applications. Additionally, we'll see an expansion in the application of hydrogen fuel cells, from powering larger vehicles, like trucks and buses, to being used in maritime and possibly aviation sectors. In the long-term, hydrogen fuel cells are expected to play a pivotal role in achieving global decarbonization goals. Technological innovation will usher in a new era of highly efficient, zero-emission fuel cells with widespread use across various industries, including heavy industry and residential heating. The development of global hydrogen economies will support the transition to sustainable energy systems, with hydrogen fuel cells at the heart of energy storage and conversion, providing a clean, reliable, and versatile power source for a wide range of applications.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Hydrogen Fuel Cell Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Hydrogen Fuel Cell are Water/Ocean Cleaning Technologies, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Fashion, Smart Grid

The most represented industries which are working in Hydrogen Fuel Cell are Oil, Energy and Gas, Other, Electronics and Electrical engineering, Automotive, Manufacturing

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