
Top Digital Currency Companies

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524 companies for Digital Currency

Pundi X's Logo

Pundi X

San Jose, Philippines

11-50 Employees


He was Chief Evangelist Officer of Opera China, Chairperson of W3C Interest Group in Beijing and Oslo prior to founding Pundi X. He has extensive experience with governance and compliance matters regulating the blockchain and fintech space. As a practising Singaporean lawyer, he has prevailed in novel cryptocurrency related disputes litigated in the High Court of Singapore and the Singapore International Arbitration Centre. Lovely Halim joined Pundi X in 2017 and was Indonesia's country manager prior to leading the finance department. She received her Bachelor of Professional Accounting from Holmes Institute in Sydney, Australia and an Associate Degree in Business Administration from Green River Community College in Seattle, Washington.


Any store can buy, sell and accept digital currency

... Any store can buy, sell and accept digital currency ...

Bitt's Logo


Wildey, Barbados

51-100 Employees


We are the world’s leading digital currency experts. We provide central bank digital currency (CBDC) and stablecoin solutions for central banks, financial institutions, governments, and financial ecosystem participants worldwide. Bitt’s experience with two-tier CBDC and stablecoin implementations demonstrate how we successfully collaborate with our partners to develop, customize and integrate secure digital bearer instruments to facilitate instant settlements within economies of all sizes. Bitt provides every solution that central banks and monetary authorities need to meet regulatory and policy requirements while they develop and implement digital fiat currency as legal tender. Bitt’s robust DCMS integrates seamlessly into existing systems to facilitate the use of CBDC and stablecoin for instant settlement of transfers and payments. Bitt builds a digital wallet for the National Bank of Belize. Bitt’s proven Digital Currency Management System (DCMS) solutions are designed to ensure the success of your CBDC development and implementation. Our scalable financial technology is blockchain agnostic and offers online and offline digital currency infrastructure and management solutions for every layer of the financial ecosystem: from the Monetary Authority Suite to retail web- and mobile-based applications.

Core business

Harness the Power of Digital Currencies

... Digital Currency Management System | ...

My Digital Currency Company's Logo

My Digital Currency Company

Dallas, United States

1-10 Employees


Core business

MY Digital Currency Company

... MY Digital Currency Company Bridging the Gap of the Unknown to the KNown About Us /01 About Digital Currency Company My Digital Currency Company is on a mission to serve our customer by providing a trustworthy, effective & straightforward on-ramp to successfully mining bitcoin. We offer a comprehensive suite of services from sourcing equipment, hosting, ...

Amun Capital Finance LLC's Logo

Amun Capital Finance LLC

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We believe that digital currencies will revolutionize our legacy economic, political, and social systems. As the digital currency market has emerged and evolved, Amun Capital Finance has grown alongside it, becoming the leading partner to investors as they navigate and deploy capital into this new asset class. As the largest digital currency asset manager, Amun Capital Finance helps investors access the ever-evolving digital economy to build their future in the present. With the industry’s longest track record, Amun Capital Finance is the trusted partner for institutional and individual investors interested in digital currencies and the growing digital economy. Investors can seamlessly purchase Amun Capital Finance products in their IRA or other investment accounts directly via brokerage platforms. Amun Capital Finance products lead the industry in terms of availability and scale, both in investment opportunities and liquidity. Each of Amun Capital Finance’s digital asset products is set up as a separate legal entity and supported by institutional-grade partners, from custodians to auditors.

Core business

A Leader in Digital Currency Investing

... A Leader in Digital Currency ...

Swiss Shakti Foundation's Logo

Swiss Shakti Foundation


51-100 Employees


If you share our vision of what currency could be, then we invite you to join us. That's one of the reasons why the Shakti Foundation chose this precious resource as the basis for its new global currency. We see this as the most direct way to help each person, and each community, achieve their true potential. We will soon be offering a limited number of mining slots per region on a first-come, first-served basis. Proximity-based mining means all validation of efforts and transactions is offered to local miners first. We offer strong incentives to get merchants onboard globally. We see this as the most direct way to help each person, and each community to achieve their true potential.

Core business

Digital Currency—Movement for Better Money!

... Digital Currency—Movement for Better Money! ...

Verge Currency's Logo

Verge Currency

Fort Myers, United States

- Employees


Verge is a digital currency designed for people and for everyday use. It improves upon the original Bitcoin blockchain and aims to fulfill its initial purpose of providing individuals and businesses with a fast, efficient and decentralized way of making direct transactions. Our mission is to empower people around the world by bringing blockchain transactions into everyday life. Verge makes it possible to engage in direct transactions quickly, efficiently and securely. With Verge, businesses and individuals have flexible options for sending and receiving payments securely and efficiently all around the world in a matter of seconds.

Core business

A secure and user-friendly digital currency.

... A digital currency designed for everyday transactions. ...

