Customer Data Platform
Customer Data Platform

Top Customer Data Platform Companies

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461 companies for Customer Data Platform

WhatsBusy's Logo

The Woodlands, United States

1-10 Employees


Distribute card-linked offers that target new, lapsed, or your competitors’ customers.



Image for Aben is the only Customer Data Platform that:

Aben is the only Customer Data Platform that:

... Aben is the only Customer Data Platform that: ...

Aben's Logo

The Woodlands, United States

11-50 Employees


Distribute card-linked offers that target new, lapsed, or your competitors’ customers.



Image for Aben is the only Customer Data Platform that:

Aben is the only Customer Data Platform that:

... Aben is the only Customer Data Platform that: ...

QuickPivot's Logo

Boston, United States

101-250 Employees


We have unified our company-wide offering under our parent company: Vericast®. As one unified brand, we offer even more resources, innovation, and expertise to help you connect with and motivate your customers, driving real growth for your business.



Core business
Image for Now Part of Vericast Marketing Customer Data Platform

Now Part of Vericast Marketing Customer Data Platform

... QuickPivot | Customer Data Platform | Omnichannel ...

FirstHive's Logo

Sunnyvale, United States

11-50 Employees


FirstHive makes make marketing accessible and relevant to marketers, data and IT teams with changing dynamics, over time. We are obsessed about finding the truth hidden in data warehouses hidden in departmental silos. FirstHive is a full-stack Customer Data Platform that enables consumer marketers and brands to take control of their first-party data from all sources, both online and offline, and enables highly personalized campaigns that drive conversions. FirstHive has worked with global brands across the Retail, Digital, Manufacturing, Tourism, Travel, Hospitality, and BFSI sectors. FirstHive enables marketers to create identity classes of customers, especially when it looks at anonymous customer interactions across multiple channels, and enables tracking and segmentation of such customers, which is not possible via traditional means. We deployed the FirstHive Cross Channel Marketing this year to help us redefine our customer engagement. The FirstHive team’s approach and support in onboarding us onto their platform was spectacular. FirstHive is already helping us deliver a step jump in our customer engagement and bringing to us some powerful real-time dashboards & analytics.



Core business
Image for Real-Time Customer Data Platform | Best Customer Data Platform Vendors

Real-Time Customer Data Platform | Best Customer Data Platform Vendors

... Firsthive is a full-stack real-time customer data platform software that enables consumer marketers and vendors to take control of their first-party data from all sources. ...


Antwerp, Belgium

1-10 Employees


At our core, we are a team of tech-savvy marketers who excel in the implementation of cutting-edge marketing technologies for clients in various industries. Our mission is to empower businesses to leverage technology in order to maximize their marketing efforts and reach their desired outcomes. At the heart of our mission is a commitment to be a leading provider of marketing technology solutions and empower all organizations to achieve their goals through dynamic and streamlined marketing and communication strategies. Our mastery of marketing technology is the foundation of our ability to assist clients in realizing their objectives. We specialize in various technology types to fully support the needs of our clients.



Image for Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform

... Unlock your data's potential with our Customer Data Platform services. Gain a 360° view of customers, enhance efficiency, and drive personalized experiences. ...

GrooveData's Logo

San Diego, United States

1-10 Employees


GrooveData is your premier partner specializing in strategic consultation for evaluating, implementing, and scaling your customer data technologies. We offer workshops to help your teams grow adoption and get the most value out of your data.



Core business
Image for CDP Consulting | GrooveData

CDP Consulting | GrooveData

... GrooveData - | CDP Expert Consultants | Helping businesses evaluate, adopt, and scale customer data platforms and other data technologies. ...

Eucloid Data Solutions's Logo

Gurugram, India

11-50 Employees


But Eucloid data engineering team was able to provide an automated and highly scalable solution which worked very well for me. The Eucloid team was very quick to get a grasp of the technical aspects of our platform and showed a great level of commitment to meeting clients’ demands. Eucloid Data Solutions helped us get better insights into customer engagement and journeys on our digital properties. Eucloid then used these insights to make specific recommendations to improve the CX and underlying business metrics such as conversion. The depth of expertise of Eucloid team really impressed me. The Data Engineering teams at Eucloid worked on onboarding new clients on our data platform. The advice and roadmap provided by Eucloid were very helpful in developing dashboards to integrate demand forecasting with supply chain and logistics. The team was very quick to understand our business requirements and provided contextual solutions.



