
Top ESG Companies

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9178 companies for ESG

Glas Star's Logo

Glas Star

Bochum, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir sind mit dem Glas Produkt super zufrieden.


ESG Glasscheibe 4mm klar

... Scheibe aus ESG mit 4mm Glasstärke. Mit polierten oder geschliffenen Kanten und spitzen Ecken. ...

Good Management Group's Logo

Good Management Group

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


This is the photo that started it all. We can provide outsourced expert resources to help your business improve its social and environmental impacts. Our certifications offer credible recognition for your efforts and the publicity you deserve. Our innovative data solution helps you collate information with ease.


ESG Consulting

... Learn about our range of essential ESG consulting services that are designed to add real value to your business. ...

Obbagy Consulting - WBE-City & State Certified | WOSB Certified | WBENC-Certified WBE's Logo

Obbagy Consulting - WBE-City & State Certified | WOSB Certified | WBENC-Certified WBE

Weymouth, United States

1-10 Employees


Our services feature short term engagements, tailored to your needs. Obbagy Consulting is the firm of choice for clients seeking some initial insights on their ESG journey. As a recipient of multiple Star Case Awards we are recognized for providing exceptional service offering a balanced understanding of business dynamics to help position organizations for sustainable success. Jane Obbagy is the founder and Managing Director of Obbagy Consulting. Obbagy Consulting is a certified women business enterprise.


ESG Scan

... Why Choose the ESG Scan? ...

HGM Haus- Und Gartenmarkt GmbH's Logo

HGM Haus- Und Gartenmarkt GmbH

Sulingen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir sind nicht einfach nur ein Onlineshop für Gartenhäuser - wir bieten Ihnen mehr. Daher bieten wir Ihnen neben unserem Standard-Programm verschiedene Services an, die Ihren Traum vom individuellen Gartenhaus verwirklichen. Neben Holzgaragen und Carports gehören auch Kinderspielhäuser zu unserer Produktpalette – natürlich alles aus hochwertigem Holz. Bei über 1.500 Modellen günstiger Gartenhäuser aus hochwertigem und widerstandsfähigem Holz bieten sich zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, einen Ort der Gemütlichkeit und wohnlichen Atmosphäre in Ihrem Garten entstehen zu lassen. Mit unserer über 40-jährigen handwerklichen Erfahrung bieten wir Ihnen einen zuverlässigen und umfassenden Service, der zahlreiche Angebote umfasst.


Hochfrühbeet Gamma ESG

... Hochfrühbeet Gamma ESG ...

myConsole's Logo


London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Built-in Tools to capture target ESG data from internal operations & external suppliers / ecosystems.


myConsole ESG

... Purpose Driven ESG Portfolio Management ...

Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc.'s Logo

Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc.

New York, United States

51-100 Employees


This is why we provide an extensive range of services, plus the ability to tailor solutions based on your specific needs. The products, services, information and/or materials contained within these web pages may not be available for residents of certain jurisdictions. Please consider the sales restrictions relating to the products or services in question for further information.


ESG principles and standards

... The development of common standards for ESG investing is still a work in progress, making it vital for investors to look “beyond the ratings" when building and executing an ESG strategy. ...

Interactive Data Managed Solutions's Logo

Interactive Data Managed Solutions

Frankfurt, Germany

1001-5000 Employees




... Our ESG Academic Research Network enables academic researchers to make use of our timely ESG data created with the power of artificial intelligence. Researchers come from a variety of disciplines and focus on a host of topics. ...

ESG Playbook's Logo

ESG Playbook

Holmdel Township, United States

1-10 Employees


Our Platform provides the most complete reporting solutions available today across each of the Environmental, Social, and Governance pillars. Our solutions support all the major frameworks and we provide the ability to mix and match elements across these frameworks. ESG Playbook is a premier platform for comprehensive sustainability reporting, offering seamless regulatory compliance and a range of tools for efficient ESG reporting. Streamlined data collection, intuitive project management, and pre-built templates. Offers 10+ reporting tools for public and private companies.


ESG Playbook Solutions

... ESG Playbook Solutions ...

