Automotive Marketing Gurus® Logo

Automotive Marketing Gurus®

Automotive Marketing Gurus

Who is Automotive Marketing Gurus®?

Our goal is to improve vendor relationships and performance, and we hope that with the time and money we help save in marketing is reinvested into people, customers and the local community! AMG is truly an extension of our internal marketing team.". We are selflessly proactive and are accountable for outcomes. We are eager to learn, and educate ourselves, while sharing with others. We naturally show we are genuinely positive, loyal, and exert high integrity through superior communication. Our mission is simple, to be a trusted Guru to automotive dealers. For a fraction of hiring additional team members, we will serve and provide a dedicated experienced automotive marketing team that will lead and manage vendor accountability, budgets, planning, pricing and overall execution. For every 12 dealership rooftops, we provide a dedicated Automotive Marketing Director and Automotive Marketing Coordinator, as well as our support team and technology.

This company is:

Service provider

Marietta, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2020

Products & services of Automotive Marketing Gurus®

Product GURU: Experience Event | AMG image


GURU: Experience Event | AMG

GURU EXPERIENCE CONTEST | Terms & Conditions:  Up to 2 applications per person. Applicant may apply for both BEST IDEA questions. Must be active Dealership or Dealership Group employee with a position of Owner, General Manager, CEO, COO, CMO, Marketing Manager, or Marketing Director. No Vendor employees eligible. If your position is similar or not titled as above, the Automotive Marketing Gurus team will review for eligibility. Up to 10 individual applicants will be chosen.  If applicant is not present during the Automotive Marketing Gurus Event on March 12th, they will automatically forfeit their eligibility.   Applicants information, content or activity will not be shared with any 3rd parties or used for any reason. Automotive Marketing Gurus may request to use applicants information, content or activity for advertising, marketing or sales purposes, and will not use unless approved by applicant.  Applications will no longer be accepted by March 4th, 2022 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. Automotive Marketing Gurus GURU Experience Event is not sponsored by any 3rd parties. Automotive Marketing Gurus is not a business affiliate of the National Automobile Dealers Association, J.D. Power & Associates, or Friendemic respectively. Applicants are not required to purchase any products or services. Automotive Marketing Gurus reserves the right to change, update, cancel the contest details at any time. | Contest Details and Qualifications | Meet The Panel | Enter the Contest! All applicants will be reviewed, and notified on March 4th, 2022. If selected as a finalist, further details will be provided. Review qualifications

View all products


Automotive Marketing
Automotive Consulting
Vendor Vetting
Vendor Alignment
Vendor Management
Budget Management
Budget Planning
Marketing Planning
Audience Alignment
CRM Analysis
OMNI-Channel Marketing Playbook
Digital Marketing
Direct Marketing
BDC Training
Vendor Coop Management
Management Consulting



Contact of Automotive Marketing Gurus®

City: Marietta

State: Georgia

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Automotive Marketing Gurus®

The company Automotive Marketing Gurus® is located in Marietta, Georgia, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Automotive Marketing Gurus® has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Automotive Marketing Gurus® was founded in 2020

The company Automotive Marketing Gurus® has it's main focus in the industries of Consulting

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Automotive Marketing Gurus® seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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