Image for Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform

... Customer Data Platform ...

Crystalloids's Logo

Amsterdam, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


We are a team of qualified specialists who help organizations innovate and grow their business by building data solutions in Google Cloud. Crystalloids is synonymous with clarity and structure, similar to the unique properties of crystals. Crystalloids was founded by Q.F.Grens and J.Willemsen with a mission statement 'Crystallizing your Predictive Enterprise'. Crystalloids merged with Crystalloids Innovations and extended their range of services. We are recognized by Google Cloud for eight specializations and expertises in customer success and solution areas to power your business. At Crystalloids we apply cutting-edge cloud technology to accelerate organizations throughout their data-driven journey. We are data specialists with applied experience in big data, AI & machine learning, deep learning, and scalable architectures. We develop production-ready data applications for any type of organization, kick-starts, or scale-up data labs and, along the way, we train you to become data-driven.



Image for Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform

... Centralizing a unified view in a headless Customer Data Platform is the smartest choice. ...

Clutch's Logo

Ambler, United States

51-100 Employees


The Clutch Platform converts data to insights and insight into individualized consumer journeys that allow you to configure smart offers on the fly, and build a more profitable and engaged relationships between you and your consumers. The Clutch CDP connects all the dots for you in real-time so you can stop trying to solve “the data issue” and focus on understanding each consumers’ unique journey across stores, web, and mobile. Clutch integrates with over 40 partners and with our open API framework you can connect to any tool you need. The 1:1 AI retention marketing platform that tailors consumer interactions to your needs, optimizes offers in real-time, and rapidly achieves your sales targets, all while enhancing your brand's reputation. Work Smarter, act faster, and optimize your marketing spend with Clutch’s retention marketing platform. Leverage ML & AI to protect margin by executing individualized offers and incentives in real-time. ML & AI Start offers will protect margin with individualized SKU/Item based time sensitive strategies that drive spend. Activate your customer data to deploy intelligent offers that drive positive behaviors over time.



Core business
Image for Clutch Customer Data + Marketing Platform

Clutch Customer Data + Marketing Platform

... The Clutch Customer Data and Marketing Platform centralizes customer data and empowers marketers to deliver personalized experiences across all channels. ...

Mentat Analytics's Logo

Los Angeles, United States

1-10 Employees

Our clients range from founding teams getting ready for a product launch all the way to established and rapidly-growing companies with $100M+ in funding.



Core business
Image for Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform

... Customer Data Platform ...

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Facts about those Customer Data Platform Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Customer Data Platform

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers340
Amount of suitable service providers287
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2006
Youngest suiting company2023

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Customer Data Platform

What is Customer Data Platform?

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a sophisticated marketing technology that aggregates and organizes customer data across multiple touchpoints to create a single, comprehensive customer profile. This platform enables businesses to consolidate data from various sources, including online and offline interactions, into a unified repository. The key functionality of a CDP lies in its capacity to integrate disparate data types—ranging from transactional and demographic to behavioral and psychographic—thereby facilitating a more nuanced understanding of customer behaviors and preferences. As a result, organizations can leverage this enriched customer insight to tailor marketing strategies, personalize customer experiences, and enhance customer engagement across channels. The impact of a Customer Data Platform within its domain is profound, as it not only empowers marketers to execute more targeted and effective campaigns but also enables real-time decision-making and predictive analytics. By providing a 360-degree view of the customer, CDPs play a crucial role in optimizing customer journeys, increasing customer lifetime value, and driving revenue growth. Furthermore, the adoption of CDPs fosters better data governance and compliance with privacy regulations, ensuring that customer data is handled securely and ethically. In essence, the advent of Customer Data Platforms marks a significant evolution in how businesses approach data-driven marketing and customer relationship management.

Advantages of Customer Data Platform

1. Unified Customer View
A Customer Data Platform (CDP) integrates data from multiple sources to create a unified customer profile. This comprehensive view enables businesses to understand customer behavior and preferences more deeply than with fragmented data, leading to more personalized marketing strategies.

2. Improved Data Quality
CDPs employ advanced processing to clean, de-duplicate, and enrich customer data. This results in higher quality data compared to alternative options that might not be as rigorous, ensuring more accurate targeting and segmentation.