ESG Matrix's Logo

ESG Matrix

Cape Town, South Africa

1-10 Employees


At ESG Matrix, we are passionate about guiding and elevating your ESG strategy. With our expertise, we empower you to become a leader in your industry by fostering shared prosperity and driving long-term value creation and performance. As the business landscape evolves, 2024 emerges as a critical year for environmental sustainability.


ESG Strategy aligned with measurable performance

... Enhance your ESG strategy with ESG Matrix: Services tailored to your needs ...

Apollo Energies Inc.'s Logo

Apollo Energies Inc.

Vacaville, United States

11-50 Employees


At Apollo Energies, we provide tangible results for your ESG reports. We believe that we all profit more from a green circular economy, which helps one another without sacrifice. We offer a roadmap to show our clients how they can free up substantial positive cash flow and reduce carbon emissions concurrently. Becoming carbon-free is the new mantra of Wall Street and companies worldwide so up-to-date, accurate ESG reporting is critical. At Apollo Energies, our staff consists of professionals who are experienced engineers and experts in building science. We have a combined 200 plus years of experience in the energy efficiency, renewable energy, and construction fields. We help our clients save money, use less carbon-based energy resources, and provide insights for their ESC reporting. Extreme Heat: The Economic and Social Consequences for the United State is a new report by the Atlantic Council's Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center with analysis conducted by Vivid Economics that quantifies the impacts of heat under current and future conditions.

Core business

Become Carbon-Free Improve Your ESG Reporting

... Commercial energy audits identify high annual energy spends, help you become carbon-neutral, and improves your ESG rating. Energy Efficiency Solutions. ...

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Products and services for ESG

A selection of suitable products and services provided by verified companies according to your search.

Product: IoT Gateway for remote monitoring of energy and machines


IoT Gateway for remote monitoring of energy and machines

Go to Product >

Insights about the ESG results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for ESG

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers4730
Amount of suitable service providers5886
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1997
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about ESG

What is ESG?

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) refers to a set of criteria used to evaluate a company's operations and policies in terms of its ethical impact and sustainability practices. Environmental aspects consider how a business's operations contribute to climate change through carbon emissions, water usage, waste management, and its overall ecological footprint. The Social component assesses the company's relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and communities, focusing on human rights, labor standards, and corporate social responsibility. <bgovernance</b> involves the company's leadership, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights, ensuring accountability, fairness, and transparency in business practices. ESG's impact within its field is profound, influencing investment decisions, operational strategies, and regulatory compliance. Investors increasingly rely on ESG criteria to identify companies with ethical practices that are likely to offer sustainable, long-term returns, mitigating risks associated with environmental regulations or social controversies. Moreover, ESG-driven strategies help businesses align with global sustainability goals, enhance their reputation, and foster innovation. By integrating ESG considerations into their core operations, companies not only contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world but also secure a competitive advantage in the evolving market landscape, where consumers and investors prioritize ethical and sustainable practices.

Advantages of ESG

1. Enhanced Brand Reputation
Investing in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria boosts a company's public image. By prioritizing sustainable and ethical practices, businesses can attract customers, investors, and employees who value corporate responsibility, leading to increased loyalty and trust.

2. Risk Management
ESG-focused companies are better equipped to anticipate and mitigate risks associated with environmental regulation, social unrest, and governance scandals. By proactively addressing these areas, they can avoid potential costs and legal issues, providing a more stable and predictable operational environment.

3. Financial Performance
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that companies with strong ESG practices experience better financial performance over time. These businesses often have more efficient operations, lower costs, and access to capital on more favorable terms, contributing to higher profitability and valuation.

4. Innovation and Competitiveness
Commitment to ESG principles drives innovation by encouraging companies to develop new products and services that meet the increasing demand for sustainable solutions. This not only opens up new markets but also enhances competitiveness in existing ones.

How to select right ESG supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compliance and Certification
Ensure the supplier adheres to international ESG standards and possesses relevant certifications, indicating their commitment to environmental, social, and governance principles.

2. Transparency and Reporting
Look for suppliers that maintain high levels of transparency in their operations and offer detailed ESG reporting, allowing for easy assessment of their practices and impacts.

