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Top Sports Tech Companies in United Kingdom

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60 companies for Sports Tech in United Kingdom



London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

TECHT is focused on revolutionizing the Future of Work in software development through innovative technologies like smart contracts and artificial intelligence. Their expertise in building SaaS tools and rapid deployment solutions positions them as a key player in empowering innovation within the tech industry.

Highlighted product

Core business

Home | TECHT

Crystal Interactive's Logo

Crystal Interactive

Woking, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in innovative, interactive event technology solutions that enhance engagement at various events. With over 25 years of experience and a strong client base, they are well-equipped to deliver impactful experiences, including the revival of smart wearables for events.

Highlighted product

Core business

Live Event Solutions | Interactive Events

Sportlight Technology's Logo

Sportlight Technology

Cherwell District, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Sportlight is a prominent sports tech company that offers advanced LiDAR technology, providing professional sports organizations with in-depth performance insights for athlete profiling, rehabilitation, and physical development.

Highlighted product

Core business

HOME | Sportlight

Teksclusive Ltd.'s Logo

Teksclusive Ltd.

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Teksclusive Tech specializes in technology integration and offers bespoke technical services, including expertise in audio-visual equipment and smart home tech installation.

Highlighted product

Core business

Audio Visual Equipment Supplier | Teksclusive | London

Experts in Smart Home Tech installation, Teksclusive are audio visual experts based in London.

Tarmac Topsport's Logo

Tarmac Topsport

High Peak, United Kingdom

5001-10000 Employees


Key takeaway

Topsport specializes in high-performance sports surfaces, offering quality materials and technical expertise essential for developing both elite sports venues and local training facilities. Their commitment to delivering world-class surfaces includes a focus on effective drainage solutions and the use of accredited rootzones.

Highlighted product

Core business

Topsport | Sports Surfaces & Landscaping Solutions

Topsport, High Performance Rootzones, Drainage media, Loksand, Specialist Sands, Topsoil and Aggregate for Sports Surfaces and Landscaping.

TouchTec Technology's Logo

TouchTec Technology

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

TouchTec Technology focuses on delivering innovative IT solutions and high-quality support, which could be beneficial for the sports tech industry looking for effective technical guidance and scalable infrastructure. Their experienced team and robust hosting infrastructure may help businesses in sports tech implement agile and cost-effective solutions.

Highlighted product

Core business

TouchTec Technology

The Sports Playmaker's Logo

The Sports Playmaker

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The Sports Playmaker is a global agency dedicated to accelerating the growth of early-stage sports tech and media companies, offering a comprehensive range of strategic, marketing, and investment services. Their focus on supporting innovative startups positions them as a key player in the sports tech sector.

Highlighted product

Core business

The Sports Playmaker | Sports Tech

The Sports Playmaker are a global, full service agency focused on supercharging the growth of early stage sports tech and media companies, from concept to global domination

Sports Technology Ltd's Logo

Sports Technology Ltd

Crawley, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Sports Technology (ST) specializes in providing advanced audio-visual and technology services for major multi-sport events, addressing the complex demands of modern international sports. Their unique business model combines international experience with local resources to create cost-effective and sustainable AV solutions, essential for enhancing the live and televised experience at events like the Olympics.

Highlighted product

Core business

Sports Technology

From The Oscars to the Olympics, NEP provides the technology, expertise and global network to help our clients deliver amazing productions.

RTEQLondon's Logo


London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

RTEQ is a London-based company that specializes in Smart Technology Integration, offering a wide range of services for both residential and commercial sectors. Their expertise in designing, installing, and maintaining smart technology systems could be relevant for advancements in sports tech.

Highlighted product

Core business

London based company specialised in Smart Technology Integration



Wakefield, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

GW-Tech is dedicated to providing efficient and secure wireless connectivity solutions that can benefit various industries, including sports tech. Their advanced technologies and state-of-the-art equipment ensure reliable communication, making it an ideal partner for those seeking innovative connectivity options.

Highlighted product

Core business

Welcome - GW-TECH

WELCOME Welcome to GW-Tech! We believe in the power of technology to connect people and transform lives. Whether you’re an enthusiastic specialist or simply looking for reliable communication, we can offer you an ideal solution. Our state-of-the-art equipment and advanced technologies connect you with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Our experienced team ensures you stay connected and […]

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Information about Sports Tech in United Kingdom

When exploring the Sports Tech industry in the United Kingdom, several key considerations come into play. The regulatory environment is crucial, as compliance with data protection laws, such as the GDPR, is essential when handling athlete data and performance analytics. Understanding the challenges posed by rapid technological advancements and the need for continuous innovation is vital, as companies must stay ahead of competitors while addressing market demands. Opportunities abound, particularly in areas like wearable technology, data analytics, and fan engagement platforms, as the UK has a rich sports culture and a tech-savvy population. However, environmental concerns are increasingly relevant, with a growing emphasis on sustainability in product development and event management, pushing companies to adopt eco-friendly practices. The competitive landscape is characterized by a mix of startups and established firms, fostering a dynamic ecosystem that encourages collaboration and investment. Being aware of global market trends is also important, as the UK serves as a significant player in the international sports tech arena, influencing and being influenced by developments worldwide. Engaging with industry events and networks can provide valuable insights and connections for those interested in this evolving field.

Insights about the Sports Tech results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Sports Tech

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers1028
Amount of suitable service providers1154
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1990
Youngest suiting company2021

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Sports Tech Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Sports Tech

Based on our calculations related technologies to Sports Tech are Home Furnishing & Decor, Luxury Goods, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food, Sport & Entertainment

Start-Ups who are working in Sports Tech are TECHT.IO, The Sports Playmaker

The most represented industries which are working in Sports Tech are IT, Software and Services, Other, Sports, Healthcare, Retail

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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