H & G Science Inc. Logo

H & G Science Inc.

About Us — H&G Science

Who is H & G Science Inc.?

We are actively looking for capital partners to help us flourish. We are uniquely positioned to grow at an unprecedented rate by expanding our research capabilities, market footprint and partnership networks. Our passion fuels our process, our team, and our products, which are solely focused on preventing the most difficult conversations families will ever have. Kevin has a formal background in chemistry, 20 years of experience as a commercial scale drug production equipment Design Engineer, and 20 years of experience developing large-scale purification and extraction technologies. Kevin is a leading expert on tocotrienol extraction and purification, as well as other natural and synthetic product purification techniques. Welcome to H&G Science, Inc., the advanced Biotechnology Manufacturing, Research and Development team paving the way to the future. We believe that our sophisticated technology has the potential to revolutionize the cancer therapeutic market. H&G Science has over 20 years of experience in extracting tocotrienols, at high purity, from natural red palm sources.

This company is:

Educational institution

Saint Paul, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2015





Contact of H & G Science Inc.

City: Saint Paul

State: Minnesota

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about H & G Science Inc.

The company H & G Science Inc. is located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information H & G Science Inc. has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

H & G Science Inc. was founded in 2015

The company H & G Science Inc. has it's main focus in the industries of Biotechnology

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