
Top Nanofabrication Companies

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53 companies for Nanofabrication

IMS Nanofabrication's Logo

IMS Nanofabrication

Vienna, Austria

101-250 Employees


Als Weltmarktführer für Multistrahl-Maskenschreiber beliefern wir die führenden Chiphersteller der Welt. IMS ist ein multidisziplinäres Hightech-Unternehmen, das im Nanobereich arbeitet und auf Innovationen in der Elektronenstrahl-Lithographie spezialisiert ist. Wir entwickeln und produzieren die weltweit ersten Multi-Elektronenstrahlschreiber für die Global Player der Halbleiterindustrie. Wir bieten neue Herausforderungen im dynamischen Umfeld eines international tätigen Hightech-Unternehmens. Was uns so innovativ macht? Know-how, Erfindergeist, Engagement sowie Flexibilität sind für uns selbstverständlich und machen uns zu technischen Vorreitern weltweit.


Produkte - IMS Nanofabrication GmbH

... Produkte - IMS Nanofabrication ...

Con-Science AB's Logo

Con-Science AB

Mölndals kommun, Sweden

1-10 Employees


Core business

Experts in nanofabrication, microfabrication,

... Experts in nanofabrication, microfabrication, ...

Raith's Logo


Dortmund, Germany

51-100 Employees


Raith is a leading precision technology manufacturer for nanofabrication, electron beam lithography, FIB SEM nanofabrication, laser lithography, nanoengineering, and reverse engineering applications. What makes Raith unique is the range of its nanofabrication products and services, covering high-end systems for productive and industrial applications right through to highly flexible solutions for budget-conscious academic research. Raith’s broad nanofabrication portfolio offers the ideal solution for all your nanofabrication challenges. Raith employees and management are committed to provide their clients with innovative product solutions as part of a lifelong partnership. To achieve this, we are committed to our defined values:. Raith customers are found above all in universities and in publicly funded research institutions, specializing in basic and materials research on nanoscale level. Beyond this, Raith solutions are also deployed in research and development departments of industry in areas such as prototyping of nanotechnology-based products and processes. Raith was founded in Dortmund, Germany, in 1980.


Nanofabrication and SEM Instrument Technologies

... an overview of Raith's Nanofabrication and SEM Instrument ...

NanoSD Inc.'s Logo

NanoSD Inc.

San Diego, United States

11-50 Employees


NanoSD's partners are forward-thinking leaders, contributing to innovations in many fields.

Core business

Our expertise in nanofabrication, nanotechnologies, and wafer fabrication stemming from successful researches with both government and for-profit entities will be the key to your project success.

... Our expertise in nanofabrication, nanotechnologies, and wafer ...

Vanguard Photonics GmbH's Logo

Vanguard Photonics GmbH

Karlsruhe, Germany

11-50 Employees


Our customers are looking for industrially viable solutions to meet their needs of packaging photonic integrated circuits (PIC) or assembling photonic multi-chip systems from discrete dies of different materials. From a user perspective, the key advantage of this approach is that it combines the technological flexibility of conventional discrete systems with the compactness and economic advantages of large-scale photonic integration. Vanguard Photonics GmbH is a high-tech spin-off company, offering services and technologies in the area of large-scale photonic integration. The company was founded in 2016 by Prof. Christian Koos, Alois Hauk and Philipp-Immanuel Dietrich as a spin-off from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), one of Europe’s largest higher education and research organizations in the area of engineering and natural sciences.


Additive 3D nanofabrication for photonic integration

... Additive 3D nanofabrication for photonic ...

NanoFab-Net's Logo


Lausanne, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Nanofab-net aims to serve as a centralised source of knowledge related to micro- and nanofabrication. Nanofab-net addresses these issues by publishing the notes and observations that researchers make in their daily work but often not shared. We are funded by EPFL’s Open Science initiative. As a result, there is a vast amount of knowledge that remains unshared (e.g. This would also serve to provide greater background information for new researchers and foster greater understanding within the community. Are you interested in joining the NanoFab-Net community?

Core business

Find the latest tacit knowledge in micro and nanofabrication

... Find the latest tacit knowledge in micro and nanofabrication ...

Alcorix Co.'s Logo

Alcorix Co.

Plainfield, United States

1-10 Employees


Our mission is to bring advances in micro and nanofabrication into the industry to further accelerate innovation for unprecedented resolution and precision. Our mission is to bring advances in micro and nanofabrication into the industry to further accelerate innovation for unprecedented finesse and precision. Nicolaie “Mike” Moldovan with the mission to develop innovative and powerful devices that push the limits on resolution. Our staff has worked on award-winning creative projects on several continents. Betmarie Matos Vazquez is a chemical engineer participating in the execution of technical projects and contribute with microfabrication and analysis expertise in R&D projects.

Core business

Ultra-precision micro and nanofabrication | Alcorix Co.

... by pushing the boundaries of ultra-precision micro and nanofabrication. ...

