
Top Coding Bootcamps Companies

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110 companies for Coding Bootcamps

PCWorkshops. Java SQL Database design Excel Access MySQL.'s Logo

PCWorkshops. Java SQL Database design Excel Access MySQL.

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


On request, we can deliver computer programming courses in our classroom or on site. All our experts are professional software developers, sql developers or database developers. The MS Project Courses that we offer, are:.

Core business

Coding Bootcamps

... Coding Bootcamps ...

The Hacking School's Logo

The Hacking School


- Employees


We are inspired from the Silicon Valley and our objective is to bring the much needed hacker culture, and transform Indian software training and development industry. Art of building products that business and users love. Our graduates don't just find great product developer roles in less than 30 days of graduating, but also become awesome entrepreneurs!

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India's First Coding Bootcamp | Learn Coding - Full stack Web Development | Live Coding For Kids

... India's First Coding Bootcamp | Learn Coding - Full stack Web Development | Live Coding For ...

Constructor Labs's Logo

Constructor Labs

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


The courses at Constructor Labs are written and delivered by Dmitri Grabov. Dmitri has written and delivered courses for Sainsbury's and Code Your Future, and regularly mentors at Codebar.

Core business

12 Week Coding Bootcamp in London

... 12 Week Coding Bootcamp in ...

Lassod Consulting Limited's Logo

Lassod Consulting Limited

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


At Lassod Consulting Limited, we pride ourselves on upholding the highest standards of professionalism and a strong work ethic in all our interactions. We are committed to upholding our core values in every facet of our work principles as we navigate the dynamic landscape of technology and business consulting. At Lassod, we understand the requirements to thrive in the fast growing digital terrain. At Lassod Consulting Limited, we specialise in empowering businesses to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. We thrive on pushing boundaries, exploring new frontiers, and discovering innovative solutions that drive your business forward. To become an innovative, creative and inclusive global company by 2025 operating across three different continents. We listen and we then aim to provide tailored solutions that truly address our clients’ needs. We believe in conducting ourselves with honesty and we value trust and strive to build strong, long-term relationships with our clients and partners.


Kids summer coding bootcamp

... Kids summer coding bootcamp ...

EasyCoders's Logo


Atlanta, United States

1-10 Employees


With ES6, we got new data types, new syntaxes, and new built-ins, but something that is not often mentioned is the new protocols that were….

Core business

Five Coding Bootcamp Questions

... Five Coding Bootcamp ...

Zuitt - Coding Bootcamp's Logo

Zuitt - Coding Bootcamp

Quezon City, Philippines

51-100 Employees


In 7 years time, Zuitt has been the most featured bootcamp by the media - instructing more than 3,400 trainees in over 210 batches for above 440 employers while winning a Silver Stevie® Award in 2020 and a Gold Titan Award in 2023. Register for a chance to join WiTech Batangas and Zuitt's 2-day Free Coding Class. If you complete but are unable to win any web developer job offer, you don’t need to pay tuition fee anymore. Top Employers with the Most Zuitt Bootcampers in Their Workforce:.

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The Zuitt Coding Bootcamp Team

... Zuitt Coding Bootcamp is a globally competitive startup offering 8-week full time and 24-week part-time Web Development coding bootcamps in a live online format. Zuitt aims to bridge the gap between education and employment qualifications, helping individuals land developer jobs or relaunch careers in the tech industry. ...

The Jump Digital School's Logo

The Jump Digital School

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Our Web Developer Coding Bootcamp would suit you if you just want to focus on client-side development and not server-side development. This is a workplace simulator where you'll get real experience with CI/CD pipelines, Infrastructure as Code, Container Orchestration, Scripting, Automation, Monitoring, Security, Networking and Cloud computing (GCP). You'd be joining a family run school that's dedicated to helping you master the awesome power of tech and making the jump to where you want to be. As the saying goes, there are only two guarantees in life: death and taxes.

Core business

Full and Part Time Coding Bootcamps - Start Your Tech Career

... Join a full or part time coding bootcamp with live online classes, train with senior instructors to become a software developer, and start your tech ...

