
Top Open Banking Companies

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739 companies for Open Banking

Mr. Open Banking's Logo

Mr. Open Banking

Old Toronto, Canada

1-10 Employees


Our goal is to use simple, intuitive and authentic language to help explain open banking in a clear and accessible way. Eyal Sivan is a seasoned technologist specializing in all aspects of open banking. Open banking enables broad integration across the entire financial ecosystem, ultimately leading to new and innovative banking products which are faster, cheaper and more adaptable to our rapidly changing world. Open Banking is consistent with their role as technology leaders and trusted advisers throughout the industry worldwide.

Core business

Open Banking

... Open Banking ...'s Logo

Nes Ziona, Israel

11-50 Employees

2021 empowers financial institutions and businesses to unlock the full potential of the customers' financial data, facilitating the creation of inclusive, efficient, and empowering solutions through the synergy of open banking technology, AI, and data. At, we envision a future where financial services transcend boundaries, connecting individuals and businesses seamlessly. FICO and partner to transform decision-making speed and precision in credit and insurance. Leading financial institutions and fintechs companies rely on's technology to establish connections with financial accounts, extract valuable insights from transaction data, and construct enhanced financial experiences that drive business growth and enhance consumer outcomes. This is a true partnership, enabling us to harness the transformative power of open banking.”. FICO is teaming up with to enhance decision-making for banks and FinTechs. Integrate payments and financial data using Open-Finance API's and SDK's into your app. Delivering advanced solutions, including data aggregation, financial insights, and streamlined account verification.

Core business

Connect to Open Banking Fast and Securely

... Connect to Open Banking Fast and ...

Pelvo AB's Logo

Pelvo AB

Stockholm, Sweden

1-10 Employees


Our goal is to help these companies modernize their technology systems and improve both their risk management and customer satisfaction. At Pelvo, we place a strong emphasis on customer focus and believe that it is at the core of our success. We are committed to maintaining the highest levels of security and privacy in all of our operations to ensure that our customers information and financial data are protected.‍‍. We are committed to promoting transparency in all aspects of our business and to continuously improving our communication and openness.‍. We are committed to delivering outstanding results both for our customers and as a company. We are committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement, learning and to helping our employees achieve their full potential both personally and professionally.‍‍. We are proud to announce our partnership with Microsoft for Startups as part of their Founders Hub program. Through our customized offerings, we are enabling SMEs/SMBs to digitalize and streamline their processes.".

Core business

Rebooting Open Banking ®

... ‍for identity, account, affordability & ‍Money movement via Open Banking. ...

Yapily's Logo


London, United Kingdom

101-250 Employees


Yapily is an open banking infrastructure platform solving a fundamental problem in financial services today: access. Yapily was founded to challenge these structures and create a global open economy that works for everyone. Connect to Yapily’s open banking API to access the most extensive coverage across the UK and Europe for both consumer and business accounts. Our mission as an infrastructure platform is to help you drive innovation in your industry that will power tomorrow. Yapily Connect is your key to global expansion, giving you secure, regulated access to open banking. Partnership with Yapily is all about maximising the benefits of open banking technology to enable frictionless user journeys. We enable innovative companies to create better and fairer financial services for everyone through the power of open banking. With coverage across 19 countries (and counting) for retail, business, and corporate accounts, Yapily powers global expansion.


Personalise investing with open banking

... are using the power of open banking and Yapily's API to power ...

Sniptech's Logo


Amsterdam, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


At Sniptech, we are using our tech insights and know-how to create paradigm shifting solutions for personal finance companies. Bypass the innovation burden, engage your customers in fresh ways, and offer bespoke solutions that generate new revenue streams. Our API allows you to select and shape multiple innovations to offer a customer focused financial ecosystem. Cut costs, convert more and grow with Sniptech’s personal finance API. One crucial aspect that has emerged as a game-changer for online businesses is the integration of Open Banking APIs.


Open Banking & Data Enrichment

... Open Banking API Platform | Sniptech © ...

OBAL - the Open Banking Audit Log's Logo

OBAL - the Open Banking Audit Log

Bangor, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Whether you are a small or large business, we pride ourselves on delivering a service that will scale with your business requirements. Your customers see that a trusted party is securely auditing how your application is interacting with their financial data. Large-scale data storage across multiple sites ensure our services are provided reliably at scale. Manage your applications, view statistics and gain insights on your data from our dashboard provided alongside the API service. Using simple API hooks, our service will audit the Open Banking actions of your application for your customers transparently. Provide transparency to your customers to encourage the adoption and usage of your application.

