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Top Supply Chain Management Software Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Supply Chain Management Software in Germany

Perfektfibu Software GmbH's Logo

Perfektfibu Software GmbH

Gemarkung Remscheid, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers a comprehensive inventory management solution that encompasses purchasing, sales, warehouse management, and production, highlighting its expertise in effective supply chain management.

Highlighted product

Core business


Bernhard Maier's Logo

Bernhard Maier

Ehingen (Donau), Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

OrgSoft GmbH offers the JOBDISPO ERP-BDE-MES software suite, which includes features for efficient material management, ensuring that manufacturing operations remain well-supplied. Their integrated approach enhances business processes through continuous automation, providing a comprehensive solution for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.

Highlighted product



q.beyond logineer GmbH's Logo

q.beyond logineer GmbH

Hamburg, Germany

51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

CargoWise, a leading transport management system, streamlines and automates processes from order to delivery across various locations, making it a valuable tool for supply chain management. The company also offers comprehensive IT support to ensure a smooth transition to their system, positioning itself as a partner in the digitalization of logistics.

Highlighted product


logineer - Leistungen

Ein Partner für alles, was die Digitalisierung der Logistik braucht

Shippion.com's Logo


Dusseldorf, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Shippion offers a specialized freight pricing tool designed to enhance supply chain management by providing instant comparisons of services and prices from leading freight service providers. Their team of industry experts is dedicated to streamlining the freight procurement process for small and medium-sized importers and exporters.

Highlighted product

Core business

About Us - Shippion.com

Shippion is a startup serving the Small- & Medium-sized importers & exporters with market overview and detailed insight to international container freight.

Zwei R software's Logo

Zwei R software

Erftstadt, Germany

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers modular IT products specifically designed for the waste management and recycling sectors, providing tailored software solutions that enhance efficiency and optimize business processes. Their focus on digitalization in these industries suggests a commitment to improving supply chain management through innovative technology.

Highlighted product

Core business

zwei R software – Software für die Abfallwirtschaft, Entsorger, Recycling-Branche & Transportunternehmen



Ravensburg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers software solutions based on Salesforce.com and Microsoft Dynamics, including the ImprovePack Stockmanagement, which optimizes procurement and inventory management processes. This innovative tool is designed to help managers and team leads maintain oversight of their organizational workflows.

Highlighted product


ImprovePack Stockmanagement - Optimierung Beschaffungswesen - IMPRIVO Group

Das ImprovePack Stockmanagement bietet Ihnen Features und Erleichterungen im Bereich des Bestellwesens und des Bestandsmanagements, welche im Standard der

Lüttel | Softwareschmiede's Logo

Lüttel | Softwareschmiede

Meinerzhagen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Lüttel Software & Medien GmbH is a full-service provider that offers tailored enterprise software solutions designed to enhance efficiency and productivity. Their focus on quality and reliable project management positions them as a trusted partner for integration solutions, which may be beneficial for those seeking supply chain management software.

Highlighted product

Core business

Unternehmenssoftware - Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen

Entdecken Sie maßgeschneiderte Unternehmenssoftware-Lösungen, um die Effizienz und Produktivität von Ihrem Unternehmen zu steigern.

Future Mobility Solutions's Logo

Future Mobility Solutions

Gaimersheim, Germany

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company emphasizes its commitment to digital transformation and innovation, which are essential elements in the development of effective supply chain management software. Their focus on sustainable and intermodal mobility solutions suggests a forward-thinking approach that could be relevant for service providers and infrastructure operators.

Highlighted product


FMS - our vision means added value and sustainability

Digital transformation of business models requires innovation, cooperation and the right tools. Ask FMS about the tools of the future!

Industrial Tracking Systems AG's Logo

Industrial Tracking Systems AG

Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Industrial Tracking Systems AG provides advanced software solutions designed to enhance production, logistics, and maintenance. Their focus on digital twins and ergonomic user interfaces aligns with the needs of modern supply chain management, helping companies reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Highlighted product

Core business

Industry 4.0 | Industrial Tracking Systems

Industrial Tracking Systems offers the best software solutions for production, logistics and maintenance. Our digital twins for Industry 4.0 reduce quality costs and increase your efficiency.

IGV mbH Eisenach's Logo

IGV mbH Eisenach

Eisenach, Germany

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, IGV Software, offers KommunalRegie, a configurable workflow management system that enhances cross-departmental collaboration and provides improved oversight of time and spatial relationships. This software integrates cost calculation and booking management, along with financial interfaces to major providers like SAP, making it a robust solution for modern, efficient administrative processes.

Highlighted product

Core business

Unternehmen - IGV Software

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Information about Supply Chain Management Software in Germany

When exploring the Supply Chain Management Software industry in Germany, several key considerations emerge. First, understanding the regulatory landscape is crucial, as Germany adheres to strict data protection laws, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Compliance with these regulations is essential for any software provider operating within the country. Additionally, the industry faces challenges such as the need for real-time data analytics and integration with existing systems, which can complicate implementation processes for businesses of all sizes. Opportunities abound in the German market, particularly with the push toward Industry 4.0, which emphasizes automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. Companies that leverage advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning can gain a competitive edge. The competitive landscape features both established firms and innovative startups, making it imperative for new entrants to differentiate their offerings. Environmental concerns also play a significant role, as businesses increasingly prioritize sustainability in their supply chains, prompting software solutions that support eco-friendly practices. Finally, Germany's central position in Europe enhances its relevance in the global market, making it a key player for companies seeking to optimize their supply chains across borders. Overall, a comprehensive understanding of these factors is essential for anyone interested in this dynamic industry.

Insights about the Supply Chain Management Software results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Supply Chain Management Software

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1275
Amount of suitable service providers1288
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1993
Youngest suiting company2021

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Supply Chain Management Software Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Supply Chain Management Software

Based on our calculations related technologies to Supply Chain Management Software are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

The most represented industries which are working in Supply Chain Management Software are IT, Software and Services, Other, Logistics, Supply Chain and Transportation, Consulting, Automation

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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