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Top Dental Insurance Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Dental Insurance in Germany

ZahnContext GmbH's Logo

ZahnContext GmbH

Lauffen am Neckar, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

ZahnContext specializes in external dental billing, ensuring that your dental insurance claims are handled professionally.

Highlighted product

Core business

Zahncontext - externe zahnärztliche Abrechnung - Zahnarzt

Praxis Für Zahngesundheitpraxis Für Zahngesundheit's Logo

Praxis Für Zahngesundheitpraxis Für Zahngesundheit

Holzgerlingen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company emphasizes the importance of dental health and offers implantology as a key treatment. They also provide patients with the option for cost coverage through their billing company, which can create personalized financial plans for dental care.

Highlighted product

Core business

NOTDIENST – mh | Praxis für Zahngesundheit

Herr Markus Kammerlander's Logo

Herr Markus Kammerlander

Biberach an der Riß, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company emphasizes the importance of good dental care and offers regular prophylaxis and consultation to maintain long-lasting dental health.

Highlighted product


Service – Zahnarztpraxis Kammerlander

Zahnarzt Peter Weyand's Logo

Zahnarzt Peter Weyand

Illingen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, Zahnarztpraxis Weyand, specializes in geriatric dentistry, offering tailored solutions and professional dental cleaning. Their extensive experience since 1985 underscores their commitment to high-quality dental care.

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Core business

Zahnarztpraxis Weyand - Ihr Zahnarzt des Vertrauens im Saarland

Zahnarztpraxis Weyand: Entdecken Sie erstklassige Zahnheilkunde und individuelle Betreuung. Erfahren Sie mehr auf unserer Webseite.

DENTAVITA Mannheim's Logo


Mannheim, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Dentavita Zahnärzte Mannheim offers a unique dental practice experience for both public and private insurance patients, catering to those seeking additional private services.

Highlighted product

Core business

Zahnarzt Mannheim | Dentavita Zahnarztpraxis Quadrate

Ihr Zahnarzt Mannheim Quadrate. Herzlich Willkommen bei Dentavita Zahnarztpraxis. Hochmoderne Zahnmedizin. Online Termin vereinbaren

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Facchinetti's Logo

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Facchinetti

Königstein im Taunus, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company emphasizes its commitment to optimal dental care through advanced technology and extensive experience, highlighting the importance of preventive measures like professional teeth cleaning for maintaining oral health.

Highlighted product



Leistungen Höchste Anforderungen an Ästhetik, Funktion & Präzision Termin Buchen Prophylaxe Unter Prophylaxe versteht man präventive Maßnahmen, die der Krankheitsverhinderung dienen. Eine regelmäßig durchgeführte professionelle Zahnreinigung ist die beste Voraussetzung die Gesundheit Ihrer Zähne und des Zahnhalteapparates aufrecht zu erhalten. Parodontologie Parodontitis, auch Parodontose genannt, ist die Erkrankung des

Kerler Tassilo Dr.med.dent.'s Logo

Kerler Tassilo Dr.med.dent.

Starnberg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company's focus on professional dental cleaning and preventive care aligns with the importance of maintaining dental health, which is a key aspect often covered by dental insurance.

Highlighted product

Core business

Zahnarzt Starnberg | Zahnarztpraxis für Zahnheilkunde | Dr. med. dent. Tassilo Kerler

Zahnärztin Anette Unbehend's Logo

Zahnärztin Anette Unbehend

Homburg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers dental expertise with a focus on preventive care, including regular check-ups and professional cleanings to protect against cavities. They also provide specialized pediatric dentistry to support children's dental health.

Highlighted product


Kinderzahnheilkunde bei Anette Unbehend in St. Ingbert und Homburg

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Lesmeister's Logo

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Lesmeister


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers comprehensive dental treatments, including extensive services related to dentures and implantology, which are key aspects of dental insurance coverage.

Highlighted product

Core business

Zahnarzt Stolberg - Zahnärztin Daniela Lesmeister

Marcel Ney Zahnarzt's Logo

Marcel Ney Zahnarzt

Oberhausen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, a certified laser dental practice, offers a wide range of dental services, including prophylaxis, prosthetics, orthodontics, and more. They collaborate with CareCapital to provide attractive financing options for desired treatments.

Highlighted product

Core business

www.zahnarzt-ney.de | Zahnarztpraxis Marcel Ney

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Information about Dental Insurance in Germany

In the Dental Insurance industry in Germany, several key considerations are essential for anyone looking to research companies in this field. One major factor is the regulatory framework, which is shaped by the German Social Code and requires insurers to provide comprehensive coverage options. Understanding these regulations is crucial, as they dictate the benefits and limitations of dental insurance policies. Another important aspect is the competitive landscape, where numerous private and public insurers vie for market share. The presence of established companies can present challenges for new entrants, but it also creates opportunities for innovation in service delivery and customer engagement. Additionally, the rising awareness of dental health among the German population is driving demand for better dental insurance products, making it a growing sector. Environmental concerns are becoming increasingly relevant, with a focus on sustainable practices within the healthcare sector. Companies that prioritize eco-friendly operations may gain a competitive advantage. Furthermore, observing global market trends can provide insights into potential shifts in consumer preferences and technological advancements that could impact the industry locally. Overall, a thorough understanding of regulations, market dynamics, and emerging trends is vital for anyone interested in the Dental Insurance industry in Germany.

Insights about the Dental Insurance results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Dental Insurance

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers365
Amount of suitable service providers2378
Average amount of employees1-10

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Dental Insurance Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Dental Insurance are Home Furnishing & Decor, Luxury Goods, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food, Sport & Entertainment

The most represented industries which are working in Dental Insurance are Other, Medical, Healthcare, Consulting, Finance and Insurance

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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