
Top Sneakers Suppliers

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8063 companies for Sneakers

In-Con-Tro's Logo

Trento, Italy

1-10 Employees

Il primo negozio nasce a Trento nel 1979 grazie all' "incontro" di Silvana e Mauro, oggi affiancati dalle tre figlie Jessica, Alessia e Giulia nella gestione dei tre concept store attualmente presenti in città, ciascuno con una identità ben precisa che riflette la visione dei fondatori e l'innovazione delle nuove sfide generazionali.



Image for Sneakers


... Sneakers Iconic100% ...


Treviso, Italy

11-50 Employees


CappellettoShop premiato come uno dei Migliori E-commerce d'Italia '21-'22.



Image for HENDERSON – Sneakers – Dora – Butter

HENDERSON – Sneakers – Dora – Butter

... Henderson- Sneaker aus weichem, elfenbeinfarbenem, strukturiertem Leder mit wertvollen handgefertigten Details. Baumwollschnürsenkel in Nuance. Herausnehmbares Innenfußbett aus Leder. Ultraleichter Kassettenboden von ca. 2,5 cm. Lieferung mit Staubschutz und passender Tasche, hergestellt aus ...

MANO N.V.'s Logo


11-50 Employees

Vos informations de paiement sont traitées en toute sécurité avec Stripe qui offre le niveau de sécurité le plus élevé.



Image for SKECHERS Sneakers


... Details Merk: SKECHERS Categorie: Sneakers ...


Ghent, Belgium

1-10 Employees

We are not perfect; we – and the entire industry - have a long way to go, but every initiative, how small it might look, makes a difference! And this is the whole story, this is how KUNOKA was born.



Image for Add-on Customisation sneaker

Add-on Customisation sneaker

... Only available together with a pair of sneakers ...

Igenext Technology's Logo

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees




Image for Tucker Sneakers Sneakers

Tucker Sneakers Sneakers

... Tucker Sneakers Sneakers –| ABBIGLIAMENTO DI LUSSO BORSE SCARPE E ...'s Logo

Brixen - Bressanone, Italy

51-100 Employees




Image for Sneakers "CPH1M"

Sneakers "CPH1M"

... Acquista ora Copenhagen Sneakers "CPH1M" Bianco CPH1M 41 da Uomo su Maximilian. ...


Glasgow, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

SneakersER are Al and Rob, two long term friends from Glasgow with extensive backgrounds in sneakers/trainers. Based in Glasgow, UK, SneakersER began trading in March 2015. Al was previously a sneaker buyer for a Glasgow store & currently runs SneakersER with Rob full-time along with 7 other members of staff. Established in 2015 by two sneaker enthusiasts Sneakers ER was founded to bring to market products that were thought to be sorely needed. As sneaker collectors ourselves we strive to bring the best product to market and only produce what we ourselves would use on our own sneakers.



Core business


... Sneaker cleaners, protectors, dyes, paints, glues and more to keep your sneakers in pristine condition or bring your battered grails back to life. ...

Hilbers Schuhhaus's Logo

Lingen (Ems), Germany

1-10 Employees



Image for Ambitious Herren Sneaker in Navy

Ambitious Herren Sneaker in Navy

... Hochwertige Ambitious Sneaker zu fairen Preisen direkt bei Schuhhaus Hilbers aus Nordhorn online bestellen. Kostenloser Versand ab 49,95 €! ...

TiCo Kinderschuhoutlet's Logo

Bautzen - Budyšin, Germany

1-10 Employees

Aus diesem Grund haben wir unser Kinderschuhoutlet für dich ins Leben gerufen.






White Noise The Label's Logo

Istanbul, Turkey

11-50 Employees


White Noise Summer Collection is a seamless fusion of refinement and grace. Our footwear enhances your overall look and provides unparalleled comfort, durability, and craftsmanship, ensuring both style and functionality with every step.



Image for Taupe Opus Sneakers

Taupe Opus Sneakers

... These sneakers exude effortless elegance while providing ultimate comfort. ...

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Facts about those Sneakers Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Sneakers

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers2412
Amount of suitable service providers1572
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1948
Youngest suiting company2014

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Sneakers

What is Sneakers?

Sneakers, often heralded as the quintessential component of both casual and athletic footwear, are specifically designed to offer comfort, flexibility, and support. Characterized by their soft rubber soles that provide significant shock absorption, sneakers are crafted with a blend of materials such as leather, synthetic fibers, and mesh to ensure durability, breathability, and lightweight comfort. The intricate design process focuses on enhancing the shoe’s functionality, catering to a wide range of physical activities, from running and basketball to everyday casual wear. The evolution of sneaker technology has led to the incorporation of advanced features like air cushioning, memory foam insoles, and motion control, tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals. Beyond their functional attributes, sneakers have transcended their original purpose, evolving into a cultural symbol that represents a fusion of fashion, identity, and social status. This transformation has propelled the sneaker industry into a multi-billion dollar global market, influencing not only sports and health but also fashion and lifestyle sectors. The impact of sneakers extends beyond their practical use, embodying a lifestyle that values both comfort and aesthetic appeal, making them a pivotal element in contemporary footwear culture.

