US ProTech Logo

US ProTech

Who is US ProTech?

We are able to do this thanks to the expertise we have in our own field, but also thanks to the in-depth knowledge we’ve developed about our clients’ industries. Our goal is to always be upfront and to explain things as simply and clearly as possible. Founded in 1999 and incorporated in 2001, we started off pretty small, but grew quickly. We truly partner with our clients and provide them with the best solutions for their unique needs. As a leading provider of related Audits, Management and Administration, US ProTech provides the highest caliber Technical, Security and Engineering solutions for all aspects of cybersecurity related services, IT management and support on a 24/7 basis.WHY US PROTECH US ProTech’s cybersecurity network vulnerability scanning process exceeds US Military standards and has been validated by the U.S. US ProTech offers ex-pertise in the areas of Behavioral Monitoring, Machine Learning and Emerging Threat Analysis, specifically experience in SCADA systems, their configuration, vulnerabilities, and management as they integrate into modern networks; Power Grid, specifically the Smart Grid and other utility agencies; With more and more vehicles being driven by wire USProTech offers expertise on autonomous Vehicle manipulation through the use of Wireless/Bluetooth (Auto-mobiles, Busses, Trucks, Trains, Boats, etc.); Mining operations,. Our team of highly-qualified and readily available Experts and Engineers can provide your business with a wide array of services in the areas of audit, management and administration. We can offer you a great variety of solutions in the following areas:.

This company is:

Service provider

Las Vegas, United States

101-250 Employees

Founding year: 1999

Products & services of US ProTech

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Security Policy & Procedure Development

Security Policy & Procedure Development | US ProTech’s Policy & Procedure Methodology | For more information fill out the form today:

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Information Technology
IT Management
Network Security


Professional Services
Information Technology
Privacy and Security

Contact of US ProTech

City: Las Vegas

State: Nevada

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about US ProTech

The company US ProTech is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information US ProTech has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

US ProTech was founded in 1999

The company US ProTech has it's main focus in the industries of Professional Services, Information Technology, Privacy and Security, Hardware, Software

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company US ProTech seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of US ProTech

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