Zoin Official's Logo

Zoin Official

Caen, France

1-10 Employees


We’ve done our best to bring you new product development sadly Cryptopia has declined our request and appeal, we are sorry but Zoin no longer exists. Here is a very short example of screen shots that our members were dealing with these last months.

Core business

Zoin - Community - governed digital currency with anonymity features

... Zoin is a decentralized digital currency created to ensure your transactions are secure, private, and untraceable. Our technology is based on Zerocoin Protocol which provides you complete anonymity over your funds. ...

Crypto Matchup's Logo

Crypto Matchup

St. John's, Canada

1-10 Employees


Although CryptoMatchup promotes a respectful user experience, it is not responsible for the behavior of any user on or off of the service. CryptoMatchup only supports good conduct and frowns upon any illegal activity which includes, but not limited to, theft of crypto-coins, or the sharing of private and personal information of other users. CryptoMatchup will use its best efforts to block and delete users who are found to be abusing the system or breaching our aforementioned conduct. CryptoMatchup does NOT recommend you provide your personal/financial information (for example, your credit card or bank account information), or wire or otherwise send money to other users, and in doing so, you are doing at your own risk and CryptoMatchup is held harmless of any risks or losses that occur from sharing this information.

Core business

Looking to trade digital currency?

... Looking to trade digital currency? ...

NjordX's Logo


Tallinn, Estonia

1-10 Employees


NjordX provides an unrivaled trading experience with lightning-fast execution, advanced security, and personalized support. NjordX Finance is an OTC cryptocurrency trader that enables our clients to trade fiat and digital currencies. NjordX Finance currently only accepts bank transfers when accepting fiat currencies for the purpose of a trade. Currently, NjordX Finance facilitates trades of BTC, ETH, EUR, USDT. However, we are always looking for opportunities to take on new currencies in order to meet demand. NjordX efficiently manages large-volume transactions within a secure and compliant framework. We offer access to the hottest tokens, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and beyond. Our support team is here to provide you with the assistance and guidance you require, precisely when you need.

Core business

Leverage the potential of digital currencies

... Leverage the potential of digital currencies ...

Guaranty Escrow Inc.'s Logo

Guaranty Escrow Inc.

Palos Verdes Estates, United States

11-50 Employees


Something fresh and modern with a focus on customer experience. And as the President and CEO of Guaranty Escrow today. Melissa is dedicated to making sure all transactions go smoothly. As one of a small number of true independents, we are unbiased, regularly audited, and have complete oversight over every account. We team with you to provide your clients professional, timely, and courteous escrow services that will always reflect well on you. And thanks to our state-of-the-art digital platform, we’re well-placed to provide them.


Digital Currencies

... Digital Currencies ...

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Insights about the Digital Currency results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Digital Currency

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1110
Amount of suitable service providers861
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1986
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Digital Currency

What is Digital Currency?

Digital currency refers to a form of currency that is available only in digital or electronic form, rather than in physical form such as banknotes and coins. It encompasses a wide range of financial instruments, including cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and various forms of electronic money used in online banking systems and digital wallets. Unlike traditional currencies, digital currencies rely on the principles of cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. This reliance on technology enables digital currencies to facilitate instant, borderless transactions, which are often more secure and less expensive than transactions with traditional money. The role of digital currency within the financial sector is multifaceted, as it not only introduces a new medium of exchange but also has the potential to revolutionize the underlying infrastructure of financial systems globally. By reducing the need for intermediaries and lowering transaction costs, digital currencies can enhance financial inclusion, especially in underserved or unbanked populations. However, they also present challenges in terms of regulatory oversight, market volatility, and security risks. The impact of digital currencies is increasingly significant, influencing monetary policies, banking operations, and the overall economy, as they offer innovative solutions for payment and investment, while also posing new regulatory and operational challenges.

Advantages of Digital Currency

1. Lower Transaction Costs:
Digital currencies often boast significantly lower transaction fees compared to traditional banking and financial services. This is primarily due to the elimination of intermediary institutions and the streamlined nature of blockchain technology, which underpins many digital currencies.

2. Enhanced Security:
Through the use of cryptography, digital currencies offer a higher level of security compared to conventional payment methods. Transactions are securely encrypted and recorded on a blockchain, making them nearly impervious to fraud and unauthorized alterations.

3. Global Accessibility:
Digital currencies provide equal access to financial services, regardless of a user's location or access to traditional banking. This is particularly beneficial for people in underbanked regions, allowing them to participate in the global economy more freely.

4. Instant Transactions:
Unlike traditional banking systems, which can take days to process transactions (especially international ones), digital currency transactions can be completed almost instantly. This speed is due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, which allows for rapid verification and settlement of transactions.

5. Financial Privacy:
While not entirely anonymous, digital currencies offer a higher degree of privacy compared to traditional banking systems. Users can control how much personal information is shared when making transactions, providing a level of financial privacy not typically available with other payment methods.

