
Top Tinplate Companies

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242 companies for Tinplate

Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV's Logo

Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV

Dordrecht, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


We are a supplier/trader/stockholder of secondary tin mill products like electrolytic tinplate (ETP), tin free steel (ECCS) and blackplate. We are an expert in secondary tinplate products like electrolytic tinplate (ETP), blackplate (TMBP) and tin free steel (ECCS). Nicomet Tinplate/Steel is a family company founded in 1968 by 1st generation J.W. Nicomet Tinplate is well known because of their good service and fast deliveries. Our diverse network of steel mill partnerships enables us to offer the most competitive products to meet your requirements.


Misprints | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel

... Nicomet Tinplate has the following secondary tinplate misprints available: ...

Taylor Davis Ltd's Logo

Taylor Davis Ltd

Westbury, United Kingdom

251-500 Employees


At Taylor Davis, we provide the widest range of high quality metal and plastic containers in the UK. At Taylor Davis we offer a variety of small volume round and rectangular pots and tubs, these are one of our most popular ranges. Suitable for a range of products: Sweets & chocolates, cooking ingredients, general storage, wedding favours, powdered baking products.


Tapered Tinplate Pails – 16 Litre

... 16 Litre Tapered Tinplate Pails | Tinplate Pails | Taylor ...

Pkvosecondhandstore's Logo


Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium

1-10 Employees


Our mission is to grow on a steady base and to offer an ever increasing diversity. On antique and flea markets we are looking especially for the smaller odds and ends, industrial, ordinary and unusual items.


Tinplate port

... Tinplate port - manufactured by Joustra / France - Toy is in fairly good condition - Winding mechanism crane controls a in working ...

Isovation's Logo


Avignon, France

11-50 Employees


ISOVATION est le spécialiste des solutions isothermes autonomes et de la chaîne du froid. Isovation crée chaque année des centaines de solutions isothermes sur mesure pour ses clients, en s’adaptant à leur cahier des charges et en garantissant une solution innovante permettant le maintien de la chaîne du froid.


CODE 369 – Tinplate drum 200ml

... 200ml tinplate drum with lacquer lining, 19mm bung. Each of our tinplate drums are pressure tested to 100 kpa and controlled testing is carried out under […] ...



Hull, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


RLM Packaging manufactures a wide range of general-line tin containers for a variety of applications including paint, lubricants, food, adhesives and chemicals. We offer a full suite of bespoke printed metal packaging solutions, and can assist with the design and preparation of print-ready media. Flexibility is the key to our success, which is why we're more than happy to manufacture both large and small production runs. After more than 60 years in the industry, RLM Packaging remains a leading independent force in the metal packaging market.


Tinplate Drum Containers Metal Drums with Berg/Din & Rel Closures.

... Metal Drums - Berg Din & Rel - RLM Packaging - Manufacturers of Tinplate Metal ...

Paul Pinsel KG's Logo

Paul Pinsel KG

Nuremberg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir haben langjährige Einkaufsbeziehungen zu führenden Weißblech- und Stahlherstellern auf der ganzen Welt. Anfangs als reiner Stahlhandel tätig, wurde das Spektrum der Produkte und Services stetig erweitert. Dies und unsere langjährigen Beziehungen zu den führenden Herstellern ermöglichen es uns, flexibel und schnell auf jegliche Kundenwünsche einzugehen.

Core business

Paul Pinsel KG - Custom tinplate

... Your specialist for custom tinplates in Nuremberg offers services for tinplates, tinplate strips, tinplate sheets, contract cutting and contract splitting. ...

Divertimenti Ltd's Logo

Divertimenti Ltd

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We are the exclusive stockist of Yaxell, Japanese knives in the UK.


Birkmann Tinplate Cookie Cutter - &

... Shop the Birkmann Tinplate Cookie Cutter - & from Divertimenti and get Free Shipping on All Orders over £50. Divertimenti est. 1963 Providing the UK with the best hand-selected Kitchenware, Tableware, Bakeware, Knives, Tools & Electrical' ...