3. Supply Chain Sustainability
Evaluate the sustainability of the supplier's supply chain, including sourcing of materials, labor practices, and environmental footprint, to ensure alignment with ESG criteria.

4. Innovation and Improvement Initiatives
Consider suppliers that actively invest in ESG-related innovation and continuously seek improvements in their ESG performance.

5. Stakeholder Engagement
Check for effective stakeholder engagement practices, demonstrating the supplier's commitment to addressing stakeholder concerns and incorporating feedback into their ESG strategy.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for ESG?

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are becoming increasingly pivotal in the business-to-business (B2B) landscape, influencing decision-making processes across numerous industries. In the financial sector, ESG metrics serve as essential benchmarks for investment firms and banks. These entities utilize ESG criteria to assess the sustainability and ethical impact of their investments, guiding them in selecting companies that align with their values and risk management strategies, thereby fostering long-term profitability and shareholder trust. In the manufacturing realm, ESG criteria play a critical role in supply chain management. Companies integrate ESG standards to ensure their suppliers adhere to sustainable practices, reducing environmental impact and promoting social responsibility. This approach not only mitigates risks associated with regulatory compliance but also enhances brand reputation, appealing to eco-conscious consumers and partners. Furthermore, in the technology industry, ESG considerations are integral to product development and corporate strategy. Tech companies leverage ESG data to innovate sustainable solutions, minimize their carbon footprint, and address social issues through technology. This focus on sustainability and ethical practices attracts investors, customers, and talent who prioritize environmental and social responsibility, driving competitive advantage and growth. Overall, ESG criteria are transforming B2B interactions, encouraging industries to adopt practices that ensure long-term sustainability, social equity, and ethical governance, thereby securing a healthier planet and society for future generations.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of ESG

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, while not a technology in the traditional sense, leverage a broad array of digital tools and platforms for data collection, analysis, and reporting, placing its application in a complex position on the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) spectrum. Given its reliance on sophisticated data analytics, AI for predictive modeling, and blockchain for transparency, ESG integration into business operations can be situated around TRL 7 to 8. This assessment is due to these underlying technologies having been proven to work in operational environments, particularly in advanced analytics and blockchain applications. However, the variability in ESG reporting standards and the lack of global regulatory uniformity mean that while the technological components are mature, their application in ESG contexts faces ongoing refinement and standardization challenges. The high TRL reflects the advanced state of the technology involved in ESG processes, but it also acknowledges the need for further adaptation and integration to achieve widespread, standardized application across industries worldwide, aligning with evolving regulatory frameworks and stakeholder expectations.

What is the Technology Forecast of ESG?

In the Short-Term, advancements in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) technology are poised to enhance data collection and reporting capabilities. Companies will increasingly adopt AI-driven analytics to monitor their carbon footprint in real-time, enabling more precise and transparent sustainability reports. This phase will also witness a surge in the development of blockchain solutions for traceability in supply chains, ensuring ethical sourcing and reducing environmental harm. The Mid-Term phase is expected to bring integration of ESG criteria into the core strategic operations of businesses. Innovative technologies like IoT sensors will be widely used for monitoring environmental impacts across various industries, facilitating a shift towards sustainable practices. Additionally, AI and machine learning algorithms will evolve to predict ESG risks and opportunities, assisting companies in making informed decisions that align with their sustainability goals. Looking at the Long-Term, the focus will shift towards the development of global ESG standards powered by technology, enabling uniformity in ESG assessment and reporting. Breakthroughs in quantum computing will revolutionize data analysis, providing deeper insights into sustainability challenges and solutions. Furthermore, advancements in green technology, such as carbon capture and storage, will play a pivotal role in achieving net-zero emissions, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards a sustainable future.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about ESG Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for ESG

Based on our calculations related technologies to ESG are Water/Ocean Cleaning Technologies, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Fashion, Smart Grid

Start-Ups who are working in ESG are


ESG Bay,



ESG Europe Group

The most represented industries which are working in ESG are Finance and Insurance, IT, Software and Services, Other, Consulting, Environment, Disposal and Recycling

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