Home - Intuitus Corp

Who is INTUITUS Corp.?

We are a formidable team of cybercrime fighters, many veterans, dedicated to making the world safer from cyberattacks. Using that technology, we are actively monitoring, logging, and analyzing ALL critical network data in a manner that’s suitable for forensic analysis and legal investigations should the need arise. We are determined to make a big impact worldwide in thwarting ransomware and other cyberattacks, so we are making our sophisticated cyber defense solutions easily accessible to 911/NG911 PSAP organizations worldwide. We are proud that AFG has picked our defense-grade Intuitus cybersecurity solution, which has been battle-tested in vital networks, as the core cybersecurity solution for the modern smart grid. There is a litany of tools and approaches for action-oriented approaches to securing your business, but the elements of an outcome-oriented approach are simple. MDR providers may use a combination of host and network-layer technologies, as well as advanced analytics, threat intelligence, forensic data, and human expertise for investigation, threat hunting and response to detected threats. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with/administer our Site, and to provide technical support for your INTUITUS and Assessment Platform Account. From time to time, we may inform you about products or services indirectly related to INTUITUS through our member bulletin.

This company is:

Service provider

Tacoma, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2020

Products & services of INTUITUS Corp.

Product Service - Intuitus Corp image


Service - Intuitus Corp

A List of Services Our Services We operate a Security Operations Center (SOC). With our sensors installed on your networks, you get a virtual SOC of your own, complete with a team of cyberdefense analysts – all for way less than the cost of a full-time employee. We can remotely monitor all suspicious network activity […]

Product Veteran Cybercrime Fighters Launch New Automated Threat Detection and Response Service Based on Proven Defense Technology to Thwart Ransomware - Intuitus Corp image


Veteran Cybercrime Fighters Launch New Automated Threat Detection and Response Service Based on Proven Defense Technology to Thwart Ransomware - Intuitus Corp

March 10, 2020 Gig Harbor, WA – According to a recent industry report, in 2019 alone, the U.S. was hit by a barrage of ransomware attacks that impacted more than 966 government agencies, educational establishments, and healthcare providers, costing potentially in excess of $7.5 billion. Veteran-owned and operated CBA Inc. dba Intuitus announced today that […]

Product Portfolio - Intuitus Corp image


Portfolio - Intuitus Corp

We secure the nation’s critical infrastructure. Let us secure yours. In continuous development by Boeing for over a decade, Intuitus technology is protecting some of the nation’s most vital assets. We built a Security Operations Center (SOC) and forensic data collection appliances based on this technology and hired a team of experienced and certified cyber […]

View all products


Perimeter Security
Network Security
End Point Security, including Mobile Devices
Application & Data Security
Cloud Security
ICS & SCADA Security at the L0, L1
Penetration (Red Team) Testing
Comprehensive Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
Comprehensive GRC Review and Assessment
Multiple Cloud Based Assessments (SOC2, FedRAMP, etc.)
CMMC and FedRAMP Assessments and Compliance Audits
Computer & Network Security


Information Technology

Contact of INTUITUS Corp.

City: Tacoma

State: Washington

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about INTUITUS Corp.

The company INTUITUS Corp. is located in Tacoma, Washington, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information INTUITUS Corp. has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

INTUITUS Corp. was founded in 2020

The company INTUITUS Corp. has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company INTUITUS Corp. seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of INTUITUS Corp.

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