Advantages of Sneakers

1. Comfort
Sneakers are designed with comfort in mind, featuring soft padding, flexible materials, and supportive soles. This makes them an ideal choice for everyday wear, reducing the risk of foot pain and fatigue compared to harder, less forgiving footwear.

2. Versatility
Sneakers can be worn in a variety of settings, from casual outings to some workplaces. Their wide range of styles, colors, and designs allows them to complement almost any outfit, making them a versatile addition to anyone's wardrobe.

3. Durability
Made with sturdy materials and robust construction techniques, sneakers are built to last. They withstand wear and tear better than many alternative footwear options, offering better value over time.

4. Health Benefits
Sneakers are often recommended by healthcare professionals for their supportive design, which promotes proper foot alignment and can help in preventing injuries. The cushioning in sneakers also absorbs impact, protecting the joints during activities like walking or running.

How to select right Sneakers supplier?

1. Production Capacity
Evaluate the supplier's ability to meet your order volume within the desired timeframe. High production capacity often indicates a reliable supply chain and the potential for scalability.

2. Quality Assurance Processes
Confirm the existence of stringent quality control measures. This ensures that the sneakers meet your standards in terms of material quality, design accuracy, and durability.

3. Material Sourcing
Investigate the origin and quality of materials used. Ethically sourced and high-quality materials contribute to the final product's appeal and sustainability.

4. Customization Options
Assess the supplier’s flexibility in customizing products according to your specifications. This is crucial for creating unique sneaker designs that stand out in the market.

5. Cost Efficiency
Compare pricing models to ensure they align with your budget without compromising on quality. Look for suppliers who offer competitive rates with clear, transparent costing.

6. Logistical Efficiency
Check the supplier's logistics and delivery systems. Reliable, timely deliveries are essential for maintaining inventory levels and meeting customer demands.

7. Environmental and Social Compliance
Ensure the supplier adheres to environmental and social regulations. Compliance with these norms is becoming increasingly important to consumers.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Sneakers?

In the fashion and retail industry, sneakers play a pivotal role in B2B transactions, where retailers source bulk quantities from manufacturers to cater to the diverse preferences of their customer base. These B2B partnerships enable retailers to offer a wide range of styles, from athletic to casual wear, meeting the demand for both functionality and fashion. The corporate wellness sector also sees significant utilization of sneakers, as companies increasingly invest in employee health programs. Businesses often purchase sneakers in bulk to encourage participation in fitness activities, recognizing the impact of physical wellness on overall employee productivity and satisfaction. Event marketing and promotions represent another B2B use case for sneakers. Companies frequently customize sneakers with brand logos and colors for use as promotional merchandise. This strategy leverages the popularity of sneakers to enhance brand visibility and engagement, particularly in campaigns targeting younger demographics. Lastly, the film and entertainment industry relies on sneakers for wardrobe requirements, sourcing various styles to accurately portray characters and settings. This necessitates B2B dealings with sneaker suppliers to meet specific aesthetic and period-appropriate footwear needs, highlighting the versatility of sneakers across different storytelling mediums.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Sneakers

Sneakers, as a product category, are widely considered to be at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9, which signifies that the technology is fully mature and has been proven to work in its operational environment. This high TRL is attributed to several technical advancements and the extensive history of innovation within the footwear industry. Over the years, sneakers have evolved from basic footwear to highly specialized products incorporating advanced materials and design techniques. For instance, the use of lightweight, durable materials such as ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) for midsoles and innovations like 3D printing for personalized fit and design have greatly enhanced their performance and comfort. Additionally, the integration of smart technology, including sensors and connectivity features for health and activity tracking, represents a significant leap in the functional capabilities of sneakers, pushing them into the realm of wearable technology. These technological advancements, backed by rigorous testing and consumer feedback across various environments and use cases, confirm the maturity and reliability of sneakers as a product, justifying their classification at the pinnacle of the TRL scale.

What is the Technology Forecast of Sneakers?

In the Short-Term, the sneaker industry is anticipated to witness a surge in the integration of smart technologies. This includes enhancements in materials for better durability and sustainability, alongside the introduction of embedded sensors. These sensors will allow for real-time tracking of athletic performance, providing users with instant feedback on their physical activities. Additionally, developments in augmented reality (AR) will offer customers unique virtual try-on experiences, making the selection process more personalized and efficient. Moving into the Mid-Term, advancements are expected to focus on customization and adaptability. Sneakers will likely feature modular designs, enabling users to swap out parts for different functionalities or aesthetics. This phase will also see the proliferation of 3D printing in sneaker manufacturing, allowing for unprecedented levels of personalization and a reduction in waste. Moreover, the use of AI-driven algorithms for size fitting and style recommendation will further refine the user experience, making it more tailored and intuitive. In the Long-Term, the focus will shift towards fully autonomous footwear equipped with AI capabilities. These sneakers will be able to adjust their shape, cushioning, and support in real-time, adapting to the wearer's movements and the terrain they are on. Energy-harvesting technologies will power these adjustments, sourcing energy from the wearer's movements, thus making charging or battery replacement obsolete. Furthermore, advancements in material science will introduce self-healing materials, significantly extending the lifespan of sneakers and contributing to sustainability efforts in the industry.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Sneakers Suppliers

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The most represented industries which are working in Sneakers are Commerce and Shopping, Clothing and Apparel, Others, Retail Trade, Design

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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