Sawyer Fabrication Logo

Sawyer Fabrication

Custom Fabrication | Code Welding | Sawyer Fabrication - Tulsa, OK

Who is Sawyer Fabrication?

We are supported by a leadership team with unparalleled manufacturing experience and dedication to the industry. We are proud of our results-driven team of drafters, welders, fitters, machine operators and manufacturing technicians. We're progressive in our vision and aggressive in our delivery, making us your ideal partner for custom steel fabrication. We are aggressive in expanding our welding operations to provide our customers with diversified, innovative, and competitive services. We provide an ideal blend of experience, efficiency, and passion to deliver exceptional custom metal fabrication. Sawyer Fabrication is a full-service metal fabricator that thrives on variety and specializes in the most challenging of fabrication projects. Put simply, our customers have come to expect industry-leading innovation and world-class results out of every product that we fabricate. Every one of our expert metal fabricators is a master craftsman who is committed to the Sawyer Fabrication team and its diverse range of customers.

This company is:

Service provider

Tulsa, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1948

Products & services of Sawyer Fabrication

Product Welding and Fabrication Capabilities | Sawyer Fabrication - Tulsa OK image


Welding and Fabrication Capabilities | Sawyer Fabrication - Tulsa OK

Sawyer Fabrication's welding and fabrication capabilities include Certified ASME Vessels, Piping Systems, Modular Skids, and Structural Weld.

Product Specialty Welding Services | Sawyer Fabrication, Tulsa OK image


Specialty Welding Services | Sawyer Fabrication, Tulsa OK

Sawyer Fabrication provides specialty welding services on a variety of fabrication projects. Read more about our capabilities.

Product Aerospace Fabrication Service | Sawyer Fabrication - Tulsa, OK image


Aerospace Fabrication Service | Sawyer Fabrication - Tulsa, OK

Five Key Qualities to Look for in Your Aerospace Fabrication Service Provider. See what Sawyer Fabrication can do for you.

View all products


ASME Vessels
Process Skids
Piping Systems
Heavy Weld
Structural Weld
Custom Fabrication
Welding and Fabrication
Code Welding
AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding
ASME Boiler and Pressure Code - R&U Stamps
Conventional, CNC, and Custom Machining
Industrial Coatings and Blasting
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering


Science and Engineering

Use Cases of Sawyer Fabrication


Packaged Pump Skid | Fab Projects | Sawyer Fabrication - Tulsa, OK

Pump Skids are complete packages that move fluid or other products in an industrial setting. Call us for a quote on your next project.

Contact of Sawyer Fabrication

City: Tulsa

State: Oklahoma

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Sawyer Fabrication

The company Sawyer Fabrication is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Sawyer Fabrication has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Sawyer Fabrication was founded in 1948

The company Sawyer Fabrication has it's main focus in the industries of Science and Engineering

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Sawyer Fabrication seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Sawyer Fabrication

Boston Welding & Design Inc. Logo

Boston Welding & Design Inc.

United States

11-50 Employees


MAFCO- Mahmoud Atta Factory for Metal Industries Co. Ltd. Logo

MAFCO- Mahmoud Atta Factory for Metal Industries Co. Ltd.

United Arab Emirates

11-50 Employees


R&I Industries Logo

R&I Industries

United States

11-50 Employees


AeroFab Inc. Logo

AeroFab Inc.

United States

51-100 Employees


BBC Steel Corporation Logo

BBC Steel Corporation

United States

11-50 Employees


All-Weld Logo



101-250 Employees


Sawyer Manufacturing Company Logo

Sawyer Manufacturing Company

51-100 Employees


S & R Sheet Metal Inc. Logo

S & R Sheet Metal Inc.

United States


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