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Top IT Outsourcing Companies in Germany

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60 companies for IT Outsourcing in Germany

Consolware Gabriel-Max-Str. GmbH's Logo

Consolware Gabriel-Max-Str. GmbH

Berlin, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Consolware is a specialized company that offers outsourcing services, making it a valuable partner in the IT outsourcing sector. Their expertise in software development and application management further enhances their capability to meet diverse IT needs.

Highlighted product


IT Outsourcing

Brunner & Schmidt Datentechnik GmbH's Logo

Brunner & Schmidt Datentechnik GmbH

Nuremberg, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company highlights its IT outsourcing services through a modern high-performance data center that ensures the management and support of IT systems with top data security and privacy standards. They assist with investment decisions, installation, maintenance, updates, and connectivity to the DATEV data center, utilizing automated systems to close security gaps and provide regular reports.

Highlighted product



Alfa IT-Outsourcing GmbH's Logo

Alfa IT-Outsourcing GmbH

Flörsheim, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in developing unique IT outsourcing services to address the IT skill shortage, leveraging their extensive experience in the sector. They provide qualified IT professionals tailored to specific needs, ensuring quick placements within 14 days.

Highlighted product


IT Services Provider with Customized Services- Alfa IT-Outsourcing

Professionelle Personalvermittlung für IT & Tech ✓ 100% Remote IT-Fachkräfte ✓ Beratung und Betreuung ✓ Optimierung Ihres IT-Betriebs ✓

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SaM Solutions's Logo

SaM Solutions

Gilching, Germany


501-1000 Employees


Key takeaway

SaM Solutions is a prominent IT-services and software solutions provider with extensive experience in IT consulting and custom software engineering. They offer software outsourcing services, emphasizing their ability to deliver high-quality solutions quickly and adaptively, making them a valuable partner for organizations seeking IT outsourcing expertise.

Highlighted product


IT solitions Outsourcing and Nearshoring

pliXos's Logo


Munich, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, pliXos, focuses on the successful and efficient execution of IT outsourcing projects, emphasizing the benefits of automation and standardization to enhance project outcomes. With a team of experienced professionals in offshore and nearshore software development, pliXos offers a unique Sourcing Advisory as a Service (SAaaS®) to simplify the implementation of their solutions.

Highlighted product


Business Case IT Outsourcing

India4IT's Logo


Endingen, Germany


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

India4IT, a division of BEO GmbH, specializes in providing qualified software developers to companies in the D-A-CH region and has over 25 years of experience in software outsourcing in India. Their dedicated team in Kochi, India, works exclusively on client projects, ensuring high-quality and efficient service.

Highlighted product

Core business

India4IT - Software Outsourcing

Software Outsourcing mit hochqualifizierten Software-Experten in Indien mit Ihrem deutschen Vertragspartner. Als wäre es hier. ✓ Günstig ✓ Exklusiv ✓ Sicher

Cloud Ready Software's Logo

Cloud Ready Software

Hamburg, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, Cloud Ready Software GmbH, specializes in transforming ideas into cloud applications and offers a dedicated team of developers, which can be a valuable resource for IT outsourcing needs.

Highlighted product


Outsourcing - Cloud Ready Software GmbH

Outsourcing Bear's Logo

Outsourcing Bear

Berlin, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Outsourcing Bear specializes in developing reliable software and building dedicated IT teams, leveraging the advantages of Eastern European markets to provide high-quality outsourcing solutions at competitive prices. With a team of seasoned professionals and operations in Bulgaria, the company is well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of clients seeking effective IT outsourcing.

Highlighted product


Software - Outsourcing Bear - High-quality, flexible and scalable outsourcing solutions

REIMER Systemhaus's Logo

REIMER Systemhaus

Schwaikheim, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

REIMER Systemhaus offers comprehensive IT outsourcing services, along with consulting and system integration, to meet the growing demands of businesses. With over twenty years of experience, the company emphasizes transparency and collaboration with hardware and software partners to deliver tailored IT solutions.

Highlighted product


IT-Outsourcing für Unternehmen – www.reimer.de

Sphinx Worldbiz Limited's Logo

Sphinx Worldbiz Limited

Frankfurt, Germany


251-500 Employees


Key takeaway

Sphinx Worldbiz Limited is a prominent IT outsourcing company based in India, specializing in software and product development, including customized applications and ERP solutions. With a dedicated team of over 400 professionals, they offer a comprehensive range of IT services and managed solutions to a global clientele across various industries.

Highlighted product

Core business

Best IT Outsourcing & Software Development Company

We are Sphinx Worldbiz Limited, an India headquartered IT Outsourcing Company known for providing Software Development, Product Development services ranging

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Information about IT Outsourcing in Germany

When exploring the IT outsourcing industry in Germany, several key considerations come into play. The country boasts a robust legal framework that regulates data protection and privacy, primarily guided by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Understanding these regulations is crucial, as non-compliance can lead to significant penalties. Furthermore, the competitive landscape is intense, with numerous local and international players vying for market share. Companies often prioritize quality and reliability, necessitating thorough research on potential partners' reputations and client testimonials. Challenges such as language barriers and cultural differences may also arise, impacting communication and project execution. However, Germany's strong economy presents ample opportunities, particularly in sectors like software development, cybersecurity, and cloud services. The demand for skilled IT professionals continues to rise, making it essential for outsourcing firms to attract and retain top talent. Environmental concerns are also gaining traction, with many companies striving for sustainable practices and green technologies. Finally, the global market relevance of Germany as a technological hub cannot be understated, as its advancements in innovation influence trends and practices worldwide. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of these factors will empower interested parties to make informed decisions in the German IT outsourcing landscape.

Insights about the IT Outsourcing results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for IT Outsourcing

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers286
Amount of suitable service providers464
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1987
Youngest suiting company2022

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Based on our calculations related technologies to IT Outsourcing are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in IT Outsourcing are Alfa IT-Outsourcing GmbH

The most represented industries which are working in IT Outsourcing are IT, Software and Services, Other, Consulting, Human Resources, Business Services

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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