The American Metal-Packaging Company's Logo

The American Metal-Packaging Company

Medellín, Colombia

11-50 Employees


TamPack® is a trading, processing and distribution company located in Colombia. It is part of SteelFORCE Group and it aims to gain a leading role in the American supplies of raw materials for the metal-packaging industry. Local engineering assistance to provide technical recommendations through standard processes, and promote product innovation through technical insights. Product selection enables quality, production efficiencies and price competitiveness.

Core business

The reliable supplier of tinplate and tin free steel in America

... The reliable supplier of tinplate and tin free steel in ...

Tinplate's Logo


Moreton Pinkney, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Your products are special so your tin needs to delight, whether that be candle tins, custom tins, biscuit tins or gift packaging . There’s even a good chance you’ve held one of our tin products in your hands. We thank all the team at Tinplate for their continuous effort and exceptional contributions towards our NPD process and for helping us continue to delight our customers with beautiful products. We go to extraordinary lengths so your tin products reach your customers in the best quality packaging available. We’ll tool, create, and manufacture impeccable custom tins to your exact bespoke tin plate specification. Sustainability is a mandatory factor to consider when designing packaging for food in 2023.


Take A Look At Some Of Our Work | Portfolio - Tinplate

... Take A Look At Some Of Our Work | Portfolio - Tinplate ...

Junkaholic Vintage's Logo

Junkaholic Vintage

Boston, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees



Rare Push Along Mobo Tinplate Canoe

... Rare tinplate toy . There isn’t many of these about ! Maybe it’s because like many Mobo toys , they never seem to work as efficiently as they are supposed to, or they didn’t sell many because the rowers look like evil clowns on a mission to catch you on your rented pedalo?? Who knows? But as you can see it has wear ...

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Insights about the Tinplate results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Tinplate

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers1337
Amount of suitable service providers1079
Average amount of employees51-100
Oldest suiting company1909
Youngest suiting company2019

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Tinplate

What is Tinplate?

Tinplate is a thin steel sheet coated with a thin layer of tin, a process that combines the strength and malleability of steel with the corrosion resistance of tin. This material is notable for its durability, non-toxicity, and ability to be recycled, making it a preferred choice in various industries, notably in food packaging, where it helps preserve food quality and extend shelf life. In addition to its widespread use in the production of cans and containers, tinplate's aesthetic appeal and resistance to corrosion have also made it a popular choice in the manufacturing of decorative items and in sectors requiring packaging with protective as well as visual appeal, such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The production of tinplate involves a meticulous process of cleaning and annealing the steel, followed by electroplating or hot-dipping in molten tin. This process not only enhances the steel's physical properties but also imparts a shiny, smooth surface finish. The ability of tinplate to be soldered ensures airtight seals for containers, further protecting the contents from contamination and spoilage. Its role in supporting sustainability goals is underscored by its high recyclability rate, which contributes significantly to reducing waste and conserving resources in the global supply chain. As such, tinplate embodies a critical intersection of functionality, environmental responsibility, and innovation within the materials science and packaging industries.

Advantages of Tinplate

1. High Durability
Tinplate boasts exceptional durability, which makes it highly resistant to physical damage and corrosion. This characteristic ensures that products packaged in tinplate can withstand harsh conditions during transportation and storage, significantly reducing the risk of spoilage or damage.

2. Recyclability
One of the most compelling benefits of tinplate is its superb recyclability. Unlike many other materials, tinplate can be recycled repeatedly without loss of quality. This feature not only conserves natural resources but also reduces waste, aligning with sustainable practices and eco-friendly initiatives.

3. Cost-Effectiveness
Tinplate offers a cost-effective solution for packaging needs. Its production and recycling processes are economically efficient, providing a budget-friendly option for manufacturers. Additionally, the material's long shelf life and durability contribute to reduced costs over time, as the need for replacements or repairs is minimized.

4. Excellent Barrier Properties
Tinplate serves as an excellent barrier against air, moisture, and light, key factors that contribute to product degradation. By effectively blocking these elements, tinplate packaging preserves the freshness and quality of its contents, extending shelf life and maintaining product integrity.

How to select right Tinplate supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Quality of Material
Ensure the tinplate meets industry standards for thickness, temper, and coating. High-quality material is crucial for product durability and safety.