Core business

OBAL - the Open Banking Audit Log

... OBAL - the Open Banking Audit ...

eMcREY's Logo


Al Jubayl, Saudi Arabia

251-500 Employees


Our mission is to be a dedicated partner, known for innovation, creativity, quality and commitment; delivering success for our clients and each other. We combine our product portfolio with world-class capabilities from digital payments partners including FIS, Oracle, Visa, Mastercard, IBM, Token ID and Entrust. We achieve this through a strong customer focus and a culture built around collaboration, openness and integrity. Trusted partnerships with leaders in technology solutions; proven to operate at globally recognized standards.


Open Banking

... Open Banking – ...

Cirenio's Logo


Buenos Aires, Argentina

1-10 Employees


Con Cirenio es muy sencillo ofrecer distintos tipos de productos de crédito, de forma económica, rápida, escalable y robusta. Calificación y oferta con Open Banking + IA. Otorga préstamos de calidad reduciendo la mora gracias a nuestros modelos de calificación y oferta basados en Open Banking e Inteligencia Artificial. Lanza productos crediticios de manera rápida y económica con nuestro Credit Core. Resuelve la gestión del crédito integrando productos tecnológicos de terceros además de los provistos por Cirenio. El usuario selecciona el banco donde recibe sus ingresos principales.

Core business

Cirenio - Open Banking

... Open Banking for ...'s Logo

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Big or small, tell.confirm can handle them all. Your dedicated interface APIs, for account providers to get and stay compliant. Built for open banking, continual testing and monitoring of your APIs to ensure conformance and performance. The good news is that we have done the thinking already, with compliance reporting built in. All of your MI and reporting requirements are built-in, so you can gain intelligence on what's happening at any given time by simply clicking a button, saving time, money and resources. As a recognised leading provider of Open Finance and RegTech solutions, provides a technical solution enabling PSPs to operate a Pay.UK Confirmation of Payee service for the benefit of its customers. We do the work to integrate with the supply chain, allowing you to focus on your core services. We’ve built the Confirmation of Payee name matching service with a configurable client level risk profile, designed to meet the needs of your business, adding an extra layer of protection where you need it most.

Core business

Open banking for account providers

... , and bringing exciting new open banking tools to their ...

BirAPI's Logo


Kâğıthane, Turkey

1-10 Employees


BirAPI provides solutions that seamlessly connects fiat and crypto economies.

Core business

BirAPI Open Banking Solutions | BirAPI Open Banking Solutions

... Accelerate Open Banking Adoption. BirAPI’s open banking solutions ...

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Insights about the Open Banking results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Open Banking

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers1444
Amount of suitable service providers1087
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1999
Youngest suiting company2019

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Open Banking

What is Open Banking?

Open Banking refers to a financial services practice that leverages secure, standardized APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to facilitate the sharing of consumer banking, transaction, and other financial data with third-party service providers, upon the consumer's explicit consent. This framework is designed to foster innovation, competition, and transparency within the banking industry by enabling a more seamless integration and interaction between traditional banks, financial institutions, and fintech companies. The primary goal of Open Banking is to empower consumers with greater control over their financial data, thereby enhancing their ability to access customized financial services, compare products, and manage their finances more effectively. This paradigm shift towards a more open financial ecosystem not only democratizes access to financial information but also encourages the development of new, consumer-centric financial products and services, ranging from personalized banking experiences to more competitive lending rates. Furthermore, by standardizing the way in which financial data is accessed and shared, Open Banking aims to elevate levels of security and privacy, mitigating risks associated with data breaches and unauthorized data sharing. The impact of Open Banking within its field is profound, catalyzing a transformative change in the way financial services are delivered and consumed, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive, efficient, and innovative financial landscape.

Advantages of Open Banking

1. Enhanced Customer Experience:
Open banking allows for a more personalized banking experience. By securely sharing financial data with third-party providers, customers can access a wider range of financial services tailored to their specific needs, from budgeting tools to investment advice, all in one place.

2. Increased Financial Transparency:
This system promotes transparency in the banking sector by giving customers full control over their financial data. Individuals can see how their data is being used and have the power to decide who can access it, making the financial ecosystem more transparent and trustful.

3. Improved Financial Innovation:
Open banking acts as a catalyst for innovation, encouraging banks and fintech companies to develop new financial products and services. This competitive environment not only speeds up the pace of innovation but also ensures that the financial services offered are cutting-edge and responsive to consumer demands.