MicroContinuum's Logo


Watertown, United States

1-10 Employees


Founded in 1998 by former Polaroid scientists and engineers responsible for micro- and nanostructure fabrication, MicroContinuum offers precision micro- and nano-imprinting and patterning using innovative, patented roll-to-roll and batch manufacturing technologies. Our key team members offer extensive experience in a wide range of science, engineering, business, and management areas. Our patented roll-to-roll nanopatterning technology offers significant improvements over current solutions. Advanced equipment supports our nanoscale testing, development, and manufacturing services. Leading companies have come to us to test and develop their nano-enabled ideas and leverage our nanopatterning technology and know-how.

Core business

Nanofabrication Specialists

... With unsurpassed nanofabrication expertise and patented nanopatterning ...

EM Analytical's Logo

EM Analytical

Adlington, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We provide analytical services for both academic and commercial research and development projects, as well as independent quality control and failure analysis. Our services include electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, chemical analysis, lithography and nanofabrication, and cell culture. Experienced users and novice researchers are equally welcome, we will provide you with all support and training.


Lithography and nanofabrication

... Lithography and nanofabrication is used to produce micro and nano scale ...

3 D AG's Logo

3 D AG

Baar, Switzerland

11-50 Employees


Since 1989 we have been continuously striving to innovate and make a positive impact in various fields of micro and nanotechnology. Our team of dedicated professionals is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, exploring new technologies and techniques to better serve our customers. We place high value in sustainable manufacturing, and are proud to have created a sustainable environment for the industrial production of micro and nanostructures. At 3D AG, we believe that collaboration is key to success, and we’re proud to work alongside our partners and customers to achieve our shared goals. Join us on a journey of innovation, and discover why 3D AG is a trusted name.


Micro & Nanofabrication: Engineering Structures

... Micro and nanofabrication determines the quality and efficiency of the ...

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Insights about the Nanofabrication results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Nanofabrication

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1579
Amount of suitable service providers1308
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1999
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Nanofabrication

What is Nanofabrication?

Nanofabrication refers to the design and manufacturing process of devices and structures with dimensions measured in nanometers, where one nanometer equals one billionth of a meter. This field utilizes techniques and tools from nanotechnology and materials science to manipulate matter at the molecular or atomic level, enabling the creation of complex, nano-scale patterns and structures with unprecedented precision and functionality. The cornerstone of nanofabrication lies in its ability to systematically control the size, shape, and arrangement of particles and features, which critically influences the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the materials or devices produced. As such, nanofabrication is pivotal across a wide range of applications, from the development of advanced semiconductor devices and quantum computing elements to the creation of novel biomaterials and nanomedicine delivery systems. Its role extends into enhancing the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic platforms, improving the efficiency of energy conversion and storage technologies, and enabling the fabrication of next-generation optical and electronic materials. The impact of nanofabrication is profound, marking a paradigm shift in how materials and devices are engineered, offering new pathways for innovation in technology and science, and opening up possibilities for advancements in healthcare, electronics, energy, and beyond. Through the miniaturization of components and the integration of multifunctional systems at the nano-scale, nanofabrication is at the forefront of driving technological progress and addressing complex challenges in contemporary society.

Advantages of Nanofabrication

1. Precision and Control:
Nanofabrication allows for the creation and manipulation of structures at the atomic or molecular level. This level of precision surpasses that of traditional manufacturing methods, enabling the development of materials and devices with highly specific properties and functions.

2. Material Efficiency:
By working at such a small scale, nanofabrication techniques often use materials more efficiently, reducing waste. This can lead to significant cost savings and a lower environmental impact, making it a more sustainable option compared to conventional fabrication methods.

3. Enhanced Properties:
Nanofabrication can impart unique electrical, mechanical, and optical properties to materials that are not achievable through traditional means. This opens up new applications in electronics, medicine, and energy, among other fields, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in these industries.

4. Scalability:
Despite operating at a nanoscale, many nanofabrication techniques are highly scalable, allowing for the mass production of nanomaterials and nanostructures. This scalability ensures that the benefits of nanotechnology can be widely applied, making advanced technologies more accessible.

How to select right Nanofabrication supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technical Expertise and Capabilities
Ensure the supplier has a proven track record in nanofabrication technologies pertinent to your specific needs. Their expertise in lithography, etching, deposition, and other relevant processes should be verified.

2. Quality Assurance
Look for certifications like ISO 9001 to ensure they adhere to international quality standards. Their commitment to quality should be evident in their processes and output.

3. Scalability
The supplier should be able to scale operations up or down based on your project requirements. This flexibility is crucial for your project's success as demand changes.

4. Equipment and Facility
Assess the sophistication and maintenance of their equipment and facility. State-of-the-art technology indicates a supplier’s capability to deliver cutting-edge solutions.

