Nutrition Counseling
Nutrition Counseling

Top Nutrition Counseling Companies

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159 companies for Nutrition Counseling

Jahandarpour ®'s Logo

Sydney, Australia

1-10 Employees


Executive Coach, Growth Hacker, with 20 years of personal development, and Business growth experience.



Image for Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition Counseling

... Nutrition Counseling – Ehsan ...

The Endurance Edge's Logo

Cary, United States

1-10 Employees


We welcome all paces and experience levels, so long as you’re committed to supporting your teammates and asking for help from your expert coaches who are willing to guide you along the way.



Core business
Image for Evidence-based nutrition counseling, triathlon coaching, and fueling & hydration solutions

Evidence-based nutrition counseling, triathlon coaching, and fueling & hydration solutions

... Evidence-based nutrition counseling, triathlon coaching, and fueling & hydration ...

POPART Fitness's Logo

Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Czechia

1-10 Employees



Image for Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition Counseling

... The goal of nutrition counseling is to help a person make and maintain dietary changes. ...

Landman & Associates Inc.'s Logo

Plantation, United States

1-10 Employees


Our goal is to educate, uplift those in need, and show a nutritional and lifestyle path towards health, meeting people where they are in their life. Each month we provide a relevant nutrition topic and a tasty recipe to try. With a diverse background and years of experience in nutrition counseling, planning, and delivery of nutrition information, Alix understands that one diet does not fit all people yet there are common threads of nutrition that we all require for good health. Landman was on the board of the Miami Dietetic Association in 1992, and is the president of the Broward County Dietetic Association 06-07 season. Over the years, we have provided worksite wellness programs, cooking demonstrations, group, and one on one nutrition counseling. With nutrition, it is the combination of good nutritional science and nutrition assessment, applied to where you are in your life. Choose a plan that works best for your goals.



Image for Nutrition Counseling & Coaching Sessions with Alix Landman

Nutrition Counseling & Coaching Sessions with Alix Landman

... Book your Nutrition Counseling session today for improving your overall health; physically, emotionally, and ...


Trafford, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

The best part is, most of our services are covered 100% by health insurance! Offered for individuals and groups by our Virtual Nutritionists, Weightless is Transcend's evidence-based, whole-person-focused transformation program. Transcend provides on-site services in Charlotte, the TRIAD, and RDU areas, and our Virtual Nutritionist programs are available nationwide.



Core business
Image for Expert Nutrition Counseling

Expert Nutrition Counseling

... FREE Nutrition Counseling with In Network Registered ...

Lion Communications's Logo

Selb, Germany

1-10 Employees

Wir sind der Meinung, dass eine Agentur auch Verantwortung für die Ergebnisse übernehmen sollte. Doch selbst scheinbar innovative, digitale Methoden blieben bisher ohne Ergebnisse. Meine Erwartungen wurden nicht nur erfüllt, sondern sogar übertroffen. Zum einen mit der Qualität der Arbeit, die erbracht wurde und zum anderen freuen wir uns sehr über so nette Menschen, die uns persönlich und auch fachlich weitergebracht haben.”. Innerhalb von nur 2 Monaten wurden bereits einige Mitarbeiter gewonnen. Unsere analytische und werbepsychologische Methode zur Mitarbeitergewinnung wurde aus der Praxis entwickelt und über Jahre perfektioniert. Basierend auf unserer Analyse, identifizieren wir die besten Werbekanäle, um deine Stellenangebote effektiv zu platzieren. Experten bestehend aus HR-Strategen, Werbetextern, Mediengestalter, Marketing-Profis,…Echte Recruiting-Experten und Marketer, die schon über 600 Einstellungen in mehr als 50 Branchen generiert haben – helfen auch dir, endlich deine offenen Stellen zu besetzen.



Image for Personalized nutrition counseling services

Personalized nutrition counseling services

... Personalized nutrition counseling services Tailored nutritional consultation plans to fityour lifestyle and needs In-Person Initial Consultation Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et ...'s Logo

Orihuela, Spain

1-10 Employees

Nuestro objetivo es brindarte productos de alta calidad y estilo único que reflejen tu personalidad y hagan de tu hogar un lugar especial. Descubre una amplia gama de productos que se adaptan a todos los estilos y gustos. Garantizamos productos duraderos y de alta calidad para embellecer tu hogar.