3. Real-Time Data Access
Unlike other platforms, CDPs offer real-time data access, allowing businesses to react promptly to customer actions. This capability is crucial for delivering timely and relevant customer experiences, significantly enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

4. Increased Operational Efficiency
By automating data integration and management processes, CDPs reduce manual efforts and potential errors. This efficiency not only saves time but also allows marketing teams to focus on strategy and creative tasks, rather than data maintenance.

How to select right Customer Data Platform supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Data Integration Capabilities
Ensure the platform can seamlessly integrate with your existing data sources and third-party applications, enabling a unified view of customer data.

2. Compliance and Security
Check for robust security measures and compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA, to safeguard customer information.

3. Real-time Data Processing
The ability to process and analyze data in real-time is crucial for timely insights and actions.

4. Scalability
Ensure the platform can scale with your business, handling increased data volume and complexity without performance degradation.

5. Customization and Flexibility
Look for a platform that offers customization options to tailor the tool according to your specific business needs and goals.

6. Customer Support and Community
Consider the level of customer support provided, including training resources and access to a community or forum for additional help and insights.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Customer Data Platform?

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) serves as a unified repository for customer data, streamlining marketing efforts in the B2B sector. One primary use case involves enhancing personalized marketing strategies. By integrating data from various touchpoints, businesses can create highly targeted campaigns, improving engagement rates and fostering long-term relationships with clients. Another significant application is in sales optimization. A CDP enables sales teams to access comprehensive customer profiles, including past interactions and purchase history. This information allows for more tailored sales pitches and improved lead qualification, ultimately boosting conversion rates. Data analysis and customer segmentation represent another use case. Businesses can leverage a CDP to segment their audience more accurately based on behavior, preferences, and engagement. This segmentation facilitates more effective A/B testing, campaign optimization, and product development, ensuring resources are directed towards the most promising prospects. Finally, improving customer experience is a key application. By providing a 360-degree view of the customer journey, a CDP helps companies identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. Tailored customer support, proactive service offerings, and enhanced product recommendations are all made possible through insights derived from a CDP, bolstering customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) have ascended to a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), predominantly situated at TRL 8 or 9, indicating they are mature technologies that have been fully tested and validated in real-world operational environments. This high TRL is attributed to several technical advancements and integrations that have solidified their reliability and effectiveness in consolidating customer data from multiple sources into unified customer profiles. Technically, CDPs leverage sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to cleanse, deduplicate, and integrate data, ensuring high-quality, actionable insights. Furthermore, advancements in data processing power and cloud computing have enabled CDPs to manage vast volumes of data in real-time, enhancing their scalability and performance. The integration capabilities of CDPs have also evolved significantly, allowing seamless connectivity with various marketing, sales, and service platforms, thereby enriching the ecosystem for data-driven decision-making. This comprehensive integration and advanced data management capability underscore the technical maturity of CDPs, positioning them as indispensable tools for marketers seeking to personalize customer experiences and drive engagement. Their high TRL reflects not only the robustness of the underlying technology but also the widespread adoption and proven impact of CDPs across industries.

What is the Technology Forecast of Customer Data Platform?

In the Short-Term, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are expected to enhance real-time data integration capabilities, facilitating immediate insights into customer behaviors across various touchpoints. This development aims to enable businesses to react swiftly to customer needs, improving personalization and engagement strategies. Enhanced AI algorithms for predictive analytics will play a crucial role, providing businesses with actionable insights to anticipate customer needs more accurately. Moving into the Mid-Term, we anticipate a significant shift towards the democratization of data within organizations through CDPs. This phase will see the integration of more user-friendly interfaces and no-code platforms, enabling non-technical staff to leverage complex data analytics tools. This broader access will foster a more data-driven culture across departments, enhancing collaboration and innovation in developing customer-centric strategies. In the Long-Term, CDPs are set to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their data ecosystems by incorporating blockchain technology for enhanced data security and transparency. This integration will address growing concerns around data privacy and compliance, establishing trust in data transactions. Moreover, the convergence of CDPs with emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) will unlock new avenues for collecting and analyzing customer data, offering unprecedented levels of personalization and customer experiences.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Customer Data Platform Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Customer Data Platform

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Eucloid Data Solutions

The most represented industries which are working in Customer Data Platform are Information Technology, Software, Advertising, Data and Analytics, Sales and Marketing

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