Precision Extraction Solutions Logo

Precision Extraction Solutions

Agrify: Your Total Solution from Cannabis Cultivation to Concentrates

Who is Precision Extraction Solutions?

Our mission is to provide innovative products, valuable insights, and comprehensive solutions to cannabis industry operators, enabling them to gain a competitive advantage, expand their businesses, and enhance their production capabilities. We achieve our mission by utilizing our design, engineering, and manufacturing expertise to ensure that all of our products are:. Precision Extraction is a team of passionate and innovative cannabis enthusiasts committed to pushing the boundaries of technology and delivering cutting-edge solutions to our customers. Precision Extraction includes Cascade Sciences and Lab Society and is a division of Agrify. Cascade and Lab Society respectively offer best-in-class vacuum ovens with nuanced touchscreen control and short path and thin film distillation systems sourced from top-of-the-line chemistry equipment and laboratory products. Now a part of the Precision brand, the combined offerings of Cascade and Lab Society allow us to provide comprehensive, end-to-end solutions for your extraction, distillation, and post-processing needs. At Precision, our experts draw upon the individual offerings of all our brands to design a single, integrated system that meets your requirements. As system integration experts, Precision can offer you a comprehensive end-to-end solution that will help you meet your operational goals and drive your success.

This company is:

Service provider

Troy Mills, United States

101-250 Employees


Products & services of Precision Extraction Solutions

Product Waterfed Washing Brush with Soft Bristles image


Waterfed Washing Brush with Soft Bristles

Made with durable food grade polypropylene and polyester bristles, the soft bristle waterfed brush is designed for high output lab environments and daily use.

Product Separatory Funnel - Buy Scientific Glass Online image


Separatory Funnel - Buy Scientific Glass Online

Separatory Funnel - A 60 ml separatory funnel used in the industry for separating liquids of two different densities. This funnel comes with a 2mm PTFE

Product C-15 Centrifuge Ethanol Cannabis Extractor image


C-15 Centrifuge Ethanol Cannabis Extractor

The C-15 is a centrifugal ethanol extractor designed for the optimal extraction of cannabinoids at low to mid-scale volumes.

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Machinery Manufacturing
Service Industry



Contact of Precision Extraction Solutions

City: Troy Mills

State: Iowa

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Precision Extraction Solutions

The company Precision Extraction Solutions is located in Troy Mills, Iowa, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Precision Extraction Solutions has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

The company Precision Extraction Solutions has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing, Others

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Precision Extraction Solutions seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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