How to select right Digital Currency supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Security Measures
Ensure the supplier has robust security protocols to protect against hacking, fraud, and theft. Look for those utilizing cold storage, two-factor authentication, and regular security audits.

2. Regulatory Compliance
Choose a supplier that is compliant with the regulatory requirements of the jurisdictions in which they operate. This includes anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) policies.

3. Transaction Fees
Compare the transaction fees charged by different suppliers. Lower fees can significantly impact the cost-effectiveness of transactions, especially for high-volume users.

4. Ease of Use
The platform should be user-friendly, with a straightforward interface for both beginners and experienced users. Mobile app availability is a plus.

5. Customer Support
Opt for suppliers with a reputation for responsive and helpful customer support. Availability of support through multiple channels (e.g., live chat, email, phone) is important.

6. Reputation and Reviews
Research the supplier’s reputation in the industry and read reviews from other users. Experience and positive feedback are indicators of reliability and trustworthiness.

7. Currency Support and Pairings
Consider suppliers that offer a wide range of digital currencies and pairings, providing more flexibility in trading and investment opportunities.

8. Withdrawal and Deposit Limits
Check the supplier’s policy on withdrawal and deposit limits. Some suppliers offer higher limits to verified accounts, which might be necessary for your needs.

9. Speed of Transactions
Evaluate the speed at which the supplier processes transactions, as delays can affect trading and investment strategies.

10. Insurance and Protection
Find out if the supplier has insurance policies to protect users’ digital assets against potential losses due to security breaches.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Digital Currency?

Digital currency is increasingly pivotal in streamlining transactions and enhancing efficiency across various B2B sectors. In the financial industry, digital currency facilitates faster and more secure transactions. Banks and financial institutions leverage blockchain technology to execute cross-border payments with minimal fees and real-time processing, a significant improvement over traditional methods that are often costly and time-consuming. In the supply chain and logistics sector, digital currency offers an innovative solution for tracking goods and payments simultaneously. By integrating digital payments into the blockchain, companies can ensure transparency and immutability in transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and discrepancies. This integration enables businesses to automate payments upon the completion of specific milestones, enhancing trust and efficiency between trading partners. The tech industry, particularly companies focused on software and services, uses digital currency to simplify the subscription and licensing models. By automating payments through smart contracts, businesses can ensure uninterrupted service delivery and access to software products, reducing administrative overhead and improving customer satisfaction. Lastly, in the realm of international trade, digital currency stands out by mitigating the challenges of currency exchange rates and transaction fees. Businesses can execute payments in a universally accepted digital currency, bypassing the complexities of foreign exchange and enhancing the speed of international transactions. This use case not only streamlines operations but also opens up new markets by making cross-border transactions more accessible and cost-effective.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Digital Currency

As of now, digital currency, encompassing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), predominantly operates at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) between 8 and 9. This high TRL is indicative of the fact that the foundational technologies behind digital currencies, such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT), have been fully demonstrated and validated in real-world environments. The technical maturation of blockchain technology provides a secure, transparent, and decentralized framework for conducting transactions without the need for traditional intermediaries, which underpins the operational capabilities of digital currencies. Furthermore, the successful integration of digital currencies into various financial ecosystems, the development of related regulatory frameworks, and the increasing acceptance and use by both consumers and institutions underscore their high TRL status. However, challenges such as scalability, energy consumption (particularly with proof-of-work consensus mechanisms), and legal-regulatory acceptance vary widely among different digital currencies and can affect their specific TRL positioning. The continued evolution of underlying technologies, including advancements in consensus algorithms and the integration of more energy-efficient mechanisms, is critical in addressing these challenges and further solidifying the TRL of digital currencies at the highest level within the innovation spectrum.

What is the Technology Forecast of Digital Currency?

In the short term, digital currency technology is expected to focus on enhancing security and user accessibility. Innovations such as more robust encryption methods and two-factor authentication will become standard, aiming to safeguard digital assets against cyber threats. Additionally, there will be a significant push towards increasing interoperability among different digital currencies and blockchain networks, facilitating smoother transactions and exchanges. In the mid-term, the development of digital currencies will likely pivot towards integration with traditional financial systems and the wider adoption of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). This phase will see the implementation of regulatory frameworks designed to bridge the gap between digital and fiat currencies, making digital currency transactions more seamless and trustworthy for the average user. The emergence of CBDCs will play a crucial role in this, as governments begin to officially recognize and back digital currencies, thereby enhancing their legitimacy and stability. Long-term advancements are expected to revolutionize the way digital currencies interact with the emerging technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. This stage will likely witness the creation of smart, self-executing contracts and the autonomous management of digital assets, enabling more sophisticated and efficient financial services. The convergence of digital currencies with these technologies will further blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds, making digital financial transactions more integrated into our everyday lives.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Digital Currency Companies

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