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Top Software As A Service (Saas) Companies in India

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60 companies for Software As A Service (Saas) in India



Hyderabad, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

SaaSro specializes in transforming ideas into technology-driven applications through their comprehensive SaaS development services. They focus on creating scalable, secure, and reliable enterprise-grade solutions, making them a trusted partner for organizations looking to develop successful SaaS products.

Highlighted product


Cloud Consulting & Cloud Migration Services | SaaSro

Are you a business owner who finds it difficult to keep up with the ever-evolving technology? Do you find it overwhelming to produce real-time results and be

Saasvaap Techies Pvt Ltd's Logo

Saasvaap Techies Pvt Ltd

Thiruvananthapuram, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Saasvaap is a prominent technology solution provider with a strong presence in Silicon Valley, specializing in custom software development and offering a range of services that include cloud infrastructure and digital marketing. With over 16 years of experience, Saasvaap has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking innovative software solutions, positioning them well in the Software as a Service (SaaS) sector.

Highlighted product


Our Services | Saasvaap Inc.

We provide fully customer-oriented services for ios & android app development, business and web solutions. Get to know more about our services here.

Saasly's Logo


Chennai, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Saasly specializes in Software as a Service (SaaS) integration, offering solutions that connect various SaaS platforms to streamline business activities. With a talented team dedicated to custom software development and integration services, Saasly supports global clients in enhancing their product capabilities through effective SaaS solutions.

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Core business

Software Integration Services | Custom Software Development

We provide saas integration services with a custom software solution saasly team that provides saas solutions from API integrations to enterprise applications integration.

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SaasproTech's Logo


Chennai, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

SAASPRO TECHNOLOGIES is dedicated to enhancing user experiences through innovative technology, positioning itself as a key player in the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry. Their commitment to developing high-quality solutions reflects their belief in the significant potential of SaaS offerings.

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Core business


Software@Work (India) Pvt Ltd's Logo

Software@Work (India) Pvt Ltd

Mumbai, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Software At Work (India) Pvt. emphasizes its expertise in providing effective software solutions, showcasing their successful implementation of Tally.ERP9, which highlights their ability to deliver scalable and agile software services.

Highlighted product


Services - Software@Work

How To Buy SAAS - The Online Marketplace For Softwares's Logo

How To Buy SAAS - The Online Marketplace For Softwares

Bengaluru, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, HowToBuySaaS, is dedicated to enhancing business operations through its online SaaS marketplace, which facilitates the discovery and management of software solutions tailored to meet diverse business needs. Their platform not only allows users to explore and acquire various SaaS subscriptions but also emphasizes the importance of benefits, budgeting, and adaptability in the SaaS selection process.

Highlighted product

Core business

How To Buy SAAS - The Online SAAS Marketplace

How to Buy SAAS is an online SAAS marketplace for softwares. You get to explore various saas that can be used for solving business issues using saas.

Ruddersoft Solutions Private Limited's Logo

Ruddersoft Solutions Private Limited

Ghaziabad, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Ruddersoft is a prominent provider of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, offering customized and cost-effective applications that enhance flexibility and scalability for businesses. Their expertise in IoT and IT services further supports organizations in streamlining workflows and improving productivity through innovative software solutions.

Highlighted product


Software as a Service (SaaS) - Customized, Cost-Effective and Cloud Security

Software as a Service (SaaS) delivers software applications over the internet, providing businesses with flexible and scalable solutions that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

iTech SaaS's Logo

iTech SaaS

Thoothukudi, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Itech SaaS offers innovative and customizable online solutions tailored for start-ups, entrepreneurs, and developers, including a mobile data collection management system. Their focus on technology and efficient product design highlights their commitment to enhancing business operations through effective software solutions.

Highlighted product


Web Hosting | Best Hosting Service | Itech SaaS

Being a full fledged web design and Software Development Company, Itech SaaS provide the extremely Best Web Hosting Service.

MyCloudBazaar's Logo


Mumbai, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers a comprehensive self-service portal that facilitates the evaluation, selection, and deployment of various SaaS solutions, ensuring a streamlined experience with industry-leading SLAs. Their focus on flexibility allows users to easily adapt their software choices as business needs evolve, highlighting G Suite as a key collaborative tool for businesses of all sizes.

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Register now and Get Amazing discounts on purchase

Techovarya Solutions Pvt. Ltd.'s Logo

Techovarya Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Vadodara, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Techovarya specializes in Software as a Service (SaaS) development, offering customized solutions that effectively address the needs of small and medium enterprises. Their focus on high quality and cost-effective cloud-based software aims to enhance business processes while minimizing maintenance efforts.

Highlighted product

Core business

Custom Software & Saas Development Company in India | Techovarya

Techovarya build SaaS products that give wings to your startup business idea. Hire remote team for SaaS development services in India.

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Information about Software As A Service (Saas) in India

When exploring the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry in India, several key considerations emerge. The regulatory environment is crucial, as compliance with data protection laws, such as the Personal Data Protection Bill, is essential for operating SaaS platforms. Understanding these regulations helps mitigate legal risks. The competitive landscape is dynamic, with numerous startups and established players vying for market share, making differentiation through innovation and customer service vital for success. Challenges include infrastructure limitations and varying internet penetration levels across regions, which can impact service delivery. However, opportunities abound, particularly with the increasing adoption of digital solutions by businesses seeking efficiency and scalability. The growing demand for cloud-based services in sectors like e-commerce, healthcare, and education presents significant market potential. Moreover, India’s SaaS companies are increasingly gaining global relevance, benefiting from the country’s strong IT talent pool and cost-effective development capabilities. As businesses worldwide look for innovative solutions, Indian SaaS firms are well-positioned to cater to both domestic and international markets. Environmental concerns are also becoming a consideration, with companies focusing on sustainable practices in their operations. Overall, a thorough understanding of these factors is essential for anyone interested in entering the SaaS domain in India.

Insights about the Software As A Service (Saas) results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Software As A Service (Saas)

Country with most fitting companiesIndia
Amount of fitting manufacturers759
Amount of suitable service providers861
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1991
Youngest suiting company2021

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Software As A Service (Saas) Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Software As A Service (Saas)

Based on our calculations related technologies to Software As A Service (Saas) are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in Software As A Service (Saas) are SAASRO, How To Buy SAAS - The Online Marketplace For Softwares, iTech SaaS

The most represented industries which are working in Software As A Service (Saas) are IT, Software and Services, Other, Human Resources, Finance and Insurance, Business Services

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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