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Top Recycling Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Recycling in Germany

CR-Recycling's Logo


Oberderdingen, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

CR-Recycling has been active in the field of electronic device recycling for over 15 years, offering comprehensive services for the collection and recycling of old electronic devices. They provide tailored solutions for the compliant and reliable disposal of electronic waste.

Highlighted product

Core business

CR Recycling: Unternehmen

Eugen Scalabrin Recycling GmbH's Logo

Eugen Scalabrin Recycling GmbH

Solingen, Germany


- Employees


Key takeaway

Eugen Scalabrin GmbH & Co. and Eugen Scalabrin Recycling GmbH are dedicated to protecting the environment and conserving natural resources through modern and responsible waste disposal practices.

Highlighted product

Core business

Recycling GmbH - [SCALABRIN GmbH] |

Pallatzky's Logo


Bielefeld, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Pallatzky GmbH specializes in recycling by providing professional services for the dismantling of industrial facilities and buildings, ensuring waste materials are reintegrated into the production process for reuse. They offer a comprehensive disposal concept tailored to the specific needs of businesses, making them a key partner for scrap metal recycling and disposal in Bielefeld.

Highlighted product

Core business

Ihr Partner für Schrottankauf, Recycling und Entsorgung in Bielefeld - Pallatzky GmbH

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RecyclingMonitor GmbH & Co. KG's Logo

RecyclingMonitor GmbH & Co. KG

Beckum, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The RecyclingMonitor is a smart software solution designed for recyclers, enabling efficient organization and evaluation of waste streams, while ensuring compliance with legal documentation requirements. With its comprehensive features accessible from any internet-enabled device, it supports both waste managers and producers in optimizing their recycling processes.

Highlighted product

Core business

RecyclingMonitor » Die smarte & intuitive Software für Entsorger

Die ideale Software zur Digitalisierung von kleinen und mittleren Entsorgern, Schrotthändlern, Containerdiensten und Recycling-Unternehmen.

Recycling Hero's Logo

Recycling Hero

Constance, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Recycling-Hero is a platform from the Institute for Ocean Plastic Recycling, emphasizing its commitment to recycling and waste management.

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Core business


RELUX Umwelt GmbH's Logo

RELUX Umwelt GmbH

Bad Oeynhausen, Germany


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, Relux, is a certified manufacturer of secondary raw materials and recyclates, providing a comprehensive service for all aspects of recycling and waste disposal. They produce high-quality secondary plastics tailored to the needs of the plastics processing industry and have developed into a group of internationally operating recycling companies since their founding in 1951.

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Core business

Menteroda Recycling - Relux Umwelt

recyclehero's Logo


Hamburg, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is a social impact startup that actively participates in recycling initiatives by offering environmentally friendly collection services for materials such as glass, paper, and clothing, thereby enhancing brand awareness in sustainability and fostering community engagement.

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Core business

recyclehero ♻ :: Dein Abholservice für Altglas, Altpapier, Altkleider und Pfand

CA Recycling Gernsheim's Logo

CA Recycling Gernsheim

Gernsheim, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

CA-Recycling is a reliable recycling partner in South Hesse, specializing in the collection and recycling of scrap metal and old materials. Their services include thorough cleanouts, dismantling, and demolition, making them a go-to expert for efficient recycling and waste disposal.

Highlighted product

Core business

Schrottabholung Entrümpelung & Demontage | CA Recycling

Ihr PROFI für ✅ Schrottabholung & Ankauf ✅ Entsorgung ✅ Demontage-Arbeiten ✅ Entkernung ✅ Entrümpelung in Gernsheim ➡️ jetzt Anfragen



Arzberg, Germany


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

PURUS has been a pioneer in recycling since 1994, focusing on true 360° recycling and innovative products made from secondary raw materials.

Highlighted product


Recycling Pioneers - PURUS PLASTICS

Oberland Recycling GmbH's Logo

Oberland Recycling GmbH

Weilheim in Oberbayern, Germany


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Oberland Recycling GmbH offers comprehensive services that include the collection and environmentally responsible disposal of waste. With a dedicated team, they cater to various sectors, ensuring effective waste management and recycling solutions.

Highlighted product


service – Oberland Recycling

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Information about Recycling in Germany

Germany's recycling industry is shaped by a robust regulatory framework that includes the Circular Economy Act and various EU directives aimed at reducing waste and promoting recycling. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for companies operating in this sector, as they must adhere to strict standards for waste management and material recovery. The competitive landscape is marked by both established players and innovative startups, creating various opportunities for collaboration and growth. Environmental concerns remain at the forefront, with a strong public and governmental push for sustainable practices. The increasing demand for recycled materials, particularly in sectors like automotive and construction, presents significant opportunities for businesses involved in recycling. However, challenges such as contamination in recyclables, fluctuating commodity prices, and the need for advanced technology in sorting and processing are prevalent. Moreover, Germany's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint aligns with global trends in sustainability, making the local recycling market increasingly relevant on an international scale. Companies must stay informed about technological advancements and shifts in consumer attitudes towards sustainability to remain competitive. Understanding these factors is essential for anyone looking to engage with the recycling industry in Germany.

Insights about the Recycling results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Recycling

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers919
Amount of suitable service providers1655
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1951
Youngest suiting company2020

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Recycling Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Recycling

Based on our calculations related technologies to Recycling are Water/Ocean Cleaning Technologies, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Fashion, Smart Grid

Start-Ups who are working in Recycling are recyclehero

The most represented industries which are working in Recycling are Other, Environment, Disposal and Recycling, Wholesale, Logistics, Supply Chain and Transportation, Consulting

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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