4. Better Financial Management:
With the ability to aggregate all of their financial information in one place, customers can more easily manage their finances, make informed decisions, and achieve their financial goals. This holistic view of finances enables smarter budgeting, saving, and investing strategies.

How to select right Open Banking supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compliance and Certification
Ensure the supplier adheres to all relevant regulatory requirements and standards, such as PSD2 in Europe, and holds necessary certifications.

2. Security Measures
Assess their security protocols, including encryption standards, data protection measures, and fraud detection capabilities.

3. API Performance and Reliability
Evaluate the performance metrics of their APIs, such as uptime, latency, and throughput, to ensure they can handle your expected load.

4. Scalability
The supplier should be able to scale their services in line with your growth, without compromising on performance or security.

5. Integration Support
Consider the ease of integration with your existing systems and the level of technical support provided during and after integration.

6. Innovation and Roadmap
Look for suppliers who invest in innovation and have a clear roadmap for future enhancements, ensuring long-term viability.

7. Customer References and Case Studies
Seek feedback from current and past clients to gauge the supplier's reliability, customer service, and solution performance.

8. Pricing Structure
Understand their pricing model, ensuring it is transparent and scalable, and assess the cost-effectiveness in relation to the features offered.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Open Banking?

Open banking, a system where banks provide third-party providers access to financial information through APIs, is revolutionizing B2B transactions across various industries. In the financial sector, it facilitates seamless integration of accounting, payment processing, and financial management services. Businesses can automate their accounts payable and receivable, improving cash flow management and reducing manual bookkeeping efforts. Within the retail and e-commerce industry, open banking offers a secure and direct payment method that bypasses traditional credit/debit card processes, reducing transaction fees and enhancing the checkout experience for buyers. This not only simplifies the payment process but also provides retailers with immediate access to funds, improving their working capital management. For the lending sector, open banking enables lenders to access real-time financial data of businesses, streamlining the loan approval process. This access to detailed financial histories allows for more accurate risk assessment, leading to personalized loan offers and potentially lower interest rates for borrowers. In the realm of payroll and human resources, open banking introduces efficient salary disbursement methods. Companies can execute bulk payments instantly, ensuring timely salary payments. Moreover, this system can facilitate the quick verification of employment and income details, streamlining the onboarding process of new employees. Lastly, in fintech, open banking paves the way for innovative financial products and services tailored to specific business needs, such as cash flow forecasting tools and investment advice platforms. This customization allows businesses to optimize their financial strategies, enhancing overall operational efficiency. Open banking's versatility across these sectors illustrates its potential to significantly improve B2B transactions, fostering a more connected and efficient digital economy.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Open Banking

As of 2023, Open Banking is predominantly at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9. This classification signifies that the technology is not only well developed but also fully deployed and operational in various real-world banking and financial sectors. The journey to this advanced TRL is grounded in its robust technical framework, which encompasses standardized APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow third-party developers to create applications and services around the financial institution. This level of maturity has been achieved through rigorous testing, validation, and refinement processes, ensuring a high degree of reliability, security, and user trust. Moreover, Open Banking's adherence to stringent regulatory standards, such as the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) in Europe, has further solidified its operational readiness. These technical foundations allow for seamless integration with existing banking systems, offering enhanced services like improved customer experience, personalized financial advice, and more efficient payment methods. The widespread adoption and continuous evolution of technological capabilities in Open Banking underline its status at the pinnacle of the TRL scale, demonstrating a successful transition from conceptual frameworks to tangible, everyday financial solutions that benefit both consumers and financial institutions alike.

What is the Technology Forecast of Open Banking?

In the Short-Term, Open Banking is set to experience rapid advancements in API (Application Programming Interface) technologies and security protocols. This phase will see the standardization of APIs across banking institutions, allowing for seamless integration and data sharing between banks and third-party providers. Enhanced security measures, including biometric authentication and end-to-end encryption, will become more widespread, ensuring user data remains protected as the ecosystem grows. Mid-Term developments will focus on leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) within the Open Banking framework. These technologies will enable more personalized financial services, predictive analytics for fraud detection, and automated customer support through chatbots and AI-driven advisors. The integration of blockchain technology will also begin, aimed at increasing transparency and efficiency in transactions and reducing fraud. In the Long-Term, Open Banking will evolve into a fully integrated financial ecosystem that transcends traditional banking boundaries. Interoperability among various financial services, including cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, will be achieved. This will facilitate a new era of financial inclusivity and innovation, where consumers have unprecedented control over their financial data and can access a wide range of services through a single interface. The long-term landscape will be characterized by a shift towards a more open, accessible, and user-centric financial world.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Open Banking Companies

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