Code Belgium's Logo

Code Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

51-100 Employees


All our courses are in English language only, as we provide content at an international level. Become a coder with Code Belgium that offers you an interactive and extensive Software Engineering Bootcamp and start coding with the best coding bootcamp in few weeks. Code Belgium is Belgium's only training institute to provide full Software Engineering Bootcamp with guaranteed internship and placement. Don’t worry if you are not from an IT background, we are open for all. Code Belgium provides course training and internships to our students which helps them to work on live projects. We focus on building your foundations and make your concepts strong so that you can learn any new technology. In today’s world coding is the future, an extremely essential skill due to its importance in the role of digital transformation.

Core business

Code Belgium | Best Coding Bootcamp

... Become an expert in IT with the best Coding Bootcamp. Code Belgium is Belgium's only training institute to provide full Software Engineering Bootcamp with guaranteed internship and placement. ...

Coder Academy's Logo

Coder Academy

Sydney, Australia

11-50 Employees


Today, Coder Academy is a place for change-makers who believe “it’s never too late’’. AIT is an approved VET Student Loan and FEE-HELP provider. Coder Academy – Powered by AIT is a part of the NextEd Group. We get it; this is a big deal. Oh and don’t be surprised if you score a job offer too. Of our 2022 graduates, 54% were offered a job with their industry placement company.

Core business

Join Our Next Coding Bootcamp

... Transform your career with coding courses from Australia's original accredited coding bootcamp provider, Coder Academy! ...

Nimble Moose LLC's Logo

Nimble Moose LLC

Chicago, United States

1-10 Employees


Webpack is the unsung hero of modern front-end web development, but getting down and dirty with it can be intimidating. Most importantly, Ben understood when to lean in to provide guidance and when to step back to have us connect the dots ourselves. Ben is a most amazing instructor ever met.

Core business

The Missing Lectures From Your Coding Bootcamp | Ben Wilhelm

... The Missing Lectures From Your Coding Bootcamp | Ben ...

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Insights about the Coding Bootcamps results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Coding Bootcamps

Country with most fitting companiesIndia
Amount of fitting manufacturers839
Amount of suitable service providers856
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2007
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Coding Bootcamps

What is Coding Bootcamps?

Coding bootcamps are intensive, short-term training programs that teach programming skills and software development methodologies to individuals with little to no background in the field. These programs typically range from a few weeks to several months and are designed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to enter the tech industry as entry-level developers. By offering a curriculum that emphasizes hands-on learning, project-based assignments, and collaboration, coding bootcamps address the growing demand for tech professionals in an ever-evolving digital landscape. They serve as a bridge between traditional education paths and the immediate needs of the technology sector, providing an accelerated route to employment. The impact of coding bootcamps within the tech industry is significant, as they continually adapt their offerings to align with current technological trends and employer requirements. This adaptability ensures graduates possess relevant, up-to-date skills, thereby helping to close the skills gap in the tech workforce. Additionally, by democratizing access to tech education, coding bootcamps contribute to diversifying the technology field, making it more inclusive for individuals from varied backgrounds. As a result, coding bootcamps have become a vital component of the tech ecosystem, supporting the sector's growth by fostering a skilled and adaptable workforce.

Advantages of Coding Bootcamps

1. Intensive Learning Pace
Coding bootcamps are designed to immerse students in programming languages and development practices at an accelerated pace. This intense focus allows learners to gain practical skills in a matter of months, as opposed to the years typically required by traditional degree programs.

2. Cost Efficiency
Compared to the financial investment required for a four-year degree, coding bootcamps are significantly more cost-effective. They provide a direct path to tech jobs without the burden of extensive student loans, making them an attractive option for individuals seeking a career change or skill enhancement.

3. Industry-Relevant Curriculum
Bootcamps are often developed with direct input from technology companies and are designed to meet the current demands of the tech industry. This ensures that graduates possess the most relevant and up-to-date skills employers are looking for, enhancing their employability upon completion.

4. Networking Opportunities
Participants in coding bootcamps benefit from networking with instructors, guest speakers, and fellow students who are professionals in the tech industry. These connections can be invaluable when looking for job opportunities and mentorship in their new careers.

How to select right Coding Bootcamps supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Curriculum Relevance
Ensure the coding bootcamp's curriculum is up-to-date with current industry standards and technologies. It should cover essential programming languages and tools relevant to your needs.

2. Instructor Expertise
The quality of instructors plays a crucial role. Verify their experience and background in software development and teaching.

3. Flexibility and Format
Consider the format (online, in-person, hybrid) and schedule flexibility to accommodate your time and commitments.

