
Top Circular Economy Companies

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3172 companies for Circular Economy

European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform's Logo

European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

Brussels, Belgium

11-50 Employees


A joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform brings together stakeholders active in the broad field of the circular economy in Europe. It also provides a meeting place for stakeholders to share and scale up effective solutions and address specific challenges. To accelerate the transition, the European Commission included in its 2015 EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy actions to engage with stakeholders through existing fora and to support the exchange of good practices. What is the Platform?The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is a virtual open space whose aim is to promote the transition to a circular economy by facilitating policy dialogue among stakeholders, by disseminating, good practices, strategies and voluntary commitments, and by providing information on the circular economy and related activities. The European Commission is calling on European cities committed to sustainability to apply for the 2026 European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards. The circular economy has become a key part of the sustainable transformation of regions. The European Green Deal is a cornerstone of efforts to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals in the EU. In this podcast episode the Conference Board talks to the European Commission's Malgorzata Golebiewska about the EU Green Claims Directive and its goal of preventing greenwashing and rebuilding consumer trust.


European Circular Economy Networks / Platforms

... Networks / Platforms | European Circular Economy Stakeholder ...

SynoptiCons's Logo


Klagenfurt, Austria

1-10 Employees


SynoptiCons supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We are pursuing an ambitious goal with this, but we are also striving to base our own sustainability strategy on it and to pay towards this big goal in small steps. We are a team with diverse industry and technology knowledge and good at unpacking complexity and transforming new requirements into custom-fit software solutions. With this conviction, Martin founded SynoptiCons in 2019. We believe in evolving markets where we can grow by making a significant contribution with our solutions. We believe in our future-proof digital solutions that enable us to provide the best possible support for the key players in a modern Circular Economy. We believe that through our behavior and work, we can have a lasting positive impact on the conservation of natural resources and on climate neutrality. We believe that every individual, every opinion, every experience is important in order to achieve great things together and to make a big difference.

Core business

Your Digital Circular Economy Experts

... with industries and consumers to create a modern Circular Economy. ...

Planet Ark Environmental Foundation's Logo

Planet Ark Environmental Foundation

Sydney, Australia

11-50 Employees


We are focussed on solutions and making positive environmental actions accessible to everyone. We are defined by what we are for, not what we are against. Our goal is to build a better world – one where humans not only live in balance with nature, but help it to thrive. We are one of Australia’s leading environmental behaviour change organisations, with a focus on working collaboratively and positively. Established in 1992, Planet Ark is one of Australia's most respected and trusted environmental organisations. Planet Ark relies on support from the community, businesses and government to deliver our much-loved and essential programs. Planet Ark is committed to helping achieve the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals.

Core business

Sustainable resource use for a circular economy

... for human use. The circular economy is a sophisticated model for ...

Nordic Waves Group's Logo

Nordic Waves Group

Copenhagen, Denmark

11-50 Employees


We are dedicated to accelerating the transition to a circular economy, harnessing human ingenuity, collaboration, and science for global sustainability and carbon neutrality. In our mission for a circular economy, we're harnessing human ingenuity to accelerate sustainability and carbon neutrality. Our goal is clear: To support the universal aspiration of a good life while preserving nature and its finite resources. Our mission is to foster innovations that mitigate greenhouse gases, maintain valuable resources in the loop, and promote prosperity within planetary boundaries. We are creating a virtual reality (VR) ecosystem that enables a “play for impact” model, connecting and correlating activities from VR, with the physical world. Committed to mitigating global warming, we embrace carbon-centric metrics and align steadfastly with key global initiatives, including The Paris Agreement. We believe in science-driven innovation and understand that ‘zero emissions’ alone are not enough. Nordic Waves is proud to lead these efforts, offering transformative solutions for worldwide change.

Core business

Crafting innovation & circular economy.

... catalyst working to advance sustainability and circular economy. ...

Neo Negotium's Logo

Neo Negotium

United States

51-100 Employees


A model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. We implement projects, avoiding and reducing emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to prevent the planet from warming to more extreme temperatures. Consists of power generation stations, electrical step up or step down substations, transmission and distribution infrastructure, as an interconnected network for electricity delivery from producers to consumers. Implementation of innovative technological, industrial, and commercial drives in Circular Economy, Sustainable, Renewable Technologies, and Applications. Neo Negotium has access to worldwide market information via the most trusted databases and networks.

Core business

Neo Negotium Circular Economy Applications

... technological in Circular Economy Applications, Renewable and ...

