KUBIK Intelligence Logo

KUBIK Intelligence

KUBIK Intelligence - customer profiling using data and psychology

Who is KUBIK Intelligence?

We are a next-generation consultancy that combines customer data analytics with psychology insights, transforming them into increased sales and loyalty. We base our approach on innovative data science techniques that empower us to intelligently extract data-derived behavioural insights. End-to-end expertise to deliver holistic insights: from specifically designed surveys, over the data analysis to actionable insights into the wording, imagery, and tone-of-voice that will resonate most with customers and example targeting campaigns. Harnessing the full power of data provides an unparalleled competitive advantage.

This company is:

Service provider

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2022

Products & services of KUBIK Intelligence

Product SERVICES | KUBIK Intelligence image


SERVICES | KUBIK Intelligence

We use ground-breaking data analysis techniques on digital traces your customers leave to create insights that are a basis for a sophisticated psychological analysis

View all products


Management Consulting


Professional Services

Contact of KUBIK Intelligence

City: London

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about KUBIK Intelligence

The company KUBIK Intelligence is located in London, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information KUBIK Intelligence has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

KUBIK Intelligence was founded in 2022

The company KUBIK Intelligence has it's main focus in the industries of Professional Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company KUBIK Intelligence seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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