Lynx Biosciences Logo

Lynx Biosciences

Home | Lynx Bio | Multi-Omic Platform for Immunotherapies

Who is Lynx Biosciences?

We are an interdisciplinary, science-driven, and multicultural team supported by a world-class advisory board and visionary investors, all dedicated to propelling the frontier of immuno-oncology and immunology therapies. LynxBio is at the forefront of a data-first paradigm shift in drug discovery, leveraging our proprietary patient-based ex vivo disease biology platform. LynxBio collaborates with leading biopharma and technology companies to explore diverse disease domains and rapidly identify novel, best-in-class therapeutic candidates, with an initial focus on immuno-oncology. Lynx Biosciences Appoints Sylvaine Cases, Ph.D., as Chief Business Officer. Our platform is engineered to decode the intricacies of this complexity, delivering transformative, data-centric (versus hypothesis-driven) insights that blend biotechnology with technology and accelerate the development of groundbreaking therapies from discovery to bedside. To date, we have formed several strategic partnerships with leading biopharmaceutical companies, underscoring the industry's recognition of our platform's potential. In tandem with these alliances, we are advancing an internal pipeline centered on novel signaling pathways that orchestrate the interplay between immune cells, cancer cells, and the tumor microenvironment.

This company is:


San Diego, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2017


Health Care



Contact of Lynx Biosciences

City: San Diego

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Lynx Biosciences

The company Lynx Biosciences is located in San Diego, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Lynx Biosciences has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Lynx Biosciences was founded in 2017

The company Lynx Biosciences has it's main focus in the industries of Biotechnology

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