
Top Area Rug Suppliers

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639 companies for Area Rug

Home City's Logo

Edison, United States

11-50 Employees


Nothing short of Superior® will do when it comes to delivering the most comfortable and durable line of bedding and bath linens, area rugs, pillows and comforters, accent furniture, and other quality home essentials to both customers and retailers alike. All Superior® products are made with top-class material and designed to stand up to everyday wear and tear. At Home City Inc., we are equipped to meet all of your ordering needs—whether you are in the hospitality, defense, or healthcare industries—working with you to create custom solutions is our goal. The knowledge, experience, and passion passed down through three generations allow us to provide our customers with the highest quality textiles while successfully maintaining the best prices in the industry.



Image for Moroccan Trellis Area Rug

Moroccan Trellis Area Rug

... Boost the look of your home with Area Rug. Home City Inc provides Moroccan Trellis Area Rug. Buy now! Fast delivery and easy returns. ...

Scenario Home's Logo

Chicago, United States

1-10 Employees


At Scenario Home, we provide upscale home décor and furnishings that won’t disappoint. Salar has excelled in simplifying the consumer’s experience in buying home décor products.



Image for Loloi Mika MIK-07 Area Rug

Loloi Mika MIK-07 Area Rug

... Loloi Mika MIK-07 Area Rug - Scenario ...

Letifly's Logo

New York, United States

1-10 Employees


At Letifly, we're committed to making the pursuit of top-notch décor and lighting effortless, cost-effective, and enjoyable. To offer discerning shoppers a haven where they could discover magnificent, one-of-a-kind pieces at prices more inviting than the typical design retailers. With each meticulously selected product, we have you in mind – individuals who seek exceptional items without the hassle of endless browsing. Quality: Our unwavering commitment is to deliver the finest quality home decor at prices that align with your budget.Integrity: We collaborate with the industry's foremost design professionals while upholding the highest standards, ensuring that cutting-edge styles are brought to customers worldwide.Versatility: Through an in-depth understanding of our market, we curate and offer a versatile selection that caters to a wide spectrum of needs and tastes.Innovation: Our dedication to innovation drives us to introduce an ever-evolving collection of the latest designs, ensuring our site remains perpetually updated.Trust: We provide world-class service, ensuring that every purchase is a source of joy and satisfaction for our valued customers.



Image for Green Leaves Area Rug

Green Leaves Area Rug

... The Green Leaves Area Rug is such a pretty piece for the home. It features a lovely all-over plant pattern with ...

Infurn's Logo

Cork, Ireland

51-100 Employees


Offering world famous designs inspired by pioneers of mid-century design, we are a leading destination for mid century furniture and home decor.



Image for Kodan Solid Shag 5x8 Area Rug

Kodan Solid Shag 5x8 Area Rug

... Update your decor with the Kodan Solid Shag Area Rug. Complete with a jute bottom, Kodan is a durable machine-woven polypropylene rug that enhances traditional and contemporary modern decors while outlasting everyday use. ...

A.B.C. Carpet Co., Inc.'s Logo

New York, United States

251-500 Employees


What started in the late nineteenth century as a pushcart business selling carpets has become one of the largest and most diverse rug and home collections in the world. From concept to installation, our team of trusted experts is here to make your custom rug and carpet dreams come to life. Designed + delivered in as little as 3 weeks. Its globally sourced offerings run the gamut, including ceramics, modern furniture, vintage lighting, and, of course, carpets.”.



Image for Larkin Wool Casablanca Area Rug

Larkin Wool Casablanca Area Rug

... Wright create the base of this Moroccan area rug. Hand-knotted using the finest wool, this area rug is included in our Casablanca collection. The striking lines of its design give structure to your space, while the overall design acts as a work of art unto itself. The soft tones ...

CasaOne's Logo

Emeryville, United States

101-250 Employees


The CasaOne team understands this shift and, therefore, designs solutions that can easily make furniture a more involved aspect of any home, regardless of its style, at affordable prices. We at CasaOne invite you to experience the impeccable CasaOne customer support while browsing through the latest and best products. At CasaOne, your trusted online furniture store, we understand just how crucial furniture is to the overall comfort level and visual appeal of your home. At CasaOne, we truly believe that our customers deserve the very best. CasaOne offers high-quality beds and mattresses to ensure you enjoy a good night’s sleep. With a wide range of carefully chosen furniture and home decor products, we offer you the best quality from the most trusted design houses across the country. Stay rest assured, you’ll find the vibe when you shop at CasaOne, and wow your friends and family as you welcome them to a space that feels like home to anyone who visits it. Furnish your home with top-quality furniture from CasaOne, the go-to online furniture store in the United States.



Image for Atzi 8x10 Area Rug Multicolored

Atzi 8x10 Area Rug Multicolored

... Buy Atzi 8x10 Area Rug Multicolored from CasaOne furniture store to furnish your space. Free Shipping! ...

