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Top Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo) Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo) in Germany

SGH Service GmbH's Logo

SGH Service GmbH

Hildesheim, Germany


251-500 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in the digitalization of business processes and offers comprehensive services, including Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), which enhances commercial operations throughout the supply chain.

Highlighted product


Business Process Outsourcing

ACCON-RVS Accounting & Consulting GmbH's Logo

ACCON-RVS Accounting & Consulting GmbH

Berlin, Germany


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

ACCON-RVS, a TÜV ISO 9001:2015 certified provider located in Berlin, specializes in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Their experienced team supports clients throughout the outsourcing process, enhancing efficiency and allowing internal resources to focus on core tasks.

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Core business

Ihr Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Anbieter | ACCON-RVS

GREEN International Trading GmbH's Logo

GREEN International Trading GmbH

Dusseldorf, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Kloepfel Services specializes in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) for both operational and strategic purchasing processes. By partnering with Kloepfel Services, companies can enhance efficiency and focus on core activities while effectively managing their procurement functions.

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Unternehmen - Kloepfel Services - Outsourcing

Mit Kloepfel Services können Sie sich zu 100% auf wertschöpfende Prozesse konzentrieren. Wir übernehmen den Rest. Die Kloepfel Services ist Spezialist für das Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) von operativen und… weiterlesen →

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Sphinx Worldbiz Limited's Logo

Sphinx Worldbiz Limited

Frankfurt, Germany


251-500 Employees


Key takeaway

Sphinx Worldbiz Limited is a prominent IT outsourcing company that offers a comprehensive range of services, including software and product development, which are essential for effective business process outsourcing. With a dedicated team of over 400 professionals and a focus on customized solutions, the company ensures total customer satisfaction and delivers cost-effective IT solutions across various industries.

Highlighted product

Core business

Best IT Outsourcing & Software Development Company

We are Sphinx Worldbiz Limited, an India headquartered IT Outsourcing Company known for providing Software Development, Product Development services ranging

Outsourcing Bear's Logo

Outsourcing Bear

Berlin, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Outsourcing Bear specializes in providing high-quality Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services, including customer experience solutions, leveraging their experienced teams and strategic locations in Berlin, Plovdiv, and Sofia. Their focus on reliable software development and dedicated IT teams ensures flexible and scalable outsourcing solutions for companies of various sizes.

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Core business

Outsourcing Bear - High-quality, flexible and scalable outsourcing solutions

We provide software development, customer experience (BPO) and copywriting outsourcing services to companies worldwide.

Retailex GmbH's Logo

Retailex GmbH

Neustadt an der Orla, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Retailex is a key partner for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in the Ahrweiler region and Germany, offering services that include the outsourcing of financial administration and payroll. Their intelligent tools also provide well-organized data, helping businesses save time and reduce costs.

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Retailex - Hosting-Services und BPO im Kreis Ahrweiler und D

Hosting-Services und BPO im Kreis Ahrweiler und D bietet Outsourcing von Lohnbuchhaltung und Fibu, Hosting & Anpassung von SAP-Modulen.

bpExperts GmbH's Logo

bpExperts GmbH

Dreieich, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Business Flows provides a comprehensive framework for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) that focuses on sustainable transformation through detailed industry-specific solutions. Their skilled consultants leverage deep technological knowledge and process-driven expertise to design and implement effective BPO strategies.

Highlighted product


Consulting Services — bpExperts

Melius Service UG's Logo

Melius Service UG

Krefeld, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Melius offers professional outsourcing services for quality control, production/logistics, administration, and the recruitment of qualified personnel, making it a suitable partner for businesses seeking BPO solutions.

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Core business

Melius Service UG - Outsourcing Specialist

Outsource24 GmbH's Logo

Outsource24 GmbH

Dusseldorf, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

OUTSOURCE24 specializes in providing tested services to small and medium-sized companies, enhancing their development potential through efficient solutions in all production and logistics areas. Their commitment to quality and reliability ensures that clients receive responsible and qualified support, ultimately saving time and effort.

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Outsource24 GmbH

{:de}OUTSOURCE24 GmbH wurde mit der Kernkompetenz gegründet, klein-, mittelständische und Großunternehmen aller Branchen aus dem europäischen Wirtschaftsraum mit praxiserprobten Dienstleistungen zu unterstützen und das Entwicklungspotenzial der Kunden dadurch zu stärken und zu fördern.{:tr}OUTSOURCE24, Avrupa ağırılıklı olmak üzere ekonomik topluluğunda tüm şubelerini küçük, orta ölçekli ve büyük şirketlerini test edilmiş hizmetlerle desteklemek ve böylece müşterilerin gelişme potansiyelini güçlendirmek ve teşvik etmek amacıyla kurulmuştur. OUTSOURCE24 müşterilerine verimli çözümlerle zaman kazandıran alternatifler sunmakla kalmaz aynı zamanda, tüm üretim ve lojistik alanlarında hizmet sunar. Hizmet sektöründe endüstri ve lojistikte yüksek güvenilirlik ve yetkinliğe sahip genç, dinamik bir ekibe sahiptir. Sloganımıza uygun olarak, sürekli kalite ve teknolojide eksiksiz endüstriyel çözüm gereksinimlerinizi en iyi şekilde karşılıyoruz. Çalışanlarımıza yönelik kalite gereksinimlerimiz, bölgesel, ulusal ve uluslararası rekabette bir garanti teminatıdır. Çünkü kalite ve güvenilirlik bizim için standart bir uygulamadır ve müşterilerimize sunduğumuz bir teminattır.{:en}OUTSOURCE24 GmbH wurde mit der Kernkompetenz gegründet, klein-, mittelständische und Großunternehmen aller Branchen aus dem europäischen Wirtschaftsraum mit praxiserprobten Dienstleistungen zu unterstützen und das Entwicklungspotenzial der Kunden dadurch zu stärken und zu fördern.{:}

BPM Insight's Logo

BPM Insight

Ismaning, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in digitizing business processes through analysis, conception, and implementation of process-driven solutions. They offer functional and technical support for BPM platforms and tools from leading software vendors, highlighting their expertise in Business Process Management Consulting.

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Core business

Home - BPM Insight

The digital change is taking place, ... now. But not every techno hype or trend is suitable for optimizing your processes. Evaluate the current technologies and use them wisely and in a well-aimed manner. Get competent support in your digital transformation.

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Information about Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo) in Germany

When exploring the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in Germany, several key considerations stand out. The regulatory landscape is crucial, as Germany has stringent data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which impacts how companies manage customer data. Understanding compliance requirements is essential for any BPO operation. The competitive landscape is robust, with both local and international players vying for market share, which can drive innovation and service quality. Opportunities in the sector are substantial, particularly in areas like IT services, customer support, and finance, as companies increasingly seek to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. However, challenges such as labor shortages and rising wage expectations can affect operational capabilities. Additionally, environmental concerns are becoming more prominent, with an increasing demand for sustainable practices within the industry. The global relevance of the BPO market remains significant, as businesses worldwide look to Germany for high-quality service delivery, particularly in sectors that require technical expertise and multilingual support. An understanding of these factors is vital for effectively navigating the BPO landscape in Germany, ensuring informed decisions for potential partnerships or investments.

Insights about the Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo) results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo)

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers102
Amount of suitable service providers142
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1989
Youngest suiting company2015

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo) Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo)

Based on our calculations related technologies to Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo) are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

The most represented industries which are working in Business Process Outsourcing (Bpo) are IT, Software and Services, Consulting, Other, Business Services, Human Resources

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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