Swissintell Logo


SWISSINTELL makes reasonable efforts to provide relevant content and reliable sources for the Swiss Intelligence Community – in English, German and French. Swissintell is a nonprofit organization (which operates under art. Our goal is to connect all information professionals in Switzerland and provide a single entry-point for the Swiss Intelligence community. As a Swissintell member you define and enjoy what supports your professional growth. This section presents who we are, what we do and what we stand for. Swiss Cyber Storm : Un rassemblement d'experts internationaux partageant leurs dernières découvertes, techniques, opinions et enseignements dans les domaines de la gestion et de la technologie. Members are the first to enjoy the best offers in class networking sessions and discussions about competitive intelligence, market analysis or strategic planning solutions.

Quick overview

Lausanne, Switzerland

Founded in 2006

1-10 Employees

Additional information

Working industry


Type of company

Manufacturer, Educational institution, Service provider

Ownership structure



1 Headquarter

Number of products

3 Products

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Market Research and Analysis, Competitive Intelligence, Strategic Planning, Market Research

Products & services of Swissintell

Swissintell offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Compte rendu 11.05.2023 @Unlimitrust – Renseignement, Science, Innovation : première ligne de défense de la Suisse | Swissintell


Compte rendu 11.05.2023 @Unlimitrust – Renseignement, Science, Innovation : première ligne de défense de la Suisse | Swissintell

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Product: Federal Intelligence Service | Swissintell


Federal Intelligence Service | Swissintell

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Product: Industry 4.0 | Swissintell


Industry 4.0 | Swissintell

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Product: featured | Swissintell


featured | Swissintell

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Headquarter of Swissintell

Swissintell operates in 1 country around the world

City: Lausanne

State: Vaud

Country: Switzerland

Locations of Swissintell

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Swissintell

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Swissintell

The company headquarter of Swissintell is located in Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Swissintell has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Swissintell was founded in 2006

The company Swissintell has it's main focus in the industries of Research

Competitors of Swissintell

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Swissintell

Swiss Cyber Institute's Logo

Swiss Cyber Institute

Zurich, Switzerland

11-50 Employees


The Swiss Cyber Institute, based in Zurich is a registered cyber security education provider by the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation SERI. Aiming to promote cyber resilience, the Institute offers comprehensive training programs, conferences, and networking opportunities to empower individuals and organizations. Supported by its industry-leading cybersecurity network, the Institute also hosts the annual Global Cyber Conference with the "Swiss CISO Awards", bringing together international cybersecurity leaders, industry professionals, and academics in Zurich. Over 30 international academics and experts from 10 countries. Learning theory from specialists and executives with years of experience in large companies and practical knowledge in interactive and up-to-date labs, the all-in-all dream package. The international experts shared a lot of their professional experiences with us.

Swiss Cyber Storm's Logo

Swiss Cyber Storm

Eich, Switzerland

11-50 Employees


Swiss Cyber Storm is the long established security conference setting the IT security agenda for Switzerland. But Swiss Cyber Storm puts it all in context and delivers solutions: proven solutions to the structural security problems we are facing. The Swiss Cyber Storm is a non profit organization hosting the international Swiss Cyber Storm Conference and running the Swiss part of the European Cyber Security Challenges with a focus of identifying and supporting young cyber talents.

Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft's Logo

Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft

Bern, Switzerland

11-50 Employees


We are also closely linked to our sister societies abroad (Germany - GI eV, Austria - OCG). As the voice of IT professionals in Switzerland, SI contributes to the political decision-making process. In the interest of IT experts, SI is committed to create good conditions for the profession and for continuing education. SI is the swiss-wide non-profit association for graduates of IT studies. We represent the interests of around 1'500 IT experts from all professional fields of IT. SI invites speakers to host talks on their fields of expertise in program and project management and create a discussion on the topic. The Swiss Informatics Society (SI) is committed to the interests and reputation of IT professionals in Switzerland.Through specialized groups (our SIGs such as SIRA, SISR and more), focused projects, high-level events (including the Swiss IT Congress), publications (including Digital Magazine), policy engagement on IT-related educational topics, legislation and national strategies in the context of digitization, we further this cause. SI cooperates with various organisations in Switzerland (such as digitalswitzerland, Swiss ICT and others), Europe (such as the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies CEPIS) and worldwide (such as the International Federation for Information Processing IFIP).

Infointelligence Network's Logo

Infointelligence Network

Deira, United Arab Emirates

1-10 Employees


The Infointelligence Network is an international network of specialized OSINT and HUMIT specialists with extensive experience in specific countries, sectors and intelligence areas. We are working with the highest ethical standards, by complying to the international and countries specific laws and regulations, with strict confidentiality policies in collaboration with our accredited partners in more than 140 countries! Infointelligence Network is a real global accredited network of partners that it is expanding gradually by following strict policies and procedures, as well as the highest quality standard to guarantee the provision to our clients consistently accurate, timely intelligence services and cost effectively, only by ethical means and following the actual requirements of our clients. Infointelligence Network is investing strategically in long term business relations with our clients to helping them during the decision making process effectively and efficiently of current and future strategic and tactical decisions. TODAY, WE ARE BUILDING STRATEGIC COLLABORATIONS TO FACE TOMORROW THE UNFORESEEN FUTURE! By utilizing our 20 years of experience in the intelligence field we developed Infointelligence Network and we are providing intelligence services to our clients at the global level. Thanks to the strategic partnership to join forces 7 years ago of the leading professional firms: Helix Dynamics Advisors Group and PSI Proactive Strategic Intelligence in order to establish the Infointelligence Network, we strategically collaborating today with small and large clients at the international level.

Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS)'s Logo

Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS)

Bern, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Die Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS) ist der führende Fachverband in der Schweiz für ICT-Sicherheit, welchem heute mehr als 1100 Security Professionals und an Security Interessierte aus Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Wissenschaft angehören. Im April 2006 wechselten wir unsren Namen auf Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS). Wir befassen uns in Theorie und Praxis mit technischen und juristischen sicherheitsrelevanten Aspekten der Informationsgesellschaft. AMAG, Gewinnerin des ersten ISSS Courage Award, gibt in der neuen Podcast-Folge von "Die IT-Woche" Auskunft über den Angriff und seine Folgen. AMAG gewinn den ersten ISSS Courage Award der Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS) und Inside IT gewonnen und setzt sich gegen WINBIZ und Läderach durch.

Geneva Intelligence SA's Logo

Geneva Intelligence SA

Geneva, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Geneva Intelligence vous accompagne dans la recherche, la collecte et l’analyse d’informations stratégiques permettant la prise de décision éclairée. Établie à Genève, notre entreprise est forte de plus de 10 années d’expérience dans les domaines du renseignement d’affaires, des études analytiques et de la veille stratégique. Geneva Intelligence œuvre avec rigueur et professionnalisme dans un cadre éthique et légal strict, valorise l’écoute et s’attache à construire des liens de confiance durable avec chacun de ses Clients. Notre équipe de consultants est flexible, dynamique, hautement qualifiée et forte d’expériences variées. Elle est complétée à l’international par un réseau d’experts aux compétences pluridisciplinaires.

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