Shop Po, LLC's Logo

Boston, United States

1-10 Employees




Image for polypropylene pastiche area rug collection runner area rug

polypropylene pastiche area rug collection runner area rug

... any living room, dining room, or entryway with the modern, well-balanced design of the Pastiche Area Rug. Perfect for homes with children or pets, its power-loomed construction creates a sturdy rug that is crafted from 100-percent Polypropylene fibers. The 0.31-inch rug thickness cleans ...

Fame Rugs's Logo

New York, United States

1-10 Employees


At Fame Rugs, we are a majority female team. We deliver simple, beautiful rugs at a fair price. We produce from only the best materials, and consider every detail. We provide you with all sizes and shapes for your rug to just fit in. We believe it is our passion, distinctive aesthetic, technical expertise and lifelong love of rugs. We created Fame Rugs and doing what we love – making distinctive products in small, considered batches with attention to every detail. Creativity is at the heart of what we do, we are always thinking about new designs we can offer to our customers from our signature point of view. We believe in creating products that are deeply personal, have a distinct point of view and allow our customers to confidently express who they are inside.



Image for Darya Rug Turkish Red Vintage Area Rug

Darya Rug Turkish Red Vintage Area Rug

... Darya Rug offers a vintage Turkish oriental red distressed area rug, featured with navy blue and beige motifs, and a Bohemian design hand-knotted look to add instant style and comfort underfoot. Perfect for all areas of the home. This is a lovely rug that can fit wonderfully in any room you ...

iHome Studio's Logo

New York, United States

We are not doing him a favor by serving him. Stay up to date on great deals, innovative products, and engaging articles! We know that your home is what you cherish the most and is a reflection of your life. Your home also provides you with immeasurable leisure and relaxation.At iHome Studio, we’re committed to helping you achieve your dream home while expressing your unique style and taste. Provide stunning statement and complement most decor styles and individual tastes.



Image for Olivia Collection Natural Fiber Jute Area Rug 8' x 10' - Braided Indoor Jute Rug - Natural Area Rugs

Olivia Collection Natural Fiber Jute Area Rug 8' x 10' - Braided Indoor Jute Rug - Natural Area Rugs

... Olivia Collection Natural Fiber Jute Area Rug 8' x 10' - Braided Indoor Jute Rug - Natural Area Rugs - iHome ...

Qolture's Logo

Saint Clair Shores, United States

1-10 Employees


Sign up for exclusive offers and be the first to see our latest finds! Carefully curated, unique and hard-to-find modern home furnishings. Learn about our culture, our values and our policies.



Image for Colonial Mills Jackson - Palm 7'x9' Oval Area Rug

Colonial Mills Jackson - Palm 7'x9' Oval Area Rug

... The familiar two-toned design of this wool-blend area rug brings a cozy simplicity to any room in the home. Care Instructions: Vacuum with hard surface attachment only. Spot clean with any common household cleaner.Material: 65% Polypropylene/35%Wool. Construction: Braided. Product Weight: 32 ...

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Facts about those Area Rug Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Area Rug

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers276
Amount of suitable service providers254
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1897
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Area Rug

What is Area Rug?

An area rug is a textile floor covering that differs from carpet in that it does not extend wall-to-wall and is not affixed to the floor. Typically consisting of a thick material, it is used to cover a specific, defined area of a room, offering versatility in interior design by allowing for easy changes in decor. Unlike wall-to-wall carpeting, area rugs come in various sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns, enabling them to serve as focal points or to tie together different elements within a space. They play a crucial role in adding warmth, texture, and comfort to living environments, also providing sound insulation and floor protection. Additionally, area rugs can delineate spaces within larger rooms, creating cozy, defined areas without the need for structural barriers. In commercial settings, they contribute to branding and aesthetic appeal, enhancing the overall ambiance while catering to practical functionality. The selection of an area rug can profoundly impact the visual and tactile experience of a space, making it a key consideration in interior design and space planning. With advancements in materials and manufacturing techniques, the diversity and accessibility of area rugs have increased, allowing for greater customization and expression in both residential and commercial interiors.

Advantages of Area Rug

1. Versatility in Design
Area rugs offer an unparalleled versatility in design that can complement any room's decor. Unlike wall-to-wall carpeting, which is a significant and semi-permanent commitment, or hardwood floors that can be expensive to change, area rugs allow homeowners to easily swap styles. Whether the desired look is modern, traditional, or eclectic, there's an area rug to fit every aesthetic.

2. Comfort and Warmth
One of the significant benefits of area rugs is the comfort and warmth they bring to a room. They add a layer of cushioning underfoot, which can be particularly welcoming in colder months. Area rugs also act as insulation, trapping heat and making a room feel cozier and more inviting.

3. Protection for Flooring
Area rugs serve as a protective barrier for your floors. In high-traffic areas, rugs minimize wear and tear on hardwood floors and reduce the likelihood of scratches and scuffs. This protection not only keeps your floors looking better for longer but can also save money on costly repairs or refinishing.

