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Top Advertising Companies

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60 companies for Advertising

Clémentine Duriez's Logo

Clémentine Duriez

Colombes, France

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

AdOperator is an advertising platform dedicated to enhancing brand awareness and reducing advertising costs for clients. They specialize in targeted traffic and innovative advertising formats, particularly through push notifications, aiming to improve the overall advertising experience for both users and advertisers.

Highlighted product

Core business


Programmads's Logo


Brussels, Belgium

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Programmads is an official advertising technology reseller that provides comprehensive support for both full-service management and self-service access, helping clients navigate the complexities of digital marketing. They focus on equipping agencies and brands with the necessary tools and services to enhance their advertising strategies and drive successful campaigns.

Highlighted product


Amazon Adtech - Programmads

Adverticum's Logo


Budapest, Hungary

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The Adverticum AdServer offers a centralized and efficient solution for managing multiple content provider interfaces, making it a leading online advertising server in Hungary. It delivers 16 billion ads monthly to around 5 million internet users, enabling the creation of various web advertisements, from simple to creative rich media formats.

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Core business


Softverk (Thailand) Limited's Logo

Softverk (Thailand) Limited

Bangkok, Thailand

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Softverk provides an AD Maker specifically designed to support sales agencies and media in creating online property advertisements. Additionally, the company develops custom software solutions, including modules for producing advertisements, business cards, and flyers.

Highlighted product


Advertising Software

POP Advertising Partners's Logo

POP Advertising Partners

Bridgewater Township, United States

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in creating and managing effective online advertising strategies across platforms like Google, Facebook, and YouTube, aimed at generating more customers and leads. Their commitment to delivering measurable results highlights their focus on helping businesses grow through targeted digital marketing services.

Highlighted product

Core business

POP Advertising Partners

AdGlister's Logo


Dublin, United States

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

AdGlister is a prominent digital advertising company that offers comprehensive marketing solutions, ensuring a reliable revenue stream for publishers and quality promotional platforms for advertisers. With a decade of experience, AdGlister specializes in CPI campaigns across various sectors, including gaming and entertainment.

Highlighted product


Services – AdGlister

AdUnity's Logo


London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is revolutionizing digital media buying and selling by fostering better relationships between publishers, advertisers, and users. They emphasize the importance of user experience in advertising and provide tools that enable advertisers to effectively reach targeted audiences while ensuring publishers receive a fair share of ad revenue.

Highlighted product

Core business

Digital Advertising Technology - AdServing Factory

Adport's Logo


Madrid, Spain

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Adport is an advertising and monetization platform that connects advertisers and publishers, leveraging over 15 years of experience within the Kimia group. Their mission focuses on providing engaging online advertising solutions to maximize publisher monetization and enhance ROI for advertisers through innovative traffic management and various ad formats.

Highlighted product

Core business

Adport.io - Advertising and Monetization Smartest Platform for Advertisers and Publishers

Adblade's Logo


Somerville, United States

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Adblade is highlighted as a highly innovative content-style advertising platform on the web, emphasizing its unique approach to advertising services.

Highlighted product


Adblade - Services

Advidi's Logo


Amsterdam, Netherlands

51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Advidi is a leading performance marketing network that specializes in providing high-quality traffic, which is essential for scaling advertising efforts. Their commitment to uniting top industry talent and offering premium offers and robust data makes them a key partner for successful advertising campaigns.

Highlighted product

Core business

icons-advertisers-usps_global-network - Advidi

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Things to know about Advertising

What is Advertising?

Advertising is a strategic communication process aimed at promoting products, services, or brands to target audiences. It utilizes various media channels, including digital platforms, print, and broadcast, to convey persuasive messages that encourage consumer action. Effective advertising combines creativity with market research to resonate with potential customers, ultimately driving sales and enhancing brand visibility. Through techniques like targeting and segmentation, advertisers can tailor their messages to specific demographics, ensuring a higher likelihood of engagement and conversion.

How does Advertising influence consumer behavior?

Advertising plays a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior by creating awareness and influencing perceptions of products and brands. Through targeted messaging and appealing visuals, advertising captures attention and generates interest among potential buyers. It often taps into emotions, utilizing storytelling to forge connections with consumers, making them more likely to consider a purchase. Moreover, advertising employs strategies such as repetition and social proof, which reinforce brand recognition and trust. When consumers see ads frequently or notice endorsements from peers and influencers, they are more inclined to align their purchasing decisions with the promoted products. This dynamic interaction between advertising and consumer psychology significantly impacts buying habits and brand loyalty.

What are the most common Advertising strategies?

1. Digital Advertising
Digital advertising encompasses various online platforms such as social media, search engines, and websites. It allows for targeted campaigns, reaching specific demographics based on user behavior and preferences. This strategy includes pay-per-click (PPC) ads, display ads, and social media promotions.

2. Content Marketing
Content marketing focuses on creating valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a specific audience. This approach aims to build brand awareness and loyalty over time. It includes blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics that resonate with potential customers.

3. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing leverages the reach and credibility of individuals who have a significant following on social media or other platforms. Brands collaborate with these influencers to promote products or services, often resulting in increased brand visibility and consumer trust.

4. Email Marketing
Email marketing remains a powerful strategy for direct communication with customers. Through targeted email campaigns, businesses can share promotions, updates, and personalized content, fostering customer relationships and driving conversions.

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is essential for increasing organic traffic to a website. By optimizing content, meta tags, and keywords, businesses enhance their visibility in search engine results, attracting more potential customers looking for relevant products or services.

How does digital Advertising differ from traditional methods?

Digital advertising utilizes online platforms and technologies to reach audiences, while traditional advertising relies on offline channels such as print, television, and radio. One major distinction is the ability to target specific demographics with digital methods, enabling advertisers to tailor messages for particular audiences based on data analytics. Additionally, digital advertising offers real-time performance tracking, allowing for immediate adjustments to campaigns, whereas traditional methods often lack this level of feedback and flexibility.

What role does data analytics play in Advertising?

Data analytics is crucial in the advertising industry as it enables marketers to gain insights into consumer behavior and preferences. By analyzing vast amounts of data, advertisers can identify trends, measure campaign performance, and optimize their strategies for better outcomes. Moreover, data analytics helps in targeting specific audiences more effectively. Through segmentation and predictive modeling, advertisers can tailor their messages to resonate with potential customers, ultimately increasing engagement and conversion rates. This data-driven approach ensures that advertising efforts are not only creative but also strategically focused on delivering measurable results.

Insights about the Advertising results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Advertising

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers2599
Amount of suitable service providers4648
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2001
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Advertising Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Advertising are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in Advertising are AdGlister

The most represented industries which are working in Advertising are Marketing Services, IT, Software and Services, Other, Media and Entertainment, Consulting

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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