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Top Brand Tracking Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Brand Tracking in Germany

Toptack GmbH's Logo

Toptack GmbH

Traitsching, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

toptack GmbH specializes in industrial parts identification, offering innovative solutions like the toptack LOTUS-effect protective label, which provides significant process and cost advantages.

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Core business

Company - toptack GmbH

The Reach Group GmbH's Logo

The Reach Group GmbH

Berlin, Germany

51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

TRG offers a comprehensive approach to brand tracking through extensive branding campaigns and targeted performance marketing for established products. Their services include consulting, campaign planning, and integrated tracking and reporting, making them well-equipped to help clients achieve their branding goals.

Highlighted product


Agentur-Leistungen der Media Agentur | TRG

Die TRG ist eine Media Agentur für digitalen & klassischen Mediaeinkauf » Performance Marketing » Branding, sowie Cross Channel Kampagnen ➔ Lets Talk!

Reha Bandscheibenvorfall's Logo

Reha Bandscheibenvorfall

Hamburg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in innovative internet marketing and provides regular reports that offer a clear overview of campaign performance and achieved goals. Their collaborative approach ensures that they develop tailored marketing strategies that align with their clients' specific business objectives, ultimately helping to enhance brand awareness and drive results.

Highlighted product

Core business

Marketingagentur Werbeagentur Deutschland

Willkommen beim Werbeagentur Team, Ihrem Partner für innovatives Internet-Marketing. Wir sind ein junges, dynamisches Team von Marketingexperten, Webdesignern, Programmierern und Inhaltserstellern, die sich leidenschaftlich dafür einsetzen, Ihrem Unternehmen zu helfen, online erfolgreich zu sein. In der sich ständig wandelnden digitalen Landschaft von heute ist eine effektive Internet-Marketing-Strategie wichtiger denn je. Egal, ob Sie Ihre Markenbekanntheit



Berlin, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The Brand Orchestra is highlighted as a strategic partner for HiSolutions, a leading German cybersecurity software house, emphasizing its role in brand development and strategy.

Highlighted product


consulting Archive - The Brand Orchestra

Infratrend Forschung GmbH's Logo

Infratrend Forschung GmbH

Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Infratrend specializes in data collection through face-to-face interviews, emphasizing their skilled team’s ability to engage diverse respondents. As a service provider for the Kantar Group, they collaborate with prominent clients, ensuring high-quality insights into public opinions in Germany.

Highlighted product

Core business

Infratrend Forschung GmbH

Infratrend - Manufaktur für Datenerhebung von mündlich/persönlichen Befragungen. Kunden wie BKA, Tesla und UBA vertrauen auf uns.

AdsVantage's Logo


Rostock, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company positions itself as a strategic partner in the realm of Google Ads, focusing on tailored advertising strategies that drive long-term growth and customer acquisition for businesses. Their commitment to transparency and continuous optimization, including keyword research and monitoring of Google Merchant Center, ensures clients achieve sustainable and scalable results.

Highlighted product

Core business

Google Ads Agentur - Zertifizierter Google Partner

Google Ads Agentur, die deinem Onlineshop oder Business laufend neue Kunden bringt & Deinen Umsatz langfristig, nachhaltig & planbar skaliert.

Marken-Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG's Logo

Marken-Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG

Osterwieck, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company positions itself as a key player in brand development, ensuring consistent brand representation through packaging and design. Their comprehensive services extend beyond printing, emphasizing the importance of brand tracking and visibility in the market.

Highlighted product

Core business

Marken Manufaktur

FP Werbeagentur GmbH & Co. KG's Logo

FP Werbeagentur GmbH & Co. KG

Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company emphasizes its goal of creating impactful and powerful ideas that resonate with both people and brands. They offer flexible communication services and have a diverse team of experts, which could be beneficial for effective brand tracking strategies.

Highlighted product

Core business

FP Communications › Werbeagentur

Marken-Radar's Logo


Wiesbaden, Germany

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers professional brand tracking and research services, ensuring meticulous verification and optimization of results by experts. They provide comprehensive result reports in PDF and CSV formats, making it easy for clients to access reliable data for informed decision-making.

Highlighted product

Core business

Marken-Radar > Markenrecherchen und Markenüberwachungen

Ehrenwert GmbH's Logo

Ehrenwert GmbH

Cologne, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Ehrenwert is a design and advertising agency that specializes in creating unique and comprehensive brand experiences for medium-sized businesses and organizations. Their tailored marketing strategies and campaigns are designed to enhance brand visibility and long-term success.

Highlighted product

Core business

Ehrenwert - Agentur für Kommunikation / Köln - Rheine

Ehrenwert ist eine international tätige Design- und Werbeagentur mit Standorten in Köln und Rheine. ​ Wir gestalten einzigartige und ganzheitliche Markenwelten für mittelständische Unternehmen und Organisationen.

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Information about Brand Tracking in Germany

The Brand Tracking industry in Germany is influenced by several key factors that are crucial for research and evaluation. Regulatory compliance is paramount, as Germany has stringent data protection laws under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Companies must ensure they handle consumer data responsibly, which can impact their methodologies and tracking capabilities. Additionally, the competitive landscape is marked by both local and international players, necessitating a clear understanding of market positioning and differentiation strategies. Challenges include adapting to rapidly changing consumer behaviors and preferences, which require continuous innovation in tracking techniques and technology. Opportunities exist in leveraging advanced analytics and AI to gain deeper insights into brand perception and consumer sentiment. Environmental concerns are increasingly relevant, with brands needing to address sustainability as consumers become more eco-conscious. This shift can affect brand reputation and tracking metrics. Moreover, the global market relevance of brand tracking is growing, making it essential for companies to consider international trends and practices. By focusing on these aspects, individuals interested in the Brand Tracking industry in Germany can make informed decisions and develop effective strategies for success.

Insights about the Brand Tracking results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Brand Tracking

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers768
Amount of suitable service providers2198
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2015
Youngest suiting company2021

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Brand Tracking Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Brand Tracking are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in Brand Tracking are AdsVantage

The most represented industries which are working in Brand Tracking are Marketing Services, Other, IT, Software and Services, Consulting, Media and Entertainment

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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