4. Improves Room Acoustics
Adding an area rug can significantly improve a room's acoustics by absorbing sound. This reduction in echo and noise can make a space feel more serene, enhancing the overall ambiance. This is particularly beneficial in apartments or homes with open floor plans, where sound tends to travel.

How to select right Area Rug supplier?

1. Material Quality
Ensure the supplier uses high-grade materials for durability and comfort. This affects the longevity and appearance of the area rug.

2. Design and Customization Options
Look for suppliers offering a wide range of designs or customization options to match specific interior decor needs.

3. Manufacturing Practices
Consider suppliers who adhere to ethical manufacturing practices, including fair labor conditions and environmental sustainability.

4. Price Point
Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of their offerings, ensuring you receive good value for the investment without compromising on quality.

5. Delivery and Logistics
Assess their ability to meet delivery timelines and the efficiency of their logistics, especially for bulk or custom orders.

6. Customer Service and Support
A responsive and helpful customer service team is crucial for addressing any inquiries or issues that may arise.

7. Reviews and Reputation
Research their reputation within the market, including customer reviews and ratings, to gauge reliability and product satisfaction.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Area Rug?

Area rugs serve as a versatile tool in the hospitality industry, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and comfort of hotels and resorts. They are used to define spaces, add warmth to rooms, and incorporate the establishment’s theme or color scheme into the décor. This not only improves the guest experience but also contributes to the branding of the establishment. In the event planning sector, area rugs play a critical role in setting the ambiance of various events, such as weddings, corporate gatherings, and exhibitions. They are utilized to create distinct areas within a venue, such as lounges or speaking areas, and to add a touch of elegance or thematic consistency to the event’s design. Retail stores employ area rugs to create a welcoming shopping environment, delineate different sections of the store, and highlight specific merchandise or displays. This strategic use of area rugs can influence customer behavior, directing attention to high-margin products or new arrivals, thus driving sales. Office spaces use area rugs to reduce noise, delineate workspaces, and add a touch of comfort and style to otherwise utilitarian environments. This can enhance employee satisfaction and productivity while also projecting a professional image to clients and visitors. In each of these cases, the selection of area rugs is tailored to the specific needs and branding of the business, demonstrating their versatility and utility across various B2B contexts.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Area Rug

The concept of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) is primarily utilized to assess the maturity of technologies within fields such as aerospace, defense, and other high-tech industries, rather than for everyday household items like area rugs. Therefore, it might appear unconventional to apply the TRL framework to an area rug, a product that has been in existence and has seen widespread use for centuries. Given the historical context and the current state of manufacturing technologies, area rugs would be considered at TRL 9, which signifies that a technology has been "actualized" and is proven to work in operational environments. This high level of readiness is attributed to the fact that the production techniques for area rugs, ranging from hand-knotted to machine-made methods, are well-established, with innovations in materials and designs continuously being integrated into the manufacturing process. Furthermore, modern advancements in synthetic fibers, eco-friendly materials, and digital printing technologies have allowed for greater durability, variety, and customization of area rugs, enhancing their utility and aesthetic appeal in residential and commercial settings. Despite the high TRL, the industry continues to innovate, focusing on sustainability and efficiency, indicating that while the core technology of area rugs remains mature, the surrounding processes and materials are subject to ongoing improvement and optimization.

What is the Technology Forecast of Area Rug?

In the short-term, the area rug industry is poised to see significant advancements in material technology, with a focus on sustainability. Innovations such as eco-friendly dyes and recycled fabrics are becoming more prevalent, offering consumers greener choices without compromising on quality or aesthetics. Additionally, smart manufacturing techniques that minimize waste and energy consumption are expected to become standard, streamlining production processes and reducing the environmental impact. Mid-term developments are likely to revolve around the integration of smart technology into area rugs. This includes rugs that are capable of sensing and reacting to environmental changes, such as adjusting their temperature or lighting up in the dark for safety. Furthermore, advancements in fiber technology could enable area rugs to resist stains and odors more effectively, making maintenance easier for users. These innovations aim to enhance the functionality of area rugs beyond traditional décor, making them more adaptable to users' lifestyles. Looking into the long-term, the concept of interactive and augmented reality (AR) integrated area rugs could redefine their role in homes and businesses. These rugs might project information or imagery, interact with smart home devices, or even change their patterns and colors based on user preferences or time of day. The convergence of AR technology and textiles could create immersive environments, transforming the way people interact with their living spaces. This futuristic vision underscores the potential for area rugs to evolve from simple home accessories into dynamic, multi-functional elements of smart living environments.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Area Rug Suppliers

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Area Rug

Based on our calculations related technologies to Area Rug are Home Furnishing & Decor, Luxury Goods, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food, Sport & Entertainment

Start-Ups who are working in Area Rug are Fame Rugs

The most represented industries which are working in Area Rug are Commerce and Shopping, Retail Trade, Consumer Goods, Real Estate, Manufacturing

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