4. Post-Bootcamp Support
Look for programs offering career services like mentoring, job placement assistance, and networking opportunities post-completion.

5. Success Rate
Check the bootcamp's success rate by reviewing alumni outcomes, job placement rates, and testimonials.

6. Cost and ROI
Assess the cost against the potential return on investment, considering the bootcamp's track record of elevating careers and increasing salaries.

7. Accreditation and Partnerships
Prefer bootcamps accredited by reputable organizations and those with partnerships in the tech industry, enhancing the credibility and value of the program.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Coding Bootcamps?

Coding bootcamps have emerged as a transformative resource for businesses aiming to bridge the tech skills gap within their teams. One prevalent use case is in the tech industry itself, where companies sponsor employees to attend bootcamps, enhancing their software development, data analysis, or cybersecurity skills. This investment not only boosts the technical capabilities of the workforce but also increases employee retention by offering valuable career development opportunities. In the finance sector, businesses leverage coding bootcamps to equip their staff with fintech knowledge, including blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. By doing so, they stay competitive in an industry increasingly reliant on innovative tech solutions for secure, efficient transactions and data management. Healthcare organizations, facing the need for digital transformation, are another significant beneficiary. Through coding bootcamps, staff learn to develop and manage patient care systems, telehealth services, and data analysis tools. This specialized training enables the creation of more efficient and secure digital healthcare solutions. Moreover, manufacturing companies employ coding bootcamps to upskill employees in IoT (Internet of Things) and automation technologies. This education helps in the design, implementation, and maintenance of smart manufacturing processes, leading to increased productivity and reduced operational costs. Through these diverse applications, coding bootcamps provide a versatile solution to the urgent need for tech-savvy professionals across various industries, underscoring their value in the B2B context.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Coding Bootcamps

Coding bootcamps, as a concept and educational model, are firmly situated at Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL 9), which denotes that the technology or concept is fully mature and has been proven to work in its operational setting. This high level of readiness is attributed to several technical and operational factors. Firstly, the core technology and pedagogical approaches employed in coding bootcamps, such as interactive learning platforms, collaborative project tools, and immersive coding environments, have extensively been tested and refined through years of application and feedback loops from both instructors and participants. These technical tools and methodologies have demonstrated consistent success in equipping students with practical, job-ready software development skills in a condensed timeframe. Secondly, the integration of industry-standard programming languages, development tools, and best practices into the curriculum ensures that the educational content remains relevant and directly applicable to the tech industry's demands. Additionally, the adaptability of coding bootcamps to online and remote learning formats, especially highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, showcases their technical robustness and flexibility, further cementing their status at TRL 9. This readiness level reflects not just the maturity of the technological tools and teaching methodologies used but also the proven capability of coding bootcamps to effectively bridge the skills gap in the technology sector.

What is the Technology Forecast of Coding Bootcamps?

In the short-term, coding bootcamps are set to become more personalized and accessible. Advances in AI and machine learning will allow for customized learning paths that adapt to an individual's pace and style of learning. This personalization will be further enhanced by the integration of virtual reality (VR) environments, providing immersive experiences that simulate real-world coding challenges. The focus will be on making technical education more engaging and efficient, catering to a wider range of learners. Looking at the mid-term developments, bootcamps will likely leverage the power of big data to refine their curricula. By analyzing job market trends and employer needs, these programs can tailor their offerings to ensure that graduates possess the most in-demand skills. Furthermore, there will be a significant shift towards collaboration with universities and tech companies, resulting in hybrid programs that combine the practical, hands-on approach of bootcamps with the theoretical foundations offered by traditional education. This partnership will also open up more opportunities for internships and real-world projects, bridging the gap between education and employment. In the long-term, coding bootcamps are expected to play a pivotal role in continuous education and career development. As technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, the need for ongoing skill updates will become the norm. Bootcamps will likely become integrated into professional development plans, offering modular courses that professionals can take throughout their careers to stay relevant. Additionally, the rise of decentralized education platforms could democratize learning, making high-quality tech education accessible globally, regardless of geographical or socio-economic barriers.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Coding Bootcamps Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Coding Bootcamps

Based on our calculations related technologies to Coding Bootcamps are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in Coding Bootcamps are

Quantum Learning Academy PK

The most represented industries which are working in Coding Bootcamps are Education, IT, Software and Services, Other, Marketing Services, Consulting

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