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Top IT Outsourcing Companies in United Kingdom

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60 companies for IT Outsourcing in United Kingdom

Introworld's Logo


Dudley, United Kingdom


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Introworld Technology Limited specializes in IT outsourcing by providing custom software development and application development services across various industries. With a strong focus on systems development, project management, and BPO services, they ensure reliable support for large enterprise systems and help manage IT infrastructure effectively.

Highlighted product


it_outsourcing - Introworld

Outsource International Ltd's Logo

Outsource International Ltd

Newbury, United Kingdom


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Outsource International offers a comprehensive range of IT support services globally, making it a strong candidate for businesses seeking IT outsourcing solutions. Their flexible and scalable service portfolio, along with a commitment to seamless international support, positions them as a trusted partner for various sectors, including government and banking.

Highlighted product


Outsource International is a Global Service Provider dedicated to supplying a full range of technology solutions around the world | Outsource International

SNT Group's Logo

SNT Group

United Kingdom


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

SNT Group specializes in IT outsourcing, having been founded as an IT support and outsourcing provider. Their integrated portfolio of services is designed to support both public and private sector clients, offering flexibility and tailored IT solutions.

Highlighted product


IT Outsourcing - SNT Group

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Outsource Recruitment Limited's Logo

Outsource Recruitment Limited

Swindon, United Kingdom


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

OutSource IT offers comprehensive IT outsourcing services that provide the equivalent of an internal IT department, including helpdesk support, remote monitoring, and on-site visits, all at a lower cost than hiring a full-time employee. This allows businesses to focus on their core activities while ensuring their IT systems are effectively managed and supported.

Highlighted product


Outsource IT Services - OutsourceIT

We are your IT department. OutSource IT can deliver a service equivalent to having an internal person by supplying helpdesk, remote monitoring and support and on-site regular visits, delivering effective coverage usually for less than the cost of a full time person. By spreading the work across the OutSource IT staff with the appropriate skills you can have: Specialists in ... Read More

EC Outsourcing's Logo

EC Outsourcing

Sunderland, United Kingdom


1001-5000 Employees


Key takeaway

EC Outsourcing, a UK-based BPO with over 20 years of industry experience, specializes in optimizing customer management and acquisition strategies for large brands across various sectors. Their focus on delivering outstanding customer experiences positions them as a trusted partner for companies seeking effective IT outsourcing solutions.

Highlighted product


SERVICES - EC Outsourcing

Software Outsourcing Services SOS LTD's Logo

Software Outsourcing Services SOS LTD

Maidenhead, United Kingdom


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers a comprehensive range of IT outsourcing services, including software development, DevOps consulting, and resource outstaffing, catering to businesses of all sizes. With extensive experience in managing the full software development life cycle, they help organizations reduce operational costs and enhance productivity.

Highlighted product

Core business

IT Solutions | Software Outsourcing Services

Software outsourcing services from a team of IT professionals with dozens years of experience working in IT industry, with companies of the different size: startups, large enterprises etc. Our services portfolio includes : DevOps consulting and managed services, software development services, reso

Outsourcing UK's Logo

Outsourcing UK

City of London, United Kingdom


1001-5000 Employees


Key takeaway

Outsourcing (UK) Limited (OSUK) is a prominent provider of digital transformation services, particularly for government teams focused on financial management and human capital development. Their expertise in creating new operating models for professional services and debt resolution positions them as a key player in the outsourcing sector.

Highlighted product

Core business

logo - Outsourcing UK

ESG Global Services's Logo

ESG Global Services

London, United Kingdom


251-500 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers IT outsourcing services that can seamlessly integrate with existing teams or serve as a viable alternative. With 15 years of experience, they provide cost-effective IT management and support, highlighting the benefits of offshoring to India for enhanced efficiency and oversight.

Highlighted product

Core business

Why outsource IT Support & Marketing to ESG Global Services

UK company established in 2005 with offices in India enabling cost benefits with outstanding oversight. Offshoring without the headache.

Global IT Outsource's Logo

Global IT Outsource

London, United Kingdom


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Global IT Outsource specializes in providing personalized and innovative IT solutions, making them well-equipped to support organizations in today's digital landscape. They offer a free IT Health Check to help businesses ensure robust cybersecurity, demonstrating their commitment to empowering clients with comprehensive IT strategies.

Highlighted product

Core business

Global IT Outsource

We specialise in providing affordable, innovative technology solutions for organisations.

Forty Seven's Logo

Forty Seven

London, United Kingdom


101-250 Employees


Key takeaway

FortySeven is a leading European-based company specializing in IT outsourcing services, particularly for regulated industries like Banking, Fintech, and Healthcare. With over 16 years of experience, they offer expertise in software development and a reliable team that can scale with your business needs.

Highlighted product


IT Outsourcing - FortySeven

FSSP is providing the IT Outsourcing Services for our clients for more than 16+ years. We help companies from F500 and startups to build IT Enterprise

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Information about IT Outsourcing in United Kingdom

When exploring the IT outsourcing industry in the United Kingdom, several key considerations are essential for making informed decisions. Firstly, understanding the regulatory environment is crucial, as the UK has specific data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which impact how companies manage personal data. Additionally, the competitive landscape is characterized by a mix of local firms and international providers, fostering a dynamic market. Companies should assess the skill level of the workforce, as the UK boasts a highly educated talent pool, particularly in technology and engineering fields. Challenges in the industry include potential skill shortages and the impact of Brexit on labor mobility and trade agreements. However, opportunities abound, especially with the growing demand for cloud computing, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence services. Environmental concerns are also gaining prominence, as companies increasingly focus on sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint. The global market relevance of the UK’s IT outsourcing sector remains strong, with many businesses seeking to leverage its expertise and innovation capabilities. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of these factors will aid in selecting the right outsourcing partner and navigating the complexities of the industry.

Insights about the IT Outsourcing results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for IT Outsourcing

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers1059
Amount of suitable service providers1692
Average amount of employees51-100
Oldest suiting company2002
Youngest suiting company2016

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about IT Outsourcing Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for IT Outsourcing

Based on our calculations related technologies to IT Outsourcing are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

The most represented industries which are working in IT Outsourcing are IT, Software and Services, Human Resources, Other, Consulting, Business Services

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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