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Top Fishing Companies in India

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22 companies for Fishing in India

Blessy Fisheries's Logo

Blessy Fisheries

Bhimavaram, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Blessy Fisheries is dedicated to supporting fish farmers by providing comprehensive services that include pond preparation, supplying high-quality fish and shrimp seeds, and offering feeds and medicines for health management. Their focus on excellent service and competitive pricing ensures that farmers can effectively manage their operations and access both domestic and international markets for their harvests.

Highlighted product

Core business

Blessy Fisheries

Seachef Hospitality Services's Logo

Seachef Hospitality Services

Mumbai, India


1001-5000 Employees


Key takeaway

Seachef is a prominent hospitality service provider in the maritime industry, which may suggest their involvement in activities related to fishing and seafood services.

Highlighted product


Services - Seachef

40 Count E commerce's Logo

40 Count E commerce

Nellore, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in aquaculture, particularly in providing high-quality shrimp feed and related products. They emphasize their commitment to superior quality and innovative sourcing methods, which could be beneficial for fishing and aquaculture practices.

Highlighted product


Cast Net - 40Count E Commerce

Product Features:Cast net made from high quality net and stronger strings.Measuring 5 meters in length from the ring and weighing 3.4kg.

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Nakhwa International's Logo

Nakhwa International

Mumbai, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Nakhwa International is a leading seafood export company based in Mumbai, specializing in fishing and the processing, packaging, and export of high-quality frozen seafood products. Their main offerings include a variety of fish and seafood, ensuring customer satisfaction with quality products and competitive prices.

Highlighted product

Core business

Nakhwa International | Frozen Fish Trading Company in India

Urban Plants's Logo

Urban Plants



1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is focused on supporting the fishing community, as indicated by their mention of a "Fisherman Miniature garden."

Highlighted product


Fisherman Miniature garden

Vendorboat Pvt Ltd's Logo

Vendorboat Pvt Ltd

Gurugram District, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Vendorboat is an online platform that offers a wide range of products, including various trends that could appeal to fishing enthusiasts, such as clothing and accessories. Their focus on dropshipping and print-on-demand allows for easy access to these products without the need for upfront investment.

Highlighted product

Core business

About us – Vendorboat

Devi Fisheries Ltd's Logo

Devi Fisheries Ltd



1001-5000 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, awarded as the Best Aqua Exporter by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, specializes in shrimp farming and export, offering species such as Litopenaeus Vannamei and Penaeus Monodon. They emphasize better nutrition for shrimp growth through high-quality feed and provide ongoing support to farmers to enhance production outcomes.

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Core business


Drift Overseas's Logo

Drift Overseas

Hyderabad, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Drift Overseas is a prominent seafood exporter in India, specializing in the supply of various seafood, including prawns and crabs, sourced from the Bay of Bengal. With over five years of experience in the seafood market, the company emphasizes health and safety in its procurement and supply chain practices.

Highlighted product

Core business

Best Seafood Exporters in India | Wholesale | Driftoverseas.com

Driftoverseas is one of the largest seafood exporters in India, who Wholesale & imports the Best Indian seafood like Prawn, mud, Tiger Prawn, & crab to all-region.

Western SuperFresh - Seafood Exporter 's Logo

Western SuperFresh - Seafood Exporter

Navi Mumbai, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Western Superfresh is dedicated to providing high-quality seafood products, utilizing advanced infrastructure and technology to ensure hygiene and excellence in processing and export. Their expertise in the seafood industry includes a focus on frozen food warehousing, particularly for processed seafood, offering a diverse range of products like shrimp, cephalopods, and various fish.

Highlighted product

Core business

Western SuperFresh



Mangaluru, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Blueline Foods (India) Pvt Ltd is a leading manufacturer and exporter of fish meal and fish oil, which are among their highest-selling products in the international market. The company emphasizes quality and hygiene, ensuring that their products meet international standards.

Highlighted product

Core business

Blueline Foods ( India ) Pvt Ltd – Indian Fish Meal & Fish Oil

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Information about Fishing in India

When exploring the fishing industry in India, several key considerations come into play. The regulatory framework is crucial, as the government has established various laws to manage fishing practices and protect marine biodiversity. Compliance with these regulations ensures sustainability and can impact operational viability. Challenges such as overfishing, illegal fishing practices, and the effects of climate change on fish populations are significant. These factors can lead to fluctuating fish stocks and affect the livelihood of those dependent on fishing. However, opportunities abound, particularly in aquaculture, which is witnessing rapid growth. The increasing demand for seafood, both domestically and internationally, presents a lucrative market for suppliers and entrepreneurs. Environmental concerns are also paramount, as habitat degradation and pollution threaten marine ecosystems. Companies must adopt sustainable practices to mitigate these impacts and align with global standards. The competitive landscape in India is diverse, with numerous small players and a few large enterprises, making it essential for new entrants to differentiate themselves. Moreover, the global market relevance of Indian seafood exports continues to rise, driven by the country's rich marine resources and strategic positioning in the international market. Understanding these dynamics is essential for anyone looking to engage with the fishing industry in India.

Insights about the Fishing results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Fishing

Country with most fitting companiesIndia
Amount of fitting manufacturers17
Amount of suitable service providers12
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1969
Youngest suiting company2020

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Fishing are Home Furnishing & Decor, Luxury Goods, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food, Sport & Entertainment

Start-Ups who are working in Fishing are Urban Plants

The most represented industries which are working in Fishing are Agriculture, Food and Beverage, IT, Software and Services, Import and Export, Logistics, Supply Chain and Transportation

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