Art One Advertising & Design's Logo

Art One Advertising & Design

Sydney, Australia

1-10 Employees


Creativity is a living process with many possible strategies and creative outcomes. From trade, retail, print, digital and on-line, our focus with every customer is to deliver platforms and content that consumers will actively seek out and engage with.

Core business

Supporting the circular economy

... Supporting the circular economy ...

HappyPorch's Logo


Sunderland, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


If we are to successfully tackle major issues such as climate change, waste crises and biodiversity loss, the linear economy has to change. This means we are part of a community creating positive impact and bringing real, lasting change in the business world. We are truly proud of this certification, and every day it provides us motivation to continue our journey to be better. Technology — created and implemented with care — is a vital enabler for this transformation. A crucial part of our mission is to help your organisation develop smart software solutions that advance the circular economy. Looking for an aligned development partner for your climate tech product? Our podcast, hosted by Barry O’Kane and Emily Swaddle, is a chance to hear from leaders in the circular space.


Software and the Circular Economy

... have to do with the circular economy? These resources explore how ...

Waste Less - Circle Up For Good's Logo

Waste Less - Circle Up For Good

Sunshine Coast Regional, Australia

1-10 Employees


We are also developing recommendations in the future that you help you choose products that will help build an even stronger circular economy in your community and region.

Core business

Home | Waste Less | Mobile App | Circular Economy | Australia

... landfill and create circular economy by engaging community through ...

Sustainability Scotland's Logo

Sustainability Scotland

Dunfermline, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Carbon management is the process of managing the carbon emissions associated with your business. Carbon management is applicable to a wide variety of business activities, products and services and can vary depending on the size of your business and the sector you operate in. The circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended. Sustainability is usually defined as the processes and actions through which humankind avoids the depletion of natural resources, to keep an ecological balance that does not allow the quality of life of modern societies to decrease.


Circular Economy

... circular economy sustainability global warming ...

ibak ingenieurbüro anke koch GmbH's Logo

ibak ingenieurbüro anke koch GmbH

Hamburg, Germany

11-50 Employees


Unsere Auftraggeber sind Projektentwickler sowie Experten aus dem Sektor der Banken, Versicherungen und Family Offices. Auch mit Kunden der öffentlichen Hand sowie Eigennutzern arbeiten wir zusammen.


Circular Economy

... Circular Economy ...

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Insights about the Circular Economy results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Circular Economy

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers2197
Amount of suitable service providers2280
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2000
Youngest suiting company2018

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Circular Economy

What is Circular Economy?

A Circular Economy is an economic system designed to maximize resource efficiency by minimizing waste and making the most of resources. This model diverges from the traditional linear economy, which follows a 'take, make, dispose' model of production. In contrast, the circular economy operates on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. Its impact spans across various sectors, promoting sustainable business practices that not only benefit the environment but also enhance economic growth and innovation. This system encourages the development of new business and economic models that are not only sustainable but also profitable, fostering a culture of reuse, recycling, and responsible manufacturing. By focusing on resource efficiency, the circular economy aims to decouple economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, thereby reducing the environmental footprint of production and consumption cycles. Its role is pivotal in achieving sustainable development goals, as it not only addresses environmental issues such as waste and pollution but also contributes to economic resilience and creates new opportunities for growth and employment. The circular economy thus represents a transformative approach to production and consumption, one that holds the promise of a sustainable and prosperous future.

Advantages of Circular Economy

1. Reduction in Waste
The circular economy emphasizes the reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recycling of products and materials, effectively reducing the amount of waste generated. This approach diverts waste from landfills and the environment, minimizing pollution and conserving natural resources.

2. Enhanced Sustainability
By focusing on the longevity and circularity of products, the circular economy significantly decreases the demand for new resources. This sustainable model helps in preserving ecosystems and reducing the carbon footprint, contributing to the fight against climate change.

3. Economic Growth and Job Creation
The shift towards a circular economy can stimulate innovation and create new business opportunities. The need for services such as repair, refurbishment, and recycling can lead to the creation of green jobs, driving economic growth while promoting environmental sustainability.

4. Increased Resource Efficiency
In a circular economy, the efficient use of resources is paramount. Products are designed to be durable, easy to repair, and recyclable, which maximizes their lifespan and value. This efficiency can lead to cost savings for both businesses and consumers, fostering a more resilient economy.

