Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence Logo

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Allen Institute for AI

Who is Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence?

Our mission is to build AI for the common good. We are clear and forthright with our team about our actions, our decisions, and the goals of our institute. We produce and share new research, tools, and resources openly with the wider world. We are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive environment within our institute, and to encourage these values in the wider research community. Our goal is to improve the world’s understanding of climate change, its effects, and what can be done now. AI2 is a non-profit research institute founded in 2014 with the mission of conducting high-impact AI research and engineering in service of the common good. AI2 is the creation of the late Paul G. Everybody's passion and dedication for AI2's mission is infectious.

This company is:

Educational institution

Seattle, United States

101-250 Employees

Founding year: 2014

Products & services of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Product AllenNLP - Software — Allen Institute for AI image


AllenNLP - Software — Allen Institute for AI

The AllenNLP team envisions language-centered AI that equitably serves humanity.

Product AllenNLP - ELMo — Allen Institute for AI image


AllenNLP - ELMo — Allen Institute for AI

ELMo is a deep contextualized word representation that models complex word use.

Product AllenNLP - AI2 Tango — Allen Institute for AI image


AllenNLP - AI2 Tango — Allen Institute for AI

AI2 Tango allows you to build machine learning experiments out of steps that can be reused and repeated.

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Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Machine Reading
Language Modeling
Artificial Intelligence
Engineering services
Deep Learning
Venture Capital
Financial Services
Knowledge Extraction
Commercial research laboratory
Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services
Scientific Research and Development Services
Computer Vision
Common Sense AI
Natural Language Processing
Machine Reasoning
Information Extraction
Machine Learning


Professional Services
Artificial Intelligence
Science and Engineering
Financial Services
Data and Analytics
Lending and Investments
Agriculture and Farming

Contact of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

City: Seattle

State: Washington

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

The company Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence is located in Seattle, Washington, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence was founded in 2014

The company Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence has it's main focus in the industries of Professional Services, Artificial Intelligence, Science and Engineering, Financial Services, Data and Analytics, Lending and Investments, Agriculture and Farming

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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