CyGlass Logo


Cloud-Native Open XDR, Cloud-Native Hybrid NDR

Who is CyGlass?

CyGlass is a leading provider of cloud and network-centric threat detection and response solutions that help organizations see risks, stop threats, and prove compliance. Our mission is to bring enterprise-class, AI-driven cyber defense tools to organizations of all sizes to democratize cybersecurity by giving all organizations the ability to safely operate across all connected technologies. Our CyGlass lens sees the world in terms of serving and supporting our customer’s success in the enterprises and communities they serve. CyGlass is an award-winning extended cloud security platform born out of a unique AI technology funded, created and validated by DARPA and US Intelligence agencies. CyGlass deploys the first ever 100% cloud-native network detection and response platform on AWS eliminating the need for appliance based architectures. CyGlass partners with Stratejm to deliver first cloud-native managed detection and response service for small and medium enterprises. CyGlass customer Waverly Borough Council wins the CSO 50 award based on their CyGlass deployment. CyGlass rapidly expanded the Hybrid Network Security platform, integrating Azure cloud, Active Directory, and M365 support.

This company is:


Littleton, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2012

Products & services of CyGlass

Product AI driven ransomware detection and prevention focused on network traffic image


AI driven ransomware detection and prevention focused on network traffic

Network monitoring is the best source of truth to detect a ransomware attack. Advanced AI can detect the early stages of an ransomware attack as it spreads and stop it before it does damage. CyGlass

Product CyGlass offers an affordable and effective security operations platform for team to small to run a SIEM. image


CyGlass offers an affordable and effective security operations platform for team to small to run a SIEM.

SIEMs are complex and expensive. Small companies cannot afford them. CyGlass plus your existing EDR is an effective and inexpensive SIEM alternative.

Product Vulnerabilities and threats to the agriculture and food production supply chain image


Vulnerabilities and threats to the agriculture and food production supply chain

Poor, underfunded cyber defenses across the agriculture and food production supply chains are placing everyone at risk.

View all products


Network Security
Computer & Network Security


Consumer Electronics
Information Technology
Privacy and Security

Contact of CyGlass

City: Littleton

State: Massachusetts

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CyGlass

The company CyGlass is located in Littleton, Massachusetts, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information CyGlass has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

CyGlass was founded in 2012

The company CyGlass has it's main focus in the industries of Consumer Electronics, Information Technology, Privacy and Security, Hardware

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company CyGlass seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of CyGlass

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