Image for Personalized nutrition counseling services

Personalized nutrition counseling services

... Personalized nutrition counseling services Tailored nutritional consultation plans to fityour lifestyle and needs In-Person Initial Consultation Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et ...

Jamie Lee LLC's Logo

Portland, United States

11-50 Employees


This minimizes the belief that the body is the enemy. Health at Every Size® (HAES) is a beautiful and scientifically sound framework that is weight inclusive, body respecting and social justice aligned. Contrary to dieting is a weight-inclusive, intuitive eating framework which allows you to:.



Image for Services — Jamie Lee, RDN

Services — Jamie Lee, RDN

... Individual nutrition counseling and group/community ...

Leg Up Farm's Logo

Mount Wolf, United States

11-50 Employees


Leg Up Farm’s mission is to enrich the lives of individuals and families with special needs and unique challenges, through support and customized programs. We believe that everyone is special and deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. Leg Up Farm is the only facility in the country to provide physical, occupational, speech and aquatic therapy, behavioral health services, nutrition counseling, therapeutic horsemanship, equine-assisted therapies, and educational and recreational programming under one roof. At Leg Up Farm, diversity, equity, and inclusion fuels our mission. In fact, it is intrinsic to our mission of enriching the lives of individuals and families with special needs and unique challenges, through support and customized programs.



Image for Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition Counseling

... Nutrition Counseling — Leg Up ...

Gooden Healthy Nutrition's Logo

Tucson, United States

1-10 Employees


Gooden Healthy Nutrition is dedicated to helping you change your eating and lifestyle behaviors that may be keeping you from feeling healthier, happier, and more vibrant.



Image for Services | Gooden Healthy Nutrition

Services | Gooden Healthy Nutrition

... Defines the services provided by Goodend Healthy Nutrition: Functional Nutrition Counseling and Genetic Test Interpretation. ...

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Facts about those Nutrition Counseling Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Nutrition Counseling

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers31
Amount of suitable service providers131
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1997
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Nutrition Counseling

What is Nutrition Counseling?

Nutrition counseling is a specialized process in which a qualified health professional, commonly a registered dietitian or a nutritionist, provides expert advice and guidance on diet, food, and nutrition to individuals or groups. This personalized approach aims to assist clients in setting and achieving health-related goals, managing diseases, and fostering a healthy lifestyle through informed food choices and dietary habits. The counselor assesses the client's nutritional intake, health status, and lifestyle factors to develop a tailored nutrition plan that addresses specific needs, preferences, and challenges. The impact of nutrition counseling extends beyond mere dietary adjustments; it plays a pivotal role in preventive health care and the management of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. By empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to make healthier food choices, nutrition counseling can lead to improved dietary habits, better health outcomes, and enhanced quality of life. It also serves as a critical tool in public health strategies aimed at addressing nutritional deficiencies and promoting wellness across populations. Through ongoing support and education, nutrition counseling contributes significantly to the prevention of diet-related diseases, making it an invaluable component of holistic health care and wellness programs.

Advantages of Nutrition Counseling

1. Personalized Approach
Nutrition counseling offers a tailored dietary plan that considers an individual's health history, dietary preferences, and lifestyle. This customization ensures that the nutritional advice is not only practical but also sustainable over the long term, unlike one-size-fits-all diet plans.

2. Professional Guidance
Working with a certified nutritionist provides access to expert knowledge and insights. These professionals can debunk common dietary myths and offer science-backed recommendations, ensuring individuals receive accurate information to make informed choices about their nutrition.

3. Behavioral Change Support
Nutrition counseling goes beyond just diet; it also focuses on modifying eating behaviors and habits. Nutritionists provide strategies for overcoming barriers to healthy eating, such as emotional eating or lack of time for meal preparation, which alternative options may not address effectively.

4. Health Improvement
Receiving nutrition counseling can lead to significant improvements in health markers, such as blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and blood pressure. By addressing the root causes of dietary issues, individuals can experience long-lasting health benefits compared to temporary solutions provided by fad diets or quick fixes.

How to select right Nutrition Counseling supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Credentials and Certifications
Ensure the nutrition counseling supplier has professionals with recognized credentials such as Registered Dietitian (RD) or Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS).

2. Experience and Specialization
Look for suppliers with extensive experience and those that specialize in areas relevant to your needs, such as sports nutrition, pediatric nutrition, or weight management.

