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Top Breakfast Cereal Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Breakfast Cereal in Germany

Ceralia Getreideprodukte GmbH's Logo

Ceralia Getreideprodukte GmbH

Mühldorf a. Inn, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Ceralia is a partner for organic and natural food products, specializing in the production of cereals like porridge and brews, utilizing advanced technology to ensure competitive pricing and high-quality manufacturing.

Highlighted product


Ceralia - Breie & Porridge

3Bears Foods's Logo

3Bears Foods

Munich, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

3Bears offers a delicious and healthy breakfast option with their Cinnamon Roll Organic Porridge, which is made from whole grains, contains no added sugar, and is packed with fruit. Their convenient Overnight Oats can be prepared easily by soaking them overnight in your choice of liquid.

Highlighted product


3Bears Cinnamon Roll Bio-Porridge | Porridge Genau Richtig

3Bears Cinnamon Roll Bio-Porridge | Vollkorn ✓ Ohne Zucker ✓ 100% Bio ► Jetzt bestellen

Wholey's Logo


Berlin, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers Cinna Rollies, a sweet and flavorful breakfast cereal with less sugar, alongside a Big Brunch Set that includes a variety of cereals and granola, making it a perfect choice for a nutritious breakfast.

Highlighted product


Wholey Big Brunch Set | Cereals, Granola, Nussmus + Topping

Bestens ausgestattet für den Start ins neue Jahr ✓ 3x Cereals ✓ 3 x Granola ✓ 3 x Nussmus ✓ 3x Topping ✓ 2x Kokosschale ► Wholey Big Brunch Set sichern!

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Allos GmbH's Logo

Allos GmbH

Drebber, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Allos offers a wide variety of breakfast cereals, including unsweetened mueslis, porridges, and granolas, emphasizing natural and healthy ingredients. Their commitment to ecological production and sustainability is highlighted by their recognition with the Deutschen Nachhaltigkeits Preis 2023.

Highlighted product


Cerealien - Allos

Wir lieben Frühstück. Und Vielfalt, Vollkorn und Ausgewogenheit auch. Willkommen bei einer riesigen Auswahl an Müslis, Breien und Crunchies.

One Origin GmbH's Logo

One Origin GmbH

Paderborn, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Brekky offers a range of innovative breakfast options, including their Brekky Smoothie Bowls, which are made primarily from freeze-dried fruits, oats, chia seeds, and other superfoods. Their products are designed to provide a trendy and nutritious start to the day, featuring fresh fruits and unique toppings that are free from artificial flavors or preservatives.

Highlighted product


Berry Boost I Crunchy Topping von BREKKY – Brekky Bowl

Fruchtige Erdbeere mit köstlichen Cranberries, Cashewkernen und Kornblumenblüten mit extra crunchy Dinkelgranola! Das Superfood Toppings für Deine Bowl ohne künstliche Aromen oder Konservierungsstoffe.😍

Weetabix On The's Logo

Weetabix On The

Löhne, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Weetabix has been a trusted source of high-quality breakfast cereals since 1932, emphasizing sustainable ingredient sourcing and local wheat production.

Highlighted product

Core business

Home - Weetabix Cereals

Barnhouse Naturprodukte GmbH's Logo

Barnhouse Naturprodukte GmbH

Mühldorf a. Inn, Germany


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Barnhouse offers a delicious breakfast experience with their high-quality, organic Dinkel flakes, which are a key part of their Krunchy range. Their products include alternative sweetened and reduced-sugar granolas, highlighting oats as a main ingredient, showcasing its status as a superfood.

Highlighted product


Barnhouse Flakes Dinkel – Barnhouse Onlineshop

Leckeres Frühstückserlebnis mit Flakes Dinkel von Barnhouse. Traditionell hergestellt durch Walzung. 100% Bio.

Crevel Europe's Logo

Crevel Europe

Erfurt, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Crevel Group specializes in importing and distributing high-quality American breakfast cereals, including Toast Crunch Caramel Cereal and Cap’n Crunch varieties, to the European market. Their focus on authentic Mexican and American products ensures that foodservice and retail businesses can access popular cereals at competitive prices.

Highlighted product


Toast Crunch Caramel Cereal 354 gr – Crevel

Hummingbird's Logo


Berlin, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers a variety of breakfast options, including Berry & Coconut Porridge and Triple Berry Bircher, that provide essential nutrients in a convenient form. Their products are ready to ship quickly, making it easy to enjoy a delicious and nutritious start to the day.

Highlighted product


Brekkie Club Box – Hummingbird

Bio-Lieferservice Grashüpfer's Logo

Bio-Lieferservice Grashüpfer

Erlenbach, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers a variety of organic breakfast cereals, including cornflakes, flakes, and puffed cereals, as part of their commitment to delivering fresh eco-products directly to customers' homes.

Highlighted product


Cornflakes, Flakes, gepuffte Cerealien | Müsli, Flocken, Trockenfrüchte | Lebensmittel haltbar | Produkte | Grashüpfer Bio-Hof & Lieferservice

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Information about Breakfast Cereal in Germany

The Breakfast Cereal industry in Germany is characterized by several key considerations that potential entrants should be aware of. Regulatory compliance is crucial, as the industry is subject to stringent food safety and labeling laws, including the EU's General Food Law and the German Food and Feed Code. Understanding consumer preferences is also essential; there is a growing trend towards health-conscious options, organic products, and sustainability, which presents opportunities for innovation. Environmental concerns are increasingly relevant, as consumers are more aware of the ecological impact of food production, prompting companies to adopt eco-friendly practices and packaging. The competitive landscape is marked by established brands dominating the market, but there is space for niche players focusing on specialty cereals or unique flavors. Challenges include rising raw material costs and supply chain disruptions, which can affect pricing and availability. Additionally, the global market relevance of the Breakfast Cereal sector is significant, as Germany is a key player in the European food industry. This interconnectedness means that trends and challenges in global markets can influence local dynamics. Overall, thorough market research, an understanding of regulatory frameworks, and a keen eye on consumer trends are vital for success in this industry.

Insights about the Breakfast Cereal results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Breakfast Cereal

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers212
Amount of suitable service providers79
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1979
Youngest suiting company2020

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Breakfast Cereal Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Breakfast Cereal

Based on our calculations related technologies to Breakfast Cereal are Home Furnishing & Decor, Luxury Goods, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food, Sport & Entertainment

Start-Ups who are working in Breakfast Cereal are One Origin GmbH

The most represented industries which are working in Breakfast Cereal are Other, Food and Beverage, Retail, Consulting, Healthcare

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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