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Top Real Estate Brokerage Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Real Estate Brokerage in Germany

BROKAVARIA Immobilien's Logo


Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Brokavaria Immobilien is a dynamic real estate brokerage team based in Munich, dedicated to successfully connecting people with properties. They emphasize the importance of expert guidance in the complex real estate market and offer professional services for both selling and acquiring properties.

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Core business

Brokavaria Immobilien

Klessinger Immobilien's Logo

Klessinger Immobilien

Erding, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is a family-owned business that specializes in real estate project development and offers a wide range of services related to properties. Their expertise and comprehensive service, including professional marketing and support throughout the buying and leasing process, ensure a successful and timely transaction.

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Carina Marks

▶️ Suche nach einer Immobilie? ▶️ Immobilie Verkaufen? ✔️Wir beraten und helfen bei der Suche nach der besten Immobilie. Haus,Wohnung,Grundstück kaufen/mieten.

RB2 Immobilien's Logo

RB2 Immobilien

Friedberg (Hesse), Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

RB2 Immobilien is a modern real estate brokerage known for its competent advice and qualified agent services throughout the Rhein-Main area. The dedicated team focuses on fulfilling individual housing dreams, offering support for various properties, including apartments, houses, and office spaces.

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RB2 Immobilien - Ihre Immobilienmakler in Friedberg

Zimmer FREI Real Estate's Logo

Zimmer FREI Real Estate

Flensburg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, Zimmer FREI!, is dedicated to realizing your real estate projects, offering a dynamic team that efficiently handles the sale and purchase of various properties. They emphasize a straightforward approach, providing services such as property valuation, management, and consultation, making them a reliable partner in the real estate market since 2014.

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Core business

Immobilienmakler – Flensburg, Hamburg & Sylt | Zimmer FREI! Real Estate

Zimmer FREI! ist Ihr Partner für Immobilien – Verkauf, Vermietung, Wertermittlung uvm.! Jetzt mehr erfahren!

Thomas Schaller Immobilien's Logo

Thomas Schaller Immobilien

Nuremberg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Thomas Schaller Immobilien offers a diverse range of real estate, including residential properties (land, houses, apartments, villas) and commercial spaces (retail, offices, warehouses, and logistics properties). They provide comprehensive support for property seekers and a free online property valuation service, making them a key resource for both buyers and renters in various regions across Germany.

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Core business

Immobilienmakler in Nürnberg - Thomas Schaller Immobilien

Thomas Schaller Immobilien bietet Immobilien aller Asset-Klassen. Immobilien Kaufen und Vermitteln. Wohnimmobilien und Gewerbeimmobilien.

AULUS Real Immobilien GmbH's Logo

AULUS Real Immobilien GmbH

Dinklage, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

AULUS REAL specializes in the sale of real estate and the optimization of property portfolios, emphasizing honesty, transparency, and tailored strategies for their clients. Their independent and owner-managed structure allows them to maintain a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and personalized service.

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Core business

Unternehmen – AULUS REAL

AULUS REAL Die AULUS REAL ist auf den Vertrieb von Immobilien und die Optimierung von Immobilienportfolios spezialisiert. Wir stehen Ihnen mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung im Immobiliengeschäft gerne beratend zur Seite. Wir sind inhabergeführt, unabhängig und gehören keinem großen Finanzinstitut oder Franchiseunternehmen an. Das bedeutet, wir sind dauerhaft

casa blanca - Immobilienmakler Robert Czambor (Inhaber)'s Logo

casa blanca - Immobilienmakler Robert Czambor (Inhaber)

Erfurt, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Casa Blanca Immobilienmakler offers a diverse portfolio of real estate listings for private buyers and investors, specializing in properties in Erfurt, Jena, and Weimar. With a trusted reputation since 2013, the company emphasizes valuable partnerships in the real estate market.

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Core business

casa blanca Immobilienmakler für Erfurt, Jena & Weimar

Karrasch & Partner's Logo

Karrasch & Partner

Aachen, Germany

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Karrasch & Partner GbR is a leading real estate broker in Aachen, specializing in the buying and selling of properties, offering a diverse portfolio that caters to various needs. Their commitment to professionalism and expertise ensures clients receive comprehensive service in real estate, financing, and property management.

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Core business

Immobilien Baufinanzierung Hauskauf - Karrasch & Partner Immobilien

Der Immobilienmakler in Aachen. Ob Baufinanzierung, Haus kaufen, Wohnungskauf, Vermietung oder Gutachten ist Karrasch & Partner Ihr Experte.

Sydo Immobilien's Logo

Sydo Immobilien

Werder (Havel), Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Sydo Immobilien is an experienced real estate brokerage that specializes in the buying and selling of houses, apartments, and land in Potsdam-Mittelmark and Fischland Darß. Their expertise in homestaging ensures that properties are optimally presented for a quicker sale.

Highlighted product

Core business

Home - Sydo Immobilien in Potsdam-Mittelmark und auf dem Fischland Darß

Erfahrene Makler für Kauf und Verkauf von Häuser, Wohnungen, Grundstücken in Potsdam-Mittelmark und auf dem Fischland Darß sowie Homestaging und Homesitting

Dreiling Executive Real Estate's Logo

Dreiling Executive Real Estate

Bonn, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is a leading hotel broker and also specializes in high-quality commercial and residential real estate, both regionally and nationally, particularly in the Bonn/Köln/Düsseldorf area. Their services include support for property sales, emphasizing their expertise in various types of real estate transactions.

Highlighted product


Leistungen für Ihren Immobilienverkauf, Bester Immobilienservice, Hotelverkauf, Schlossverkauf, Köln / Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, München, Hamburg, Berlin, international

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Information about Real Estate Brokerage in Germany

The Real Estate Brokerage industry in Germany is influenced by several key considerations that potential entrants should be aware of. Regulatory requirements are stringent, with real estate agents needing a valid license (Maklererlaubnis) and adherence to the provisions of the German Commercial Code. Understanding local market dynamics is crucial, as property values can vary significantly between regions and cities. Challenges include navigating bureaucratic processes and responding to fluctuating market conditions, particularly in urban centers where demand often outstrips supply. Opportunities arise from Germany's stable economy, low-interest rates, and growing interest in residential and commercial properties, which can drive investment. Environmental concerns are increasingly relevant, particularly regarding energy efficiency and sustainability in property development, influenced by Germany's commitment to climate goals. The competitive landscape is robust, with numerous established players and new entrants vying for market share, emphasizing the need for strong marketing strategies and client relationships. Additionally, the global market relevance of Germany as a business and investment hub provides opportunities for international investors, making it imperative for brokers to understand global trends and local regulations. Overall, a thorough understanding of these aspects is essential for anyone considering a career in this vibrant sector.

Insights about the Real Estate Brokerage results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Real Estate Brokerage

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers152
Amount of suitable service providers2354
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2014
Youngest suiting company2022

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Real Estate Brokerage Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Real Estate Brokerage

Based on our calculations related technologies to Real Estate Brokerage are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in Real Estate Brokerage are AULUS Real Immobilien GmbH

The most represented industries which are working in Real Estate Brokerage are Real Estate, Other, Consulting, Finance and Insurance, IT, Software and Services

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