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Top Merchant Services Companies in India

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60 companies for Merchant Services in India

Paul Merchants's Logo

Paul Merchants

Chandigarh, India


1001-5000 Employees


Key takeaway

The company aims to be a market leader in the financial services sector, offering a diverse range of services including international money transfers. With a strong commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, it has established a wide network, providing efficient and reliable remittance services that enhance trade and commerce.

Highlighted product


services-s1 | Paul Merchants

Shivalik Mercantile Cooperative Bank's Logo

Shivalik Mercantile Cooperative Bank



501-1000 Employees


Key takeaway

Shivalik Bank offers a comprehensive Merchant Business Solution, leveraging its cloud-based architecture for agility and scalability in managing retail payments. With direct access to the National Financial Switch, the bank aims to provide affordable and digitally focused financial services, particularly for small and underserved segments.

Highlighted product


Merchant Business Solution | Shivalik Bank

Merchant Business Solution

PayPoint Services Pvt Ltd.'s Logo

PayPoint Services Pvt Ltd.

Chennai, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers a comprehensive suite of payment solutions, including Payment Integration Services that can connect payment terminals with existing systems. Additionally, they provide a Prepaid Wallet platform for distributing vouchers and services, showcasing their commitment to enhancing merchant services.

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Core business

PayPoint Services

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Omniware Technologies Pvt Ltd's Logo

Omniware Technologies Pvt Ltd

Bengaluru, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company provides PCI-DSS Level-1 certified managed services for card processing, enabling payment service providers and businesses to onboard merchants quickly and securely through advanced digital ID verification. Their SaaS-based platform, with pre-built integrations to major payment gateways and processors, simplifies the payment acceptance process, allowing businesses to focus on growth while ensuring operational excellence and security.

Highlighted product

Core business


QPay India Pvt Ltd's Logo

QPay India Pvt Ltd

Chennai, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

QPay India Private Limited specializes in providing secure and scalable payment services to Indian e-commerce merchants, ensuring reliable and efficient online payment processing. Their PCI-DSS 3.2 certified system and 24/7 monitoring enhance transaction security and performance, making them a strong option for businesses looking to accept online payments.

Highlighted product

Core business

Payment Gateway India|Online Payment Solutions|Mobile POS|mPOS Machine



Navi Mumbai, India


- Employees


Key takeaway

Merchant accounts are essential for business owners, allowing them to accurately track revenues without the need to physically handle credit cards. These accounts are customized to meet specific business needs and provide detailed records of financial transactions, making them ideal for various service providers and online businesses.

Highlighted product

Core business

Savings, Checking, & Merchant Accounts at Accounts.com

NextGen TeleSolutions's Logo

NextGen TeleSolutions

Noida, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company provides tailored physical retail solutions, including advanced credit and debit card integration with POS terminals, which enhances merchant services through customer loyalty programs and engagement strategies.

Highlighted product




Pepperbiz Marketing and Franchise Pvt Ltd's Logo

Pepperbiz Marketing and Franchise Pvt Ltd

Noida, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

UNIBIZPAY offers a comprehensive payment solution, including hardware and software, designed to help small merchants implement digital payments quickly and efficiently. Their focus on security, financial inclusion, and support for business growth positions them as a valuable partner for merchants looking to enhance their payment capabilities.

Highlighted product

Core business

Financial Services

Digitizing Financial Inclusion and Merchant Payments ---------------- Enabling Digital services and transactions

Aggrepay Payments Solutions Private Limited's Logo

Aggrepay Payments Solutions Private Limited

Chennai, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

AggrePay offers a secure and comprehensive range of payment channels, making it an ideal choice for merchant services. With PCI DSS Level 1 compliance and the ability to accept various payment modes, AggrePay simplifies the payment process for both merchants and customers.

Highlighted product

Core business

AggrePay | Aggregating Payments World Wide

MobiSwipe's Logo


Chennai, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

MobiSwipe MPOS & MPAY offers a comprehensive mobile payment solution that integrates seamlessly with a merchant's existing PoS back-end database, allowing for instant transaction updates and secure authentication. Their services are designed to simplify payment processes and enhance sales, making it easier for businesses to manage transactions securely.

Highlighted product

Core business

MobiSwipe mPOS | Mobile Payment Service | OMA Emirates Group

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Information about Merchant Services in India

When exploring the Merchant Services industry in India, several key considerations come into play. First, understanding the regulatory framework is crucial, as the Reserve Bank of India governs this sector, ensuring compliance with financial regulations and maintaining consumer protection. It's important to be aware of the challenges posed by the rapidly evolving technology landscape, which demands continuous adaptation from service providers. Additionally, the market presents significant opportunities due to the growing digital payment ecosystem, driven by increasing smartphone penetration and internet accessibility. However, competition is fierce, with numerous players vying for market share, including traditional banks and fintech startups. Environmental concerns are also gaining attention, particularly regarding the sustainability of payment technologies and their impact on energy consumption. As the global market for merchant services expands, Indian companies are increasingly positioned to leverage innovations such as contactless payments and blockchain technology. Investors and stakeholders should keep abreast of trends in consumer behavior and emerging payment solutions, as these factors will shape the industry's future. By considering these aspects, individuals can make informed decisions when researching potential partners or investments in the Indian Merchant Services sector.

Insights about the Merchant Services results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Merchant Services

Country with most fitting companiesIndia
Amount of fitting manufacturers319
Amount of suitable service providers422
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1984
Youngest suiting company2017

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Merchant Services Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Merchant Services

Based on our calculations related technologies to Merchant Services are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

The most represented industries which are working in Merchant Services are IT, Software and Services, Finance and Insurance, Other, Marketing Services, Business Services

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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