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Top Merchant Services Companies in United States

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60 companies for Merchant Services in United States

Merchant Services Inc's Logo

Merchant Services Inc

United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

MerchantService.com specializes in merchant profitability and offers a comprehensive range of merchant account services, making it easy for businesses to accept credit cards. Their consultative approach ensures that merchants are well-informed when selecting services, which enhances customer support and decision-making.

Highlighted product

Core business

Merchant Services - MerchantService.com

Since 1995, Merchant Services has made it easy to accept credit cards. A Merchant Services provider that offers a full line of Merchant Account Services.

Midwest Merchant Services's Logo

Midwest Merchant Services

West Bloomfield Township, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Midwest Merchant Services offers a range of merchant services designed for businesses of all sizes, focusing on transparent pricing and dedicated customer support. Their subscription-based model aims to reduce credit card processing fees, empowering merchants to enhance their financial well-being through innovative payment solutions and advanced analytics.

Highlighted product


Merchant Services - Credit Card Processing Company

Our subscription-priced merchant services, top-notch customer service, and innovative technology can help you save money and better serve your clients.

International Merchant Services's Logo

International Merchant Services

Euless, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

International Merchant Services, Inc. (IMS) is a leading provider of ATM business services, known for its reliable equipment and efficient processing, making it a valuable partner for merchants seeking dependable service and a strong Return on Investment (ROI). With a track record of minimal downtime, IMS stands out as a proactive choice for those in need of premium merchant services.

Highlighted product


International Merchant Services, Inc.

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iMerchant Solutions, LLC's Logo

iMerchant Solutions, LLC

Farmington Hills, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in providing tailored merchant services, including credit card processing solutions that cater to various industries and business models. Their commitment to finding productive payment solutions ensures that businesses can access secure platforms and innovative tools to enhance their operations.

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Core business

Merchant Services - iMerchant Solutions

Whether you’re new to accepting credit cards or are looking to switch processors, our team provides the best credit card solutions to fit your business.

Merchant Services Philadelphia's Logo

Merchant Services Philadelphia

Haverford Township, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Merchant Services Philadelphia is a comprehensive provider of merchant services that offers low rates and a free credit card machine for retail and small businesses. They also feature next-day funding and state-of-the-art, PCI-compliant credit card machines, making it easier for businesses to accept credit cards.

Highlighted product

Core business

Credit Card Processsing | Free Credit Card Machine

Merchant Services Philadelphia provides credit card processing solutions for retail and small businesses and includes a free credit card machine.

On The Mark Payments LLC's Logo

On The Mark Payments LLC

Clark, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

On The Mark Payments offers electronic payment processing services to merchants across the country, highlighting their extensive industry experience and commitment to trust and transparency.

Highlighted product


Services - Credit Card Processing Company

EMS's Logo


Ontario, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Electronic Merchant Services (EMS) offers comprehensive credit card processing and payment gateway services tailored for small and medium-sized merchants across the United States. With a focus on high-risk merchant accounts and various payment solutions, EMS ensures security, reliability, and innovative products to enhance payment processing for diverse transaction types.

Highlighted product

Core business

EMS | Merchant Services, Payment Processing & Gateway

Electronic Merchant Services (EMS) is a leading provider of credit card processing, virtual merchant accounts and payment gateway with next day funding. EMS Merchant Services excels in hard to place high risk merchant accounts.

World Payment Services's Logo

World Payment Services

Concord, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

World Payment Services provides industry-specific credit card processing, eCommerce technology, and electronic payment services to a diverse range of merchants and small businesses. Their offerings are designed to help these businesses accept various types of electronic payments, enhancing sales and growth opportunities.

Highlighted product

Core business

Merchant Services | World Payment Services | United States

worldpaymentservice.com We are a nationwide collaboration of independent professionals offering industry specific credit card processing, eCommerce technology, and electronic payment services to merchants, retailers, manufacturers, restaurants, independent contractors, and small business.

Merchant Processing Solutions Inc's Logo

Merchant Processing Solutions Inc

Fort Lauderdale, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Merchant Processing Solutions is a comprehensive National Bankcard Processing Company that provides various software and hardware solutions for efficient payment processing. Their offerings include POS systems, virtual terminals, and eCommerce gateways, enabling businesses to accept payments quickly and effectively.

Highlighted product

Core business

Merchant Processing Solutions | Credit Card Acceptance | Ft. Lauderdale

Merchant Processing Solutions offers business software solutions for payment processing such as POS systems, virtual terminals, eCommerce gateways and more.

Global 1 Wholesale Merchant Services's Logo

Global 1 Wholesale Merchant Services

Las Vegas, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers comprehensive merchant services, enabling businesses across the United States to accept credit cards and digital transactions. They distinguish themselves by providing contract buy-outs and next-day funding, which can help businesses reduce costs and improve cash flow.

Highlighted product


Small Business Merchant Services – Wholesale Merchant Credit Card Processing

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Information about Merchant Services in United States

When exploring the Merchant Services industry in the United States, several key considerations are crucial for informed decision-making. Regulatory compliance is paramount, as businesses must navigate various federal and state laws, including PCI DSS standards that ensure secure payment processing. Additionally, understanding the challenges such as high competition and the evolving nature of technology is essential; staying updated on innovations like contactless payments and mobile wallets can provide a competitive edge. Opportunities abound, particularly with the rise of e-commerce and digital transactions, which have accelerated due to recent global events. Companies should also consider the environmental impact of payment processing technologies, as sustainability becomes increasingly important to consumers. Furthermore, the competitive landscape is characterized by a mix of established players and emerging startups, making it vital to evaluate service offerings, fees, and customer support. Lastly, the global market relevance highlights the importance of cross-border payment solutions, as businesses expand their reach internationally. By focusing on these factors, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of the Merchant Services industry and make strategic decisions.

Insights about the Merchant Services results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Merchant Services

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers967
Amount of suitable service providers1129
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1990
Youngest suiting company2019

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Merchant Services Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Merchant Services

Based on our calculations related technologies to Merchant Services are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

The most represented industries which are working in Merchant Services are Finance and Insurance, IT, Software and Services, Other, Marketing Services, Consulting

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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