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Top Hunting Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Hunting in Germany

Hunter & Companion GmbH's Logo

Hunter & Companion GmbH

Munich, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is dedicated to enhancing the hunting experience through innovative apps designed specifically for the hunting and fieldsports community. Their vision focuses on digitalizing all aspects of hunting, providing essential tools and resources that improve safety, organization, and overall enjoyment for hunters.

Highlighted product

Core business

MyHunt - Hunting for the Future

Huntsman and the Butcher's Logo

Huntsman and the Butcher

Berlin, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

HUNTSMAN AND THE BUTCHER emphasizes the traditional craft of hunting as a means to reconnect people with nature, fostering awareness of conservation, sustainability, and food sources. They offer practical and individualized training for aspiring hunters, guiding them through the hunting certification process.

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Core business

Jagdschule | HUNTSMAN AND THE BUTCHER | Berlin

Die Jagdschule für eine praxisnahe und individuelle Jagdausbildung. Wir bilden Sie zur Jägerin / zum Jäger aus und führen Sie sicher durch die Jägerprüfung.

Jagen-fuer-jaeger's Logo




1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers over 2500 different exchange offers from hunters in Germany and other European countries, making it a reliable marketplace for fresh game directly from local hunters.

Highlighted product


Service - jagen für jäger Neue Wege rund um die Jagd. Alles rund ums Jagen!

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Jagdwelten's Logo


Dargun, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Welcome to Jagdwelten – your experts in hunting! They offer various hunting opportunities for different game species across multiple regions.

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Jagdwelten Startseite › Jagdwelten



Heide, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Drengk Hunting offers a wide selection of hunting trips around the globe, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right hunting area.

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Core business

Jagdreisen Drengk – Wir vermitteln Jagdreisen in die ganze Welt

Ihr Partner für Jagdreisen in Nah und Fern.

Skadi Hunting Adventures's Logo

Skadi Hunting Adventures

Magdeburg, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Skadi Hunting offers a unique opportunity to shape your own hunting experience, with a vibrant atmosphere of celebration and camaraderie. Their upcoming hunting trips promise thrilling adventures, complemented by exceptional local cuisine and hospitality, making it a memorable experience for all hunting enthusiasts.

Highlighted product

Core business

Skadi Hunting – Internationale Jagdreisen

Jagdschule Passion GmbH's Logo

Jagdschule Passion GmbH

Bad Dürkheim, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, Jagdschule Passion, offers information about their hunting courses and related educational resources.

Highlighted product

Core business

JAGDSCHULE - Jagdschule Passion

Udo Volkenand's Logo

Udo Volkenand

Eiterfeld, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, Jagd Erlernen, provides professional guidance for safe hunting practices, emphasizing key aspects such as assessing game, animal welfare, and proper field dressing. Their program supports young hunters in developing their skills from game identification to harvesting.

Highlighted product

Core business

JAGD ERLERNEN - Jagdpraxis für Jungjäger von A - Z

Betreutes Jagen für Jungjäger in Thüringen. JAGD ERLERNEN begleitet dich vom Ansprechen bis hin zum Zerwirken - Jagdpraxis von A-Z

Hunterfox GmbH's Logo

Hunterfox GmbH



1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Hunterfox offers a comprehensive range of high-quality hunting accessories that cater to every hunter's needs. Their commitment to continuously updating their product lineup ensures that customers have access to the latest gear.

Highlighted product

Core business

Startseite - Hunter Fox

Willkommen bei Hunterfox Ihr Onlineshop für Jagdzubehör Unsere neuesten Produkte Zurück Weiter Hunterfox steht für hochwertiges Jagdzubehör. Wir aktualisieren laufend unser Produktprogramm. Registrieren Sie sich in […]

Jägerschule Seibt GmbH's Logo

Jägerschule Seibt GmbH

Dannenberg, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers specialized courses for students and apprentices to prepare for the hunting exam, based on the book "Grundwissen zur Jägerprüfung" by S. Seibt. With over 80,000 hunters trained since its founding in 1973, Jägerschule Seibt provides a comprehensive learning experience.

Highlighted product


Service - Jägerschule Seibt - einfach Jäger werden

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Information about Hunting in Germany

When exploring the hunting industry in Germany, several key considerations emerge. The regulatory framework is crucial, as hunting is governed by strict laws at both federal and state levels, including licensing requirements and hunting quotas. Understanding these regulations is essential for compliance and sustainability. Environmental concerns also play a significant role; conservation efforts and wildlife management practices are integral to the industry, influencing hunting practices and land use. The competitive landscape is shaped by a mix of traditional and modern hunting practices, with a growing interest in sustainable and ethical hunting methods. Opportunities exist in sectors such as hunting tourism, which attracts both domestic and international hunters, and in the development of eco-friendly hunting gear. Additionally, the global market relevance of the hunting industry in Germany cannot be overlooked. As European standards for wildlife conservation and hunting practices evolve, companies must adapt to international trends while maintaining local traditions. Engaging with local communities and fostering partnerships can enhance market presence and promote responsible hunting practices. Overall, thorough research into these factors will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in navigating the hunting industry in Germany.

Insights about the Hunting results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Hunting

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers176
Amount of suitable service providers283
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2016
Youngest suiting company2018

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Hunting Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Hunting are Home Furnishing & Decor, Luxury Goods, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food, Sport & Entertainment

The most represented industries which are working in Hunting are Other, Retail, Sports, Consulting, Healthcare

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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