2. Production Capacity
Verify the supplier's ability to meet your volume requirements without compromising quality, especially for large or recurring orders.

3. Cost Efficiency
Compare pricing among suppliers to find competitive rates, but also consider the long-term value and potential for cost savings through efficiency or bulk purchasing.

4. Supply Chain Reliability
Assess the robustness of the supplier's logistics and delivery systems. A reliable supply chain minimizes the risk of delays or disruptions.

5. Compliance with Regulations
Confirm that the supplier adheres to relevant environmental and safety regulations. Compliance is critical for legal operation and market acceptance.

6. Technical Support and Customer Service
Evaluate the supplier's ability to provide technical assistance and responsive customer service, which can be invaluable for resolving issues or optimizing product use.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Tinplate?

Tinplate, a thin steel sheet coated with tin, finds extensive applications in the packaging industry, primarily for food and beverages. This material is favored for its excellent corrosion resistance, enhancing the shelf life of products. Canned foods, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages are some of the common items packaged using tinplate, benefiting from its non-toxic nature and ability to preserve flavor and nutritional value. Another significant application of tinplate is in the manufacturing of containers and closures. This includes paint cans, aerosol cans, and various types of closures and caps used across industries. The material's strength and malleability make it ideal for shaping into durable containers that protect contents from contamination and external damage, ensuring product integrity. Furthermore, tinplate is utilized in the automotive industry, particularly in the production of fuel tanks and other critical components. Its resistance to corrosion and ability to withstand extreme conditions without degrading make tinplate a reliable choice for parts that demand longevity and performance. Electronics manufacturers also incorporate tinplate in the fabrication of components like connectors, shielding cases, and various small parts. Its excellent conductivity and solderability facilitate the creation of reliable, high-performance electronic products, underscoring tinplate's versatility across different technological applications.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Tinplate

Tinplate, a material widely used in packaging, particularly for food and beverages, stands at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9. This classification signifies that tinplate technology is fully mature, having been extensively validated and proven in operational environments. The journey to this advanced TRL is grounded in several technical foundations. Primarily, the manufacturing process of tinplate, which involves coating steel with a thin layer of tin, has been refined over decades to enhance its durability, corrosion resistance, and non-toxicity, making it ideal for contact with food products. Additionally, tinplate benefits from a well-established recycling chain, contributing to its sustainability and reducing the environmental impact. The material's compatibility with various types of food and beverage products, coupled with its ability to be printed on, has also played a crucial role in its widespread adoption. These technical attributes ensure that tinplate remains a preferred choice for manufacturers, reflecting its fully developed status in the context of TRL assessments. This high level of readiness underscores tinplate's reliability and efficiency as a packaging solution, derived from its comprehensive technical validation and acceptance in real-world applications.

What is the Technology Forecast of Tinplate?

In the short-term, the tinplate industry is poised to see significant advancements in coating technologies. These improvements aim to enhance the material's resistance to corrosion and extend its shelf life, beneficial for food packaging and other sensitive applications. Additionally, there's a growing emphasis on reducing the thickness of tinplate without compromising its strength and durability, optimizing material usage and minimizing waste. Looking towards the mid-term, sustainability will take center stage, with the development of eco-friendly production processes. Innovations in recycling technologies will allow for more efficient recovery and reuse of tin and steel, drastically reducing the environmental impact of tinplate manufacturing. Moreover, the industry is expected to introduce biodegradable coatings that further align with global environmental sustainability goals, thereby reducing dependency on traditional, potentially harmful, chemical treatments. In the long-term, the advent of smart packaging solutions will revolutionize the tinplate market. These technologies, incorporating sensors and IoT capabilities, will enable interactive and intelligent packaging that can monitor freshness, display information dynamically, and improve consumer engagement. Furthermore, breakthroughs in material science are anticipated to lead to the development of tinplate alternatives that are lighter, stronger, and more versatile, opening new applications beyond traditional packaging, such as in electronics and energy storage.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Tinplate Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Tinplate are Glass, Superconductors, High-Performance Materials, Raw Materials, Phase Change Materials

The most represented industries which are working in Tinplate are Other, Mining, Manufacturing, Packaging, Building Materials

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