Wiland Logo


Marketing Audiences and Enhancement Data - Wiland

Who is Wiland?

With Wiland as your data partner, you can be more confident than ever that your marketing programs will be fueled by the most accurate purchase intent data available. Wiland marketing audiences are modeled to produce immediate response in B2C and B2B acquisition campaigns and also deliver high long-term value through the recurring revenue they generate. Our campaigns using Wiland’s co-targeting solution have performed extremely well—beyond our expectations. Wiland has helped support and extend the impact of our catalog mailings, resulting in meaningful incremental revenue.”. Wiland has proven itself a great addition to our partnerships. Wiland helped us identify which lapsed donors would be the most likely to respond to future appeals. As the best predictor of consumer response, Wiland equips you with the world’s most accurate media targeting possible: finely tuned audiences and enhancement data that let you connect to millions of consumers ready to spend with your brand. That’s because our audiences and data are built from the largest set of spending and intent signals ever assembled, analyzed by Wiland’s advanced AI-enabled response prediction platform.

This company is:


Niwot, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2005

Products & services of Wiland

Product High-Performance Digital Audiences - Wiland image


High-Performance Digital Audiences - Wiland

High-Performance Digital Audiences | Available at Leading DSPs and Platforms | A Great Campaign Deserves a Great Audience | Real Spending Data Makes a Real Difference | Available Where You Need Them | Testing… Testing…

Product The Lead Innovation Summit 2023 - Wiland image


The Lead Innovation Summit 2023 - Wiland

Conferences and Events | Upcoming Events | Let's Connect | The Lead Innovation Summit 2023 arrow_forward | Ad Age Small Agency Awards arrow_forward | Bridge to Integrated Marketing Conference 2023 arrow_forward | The Non Profit Alliance Faith & Fundraising Conference arrow_forward | Podcast Movement 2023 arrow_forward | Media Post – Data & Programmatic Insider Summit arrow_forward | Digiday Publishing Summit arrow_forward | TNPA Leadership Summit arrow_forward | Nonprofit Innovation and Optimization Summit arrow_forward | DMAW Maxi Awards arrow_forward | ANA Nonprofit Growth Summit & Awards arrow_forward | Digiday Media Buying Summit arrow_forward | DMAW Multi-Channel Mini-Cona arrow_forward | See You There! | Setup a time to chat with us!

Product Media Solutions - Wiland image


Media Solutions - Wiland

More Audiences. More Ad Revenue. | The Data-Driven Approach to Success in the New Media Landscape | Challenge #1: Increase advertising revenue | Challenge #1: | Increase advertising revenue | Challenge #2: Finding qualified, high-value new subscribers | Challenge #2: | Finding qualified, high-value new subscribers | Challenge #3: Retain the best subscribers and increase their long-term value | Challenge #3: | Retain the best subscribers and increase their long-term value | Your Opportunity: | Your Opportunity: | How Our Custom-Crafted Prospect Audiences are Created | Your Opportunity: | Ready to Crush Your Subscriber + Ad Revenue Growth Goals? | Let's Talk | Tell me more about a brand-unique audience,custom-modeled for my brand!

View all products


Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services
On-line data base information retrieval
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Marketing consulting services
Other Information Services


Marketing Services

Contact of Wiland

City: Niwot

State: Colorado

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Wiland

The company Wiland is located in Niwot, Colorado, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Wiland has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Wiland was founded in 2005

The company Wiland has it's main focus in the industries of Marketing Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Wiland seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Wiland

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