How to select right Circular Economy supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Material Sourcing
Ensure the supplier sources materials sustainably and supports recycling or reuse, minimizing environmental impact.

2. Production Process
Evaluate the efficiency and sustainability of the production process, including energy use and waste management.

3. Supply Chain Transparency
Look for transparency in the supply chain, ensuring ethical practices and traceability of materials.

4. Innovation and Technology
Assess the supplier's commitment to innovation, especially in developing new sustainable materials and processes.

5. Product Lifecycle
Confirm the supplier designs products for a longer lifecycle with options for repair, reuse, or recycling at the end of life.

6. Regulatory Compliance
Verify the supplier meets relevant environmental regulations and standards for sustainability and circular economy principles.

7. Partnership and Collaboration Potential
Consider the supplier's willingness to collaborate on sustainability initiatives and share knowledge for mutual benefit.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Circular Economy?

In the manufacturing sector, circular economy principles are revolutionizing supply chain management. Companies are re-evaluating their production processes, opting for materials that can be easily recycled or repurposed, significantly reducing waste and resource consumption. This shift not only supports sustainability goals but also fosters stronger, more collaborative relationships between suppliers and manufacturers, as they work together to identify and implement more sustainable materials and processes. The technology industry presents another compelling use case, particularly in the realm of electronic waste (e-waste) management. Businesses are increasingly adopting models that prioritize the refurbishment and recycling of electronic components and devices. This approach not only mitigates the environmental impact of e-waste but also unlocks new revenue streams by transforming discarded electronics into valuable resources for new products, thereby promoting a more sustainable lifecycle for electronic goods. In the realm of construction, circular economy practices are leading to innovative building designs that emphasize modularity and the use of recyclable materials. This strategy ensures that when buildings are deconstructed, materials can be easily reclaimed and reused in new construction projects, drastically reducing waste and the demand for raw materials. This approach not only benefits the environment but also offers economic advantages by reducing costs associated with material procurement and waste disposal.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Circular Economy

The concept of the Circular Economy, inherently a systemic approach to economic development designed to benefit businesses, society, and the environment, does not fit neatly into a single Technology Readiness Level (TRL) due to its broad and multifaceted nature. It spans various sectors and technologies, each with its unique TRL. For instance, technologies enabling product lifecycle extension, such as repair and remanufacturing, are at a higher TRL, often reaching levels 7 to 9, where they are proven in operational environments. In contrast, innovations that facilitate material recovery and recycling, especially for complex materials and products, might reside at mid-range TRLs, around 4 to 6, indicating that they are in the process of validation in a laboratory or simulated environment. The disparity in TRLs across the circular economy spectrum is primarily due to technical challenges such as the separation of composite materials, the energy efficiency of recycling processes, and the integration of digital technologies for tracking and optimizing resource flows. These technical hurdles are significant factors that currently limit the widespread implementation and scaling of circular economy principles, reflecting the diverse maturity levels of technologies under the circular economy umbrella.

What is the Technology Forecast of Circular Economy?

In the short-term, advancements in digitalization and IoT (Internet of Things) are set to revolutionize the Circular Economy. These technologies will enable more efficient resource tracking and management, reducing waste and enhancing product lifecycle management. Companies are likely to adopt blockchain for transparent and secure tracking of products and materials, facilitating recycling and reuse. This phase is characterized by the initial integration of smart technologies in supply chains, aiming to minimize waste and improve sustainability. The mid-term phase will witness the emergence of innovative materials and manufacturing processes. Biodegradable materials and 3D printing technology are expected to gain traction, offering new possibilities for circular product design and production. These advancements will make it easier to repair, refurbish, and recycle products, further reducing the environmental impact. The focus during this period will be on scaling these technologies and materials across industries, thereby broadening the scope of the Circular Economy. Looking into the long-term, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with circular economy practices is anticipated to bring about predictive and adaptive circular systems. AI will play a crucial role in optimizing resource use and enhancing the efficiency of recycling processes. Furthermore, the development of smart cities and communities, fully embedded with circular economy principles, is expected. These advancements will lead to a systemic transformation, where circular economy practices are seamlessly integrated into the fabric of society, driving sustainability and resource efficiency to new heights.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Circular Economy Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Circular Economy

Based on our calculations related technologies to Circular Economy are Water/Ocean Cleaning Technologies, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Fashion, Smart Grid

The most represented industries which are working in Circular Economy are Environment, Disposal and Recycling, Other, Oil, Energy and Gas, IT, Software and Services, Consulting

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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