Eduquestindia Institute Logo

Eduquestindia Institute

Corporate training & elearning company | Online Learning, Content Design & Development | Eduquestindia

Who is Eduquestindia Institute?

It’s now backed by research that instructor-led, routine workshops and classroom learning programs are the worst way to learn or even to remember what’s taught. What’s needed is an integrated learning medium, which imparts pertinent information in the most emphatic and efficient manner. It’s time to revolutionize online learning with Eduquest’s comprehensive eLearning solutions and world-class development programs! Going beyond boring classroom sessions and irrelevant eLearning modules, we strive to add significant value to the growth and development of our partners and have ascended to the stature of one of the top eLearning solution providers in India. We collaborate with HR and L&D teams to provide the maximum learning opportunity for the entire organization within the minimum budget. Our multimode learning solutions are affordable, fun, technologically-advanced, yet easily accessible and can help you track your progress consistently.

This company is:

Service provider

Chennai, India

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2007

Products & services of Eduquestindia Institute

Product Faster Digitized Training with Rapid Authoring | Eduquestindia


Faster Digitized Training with Rapid Authoring | Eduquestindia

Our rapid content development services employ the most advanced rapid authoring tools to craft eLearning modules and make them in short turnaround time.

Product One stop e learning service company | Eduquestindia


One stop e learning service company | Eduquestindia

Eduquestindia is a leading e-Learning development and training company offering a wide range of learning and training solutions to the corporate world.

Product Eduquestindia | Best Learning Management System (LMS) Software


Eduquestindia | Best Learning Management System (LMS) Software

Add power to your online training and development program with our world-class Learning Management System skillsBreeder. Get access to easy-to-use LMS now!

View all products


Information Services
Professional Services


Information Technology
Professional Services

Contact of Eduquestindia Institute

City: Chennai

State: Tamil Nadu

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Eduquestindia Institute

The company Eduquestindia Institute is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Eduquestindia Institute has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Eduquestindia Institute was founded in 2007

The company Eduquestindia Institute has it's main focus in the industries of Education, Information Technology, Professional Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Eduquestindia Institute seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Eduquestindia Institute

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