5. Intellectual Property Protection
Confirm that the supplier has strict protocols for protecting the IP rights of their clients. This is critical in nanofabrication where proprietary technology can be a significant competitive advantage.

6. Turnaround Time and Reliability
The supplier should have a consistent track record of meeting deadlines without compromising on quality. Reliability is key in fast-paced industries.

7. Cost Structure
While not the only factor, the cost is significant. The supplier should offer competitive pricing without hidden fees. Cost-effectiveness does not mean the cheapest option but the best value for money.

8. Environmental Compliance
Ensure the supplier practices sustainable manufacturing processes and complies with environmental regulations. This is increasingly important in minimizing the ecological footprint of nanofabrication.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Nanofabrication?

Nanofabrication, the process of crafting materials and devices at the nanoscale, is revolutionizing industries by enabling unprecedented precision and functionality. In the semiconductor industry, nanofabrication is fundamental for producing smaller, more efficient chips. This miniaturization allows for increased processing power in computers and smartphones, meeting the critical demands of businesses reliant on data processing and telecommunications. The ability to manipulate materials at the atomic or molecular level results in higher performance semiconductors, a cornerstone for advancements in computing and IoT devices. In the healthcare sector, nanofabrication plays a crucial role in developing advanced diagnostic tools and drug delivery systems. By creating nano-sized particles or devices, companies can target diseases at a molecular level, offering new avenues for treatment with higher specificity and lower toxicity. This precision in drug delivery not only enhances patient outcomes but also opens up personalized medicine possibilities, catering to the specific needs of individual patients. The energy industry benefits from nanofabrication through the development of more efficient solar panels and batteries. By manipulating materials at the nanoscale, companies can significantly improve the light absorption of solar cells and the energy density of batteries. This is vital for the production of renewable energy solutions and electric vehicles, offering businesses sustainable alternatives to conventional energy sources. In each of these use cases, nanofabrication provides businesses with the tools to innovate, enhance product efficiency, and address complex challenges, paving the way for advancements across various sectors.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Nanofabrication

Nanofabrication, a cornerstone of nanotechnology, involves the design and creation of devices with dimensions measured in nanometers. Presently, nanofabrication spans across various Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), with specific processes and applications ranging from TRL 4 (technology validated in a lab) to TRL 7 (demonstration in an operational environment), depending on the complexity and maturity of the technology being developed. This broad TRL range is primarily due to the diverse techniques employed in nanofabrication, such as electron beam lithography, nanoimprint lithography, and self-assembly, each at different stages of development and application. The technical reasons for this variance include challenges in scalability, repeatability, and integration with existing manufacturing processes. While some methods, like electron beam lithography, have achieved high levels of precision and are used in research and development settings, their scalability for mass production remains a challenge, restricting their readiness level. Conversely, techniques that leverage self-assembly principles are advancing towards operational environments, demonstrating potential for scalable manufacturing. The disparity in TRLs highlights the ongoing evolution of nanofabrication technologies as they address technical hurdles related to precision, efficiency, and compatibility with existing industrial processes, underscoring the dynamic nature of their development trajectory.

What is the Technology Forecast of Nanofabrication?

In the short-term, advancements in nanofabrication are expected to focus on refining lithography techniques, particularly extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, to push the boundaries of smaller, more efficient semiconductor chips. This phase will also see the development of more precise self-assembly methods for nanoparticles, allowing for the creation of novel materials and devices with enhanced optical, electrical, and magnetic properties. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with nanofabrication processes is anticipated to improve precision and reduce production costs, setting the stage for more complex nanoscale structures. Mid-term developments will likely witness the emergence of 2D material-based nanofabrication, leveraging materials like graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) for creating ultra-thin, flexible electronic and photonic devices. This period is expected to introduce breakthroughs in nanoscale 3D printing techniques, enabling the construction of complex three-dimensional nanostructures with unprecedented precision and functionality. The application scope of nanofabrication will expand significantly, with advancements in biocompatible nanomaterials fostering innovative approaches in drug delivery, tissue engineering, and biosensors. Long-term, nanofabrication is poised to revolutionize computing and energy sectors by enabling quantum computing components and highly efficient solar cells at the nanoscale. Molecular nanotechnology (MNT) could become a reality, allowing for the atom-by-atom construction of materials and devices, offering unparalleled control over material properties and enabling the creation of substances and structures with previously impossible functionalities. This era might also witness the convergence of nanotechnology with other fields, such as neuroscience and robotics, paving the way for advanced neural interfaces and nanorobots, respectively, with applications ranging from health monitoring to environmental remediation.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Nanofabrication Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Nanofabrication

Based on our calculations related technologies to Nanofabrication are Industrial Electroplating, Industrial Filtration, Industrial Sintering, Industrial Extrusion, Industrial Handling

Start-Ups who are working in Nanofabrication are NanoFab-Net

The most represented industries which are working in Nanofabrication are Other, Nanotechnology, Manufacturing, Machinery Manufacturing, Electronics and Electrical engineering

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