3. Customization of Services
The ability to tailor nutrition plans and counseling based on individual health needs, dietary preferences, and medical history is crucial.

4. Accessibility and Support
Consider suppliers that offer flexible scheduling, virtual consultations, and ongoing support for tracking progress towards your nutritional goals.

5. Reputation and Reviews
Research customer feedback and success stories to gauge the effectiveness and satisfaction levels of the supplier’s services.

6. Cost and Payment Options
Understand the pricing structure, insurance compatibility, and any available payment plans to ensure the services are within your budget.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Nutrition Counseling?

In the healthcare sector, nutrition counseling serves as a cornerstone for patient care strategies, enabling hospitals and clinics to offer comprehensive wellness programs. By integrating personalized nutrition plans, these institutions can enhance patient recovery rates and overall health outcomes, illustrating a direct impact on the quality of healthcare services provided. Within the corporate world, companies are increasingly incorporating nutrition counseling into their employee wellness programs. This initiative aims to boost employee productivity and morale by addressing health and nutrition directly, thereby reducing absenteeism and healthcare costs. It represents a strategic investment in the workforce's physical and mental health, reflecting a commitment to fostering a healthier work environment. Education institutions, particularly those with programs in sports and physical education, leverage nutrition counseling to optimize student-athletes' performance and well-being. Customized dietary plans and educational sessions on nutrition help these young athletes achieve peak performance levels while maintaining optimal health, showcasing the critical role of nutrition in sports science and education. The food industry, including food service providers and manufacturers, employs nutrition counseling to innovate and improve product offerings. By understanding the nutritional needs and preferences of their target markets, these businesses can develop healthier, more appealing food options, thereby gaining a competitive edge in the increasingly health-conscious consumer market.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition counseling, as a field, predominantly operates at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9, which signifies that the technology is fully mature and has been proven to work in real-world conditions. This high TRL is attributed to the integration of advanced information technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), mobile health apps, and telehealth platforms, which have significantly enhanced the accessibility, personalization, and effectiveness of nutritional advice. AI algorithms can now analyze vast amounts of dietary data, providing personalized nutrition plans tailored to an individual's health conditions, dietary restrictions, and preferences. Mobile health apps facilitate real-time monitoring of nutritional intake and offer guidance, nudging users towards healthier eating habits. Telehealth platforms have democratized access to professional nutrition counseling, allowing individuals to receive expert advice without geographical constraints. The technical maturity of these digital tools and their successful application in diverse real-world settings underline the reason for nutrition counseling's placement at this advanced TRL. Their widespread adoption and evidence-based results in improving dietary habits and health outcomes underscore the field's readiness and effectiveness in leveraging technology to meet contemporary nutritional needs.

What is the Technology Forecast of Nutrition Counseling?

In the Short-Term, the integration of AI and machine learning into nutrition counseling platforms is set to revolutionize personalized diet plans. These technologies will enable systems to analyze individual health data in real-time, offering tailored nutrition advice that adapts to users' changing health needs and lifestyle choices. Enhanced mobile applications with user-friendly interfaces will also emerge, making daily tracking of food intake and nutrition easier and more accessible to a broader audience. Mid-Term advancements will focus on the incorporation of genetic testing and microbiome analysis into nutrition counseling. This will allow for an unprecedented level of personalization in dietary recommendations, based on one’s genetic predispositions and gut health. Furthermore, the emergence of smart kitchen appliances, capable of recommending and preparing meals aligned with users' nutritional goals, will support individuals in adhering to their personalized nutrition plans, bridging the gap between advice and action. In the Long-Term, we anticipate the widespread adoption of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies in nutrition counseling. These immersive platforms will offer interactive and engaging educational experiences, allowing users to visualize the effects of their dietary choices on their bodies in real-time. Additionally, the development of nanotechnology could lead to the creation of smart nutrients, capable of dynamically adjusting their composition in response to the body's needs, ushering in a new era of precision nutrition.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Nutrition Counseling Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Nutrition Counseling

Based on our calculations related technologies to Nutrition Counseling are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in Nutrition Counseling are Gooden Healthy Nutrition

The most represented industries which are working in Nutrition Counseling are Health Care, Others, Professional Services, Administrative Services, Facilities & Services

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