Cloud Computing Software
Cloud Computing Software

Top Cloud Computing Software Companies

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138 companies for Cloud Computing Software

AxylCloud's Logo

Newport, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We provide bespoke software systems, cyber security expertise & cloud computing consultancy, introducing efficiency gains, improving workflow for SMEs. Our certified Cloud Computing experts form the backbone of our consultancy, providing services to private enterprises and government clients alike. All of our cloud security experts have experience providing cloud security consultancy expertise to large public sector organisations. Our certified application security experts form the backbone of our consultancy, providing application security services to our government clients.



Core business
Image for AxylCloud - cloud computing & cloud security, software development

AxylCloud - cloud computing & cloud security, software development

... AxylCloud - cloud computing & cloud security, software ...

standing bird's Logo

Madrid, Spain

1-10 Employees


Somos un equipo muy unido que comparte la pasión por el diseño de productos cuidados y la resolución de problemas desafiantes. Con 20 años de experiencia, nos hemos especializado en un proceso de diseño centrado en el usuario. Desde el concepto hasta la ejecución, diseñamos productos y servicios que ayudan a nuestros clientes a dar forma y alcanzar sus objetivos.



Core business
Image for Software Cloud Computing Web Development

Software Cloud Computing Web Development

... Software Cloud Computing Web ...

Whizzy Geeks Internet Services Private Limited's Logo

Noida, India

11-50 Employees


Whizzy Geeks was established in 2016 with an innovation ideology and a strong vision technology platform provider and a preferred consulting partner for its customers by providing counselling on key stages of IT infrastructure evolution. We leverage our strong industry expertise to assist customer to make right decisions in-line with their business and technical requirements within given scope, budget and timelines. Although youngest in industry but strongest in our field with our highly experienced and diversified skilled team who has worked across multiple domain and industries providing dynamic solutions to customers. Our mission is to deliver world class services and strategic analysis to customers with our pragmatic solutions which can help them to achieve desired results in no time.



Core business
Image for About Us - Whizzy Geeks | IT Services, Consultation, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering

About Us - Whizzy Geeks | IT Services, Consultation, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering

... About Us - Whizzy Geeks | IT Services, Consultation, Cloud Computing, Software ...

Chronos Tecnologia's Logo

São Miguel de Taipu, Brazil

1-10 Employees


Seja muito bem-vindo(a)! a CHRONOS TECNOLOGIA Podemos lhe ajudar com:. "A capacidade de criar e manter aplicações (softwares) acessíveis por todo mundo sem distribuí-las fisicamente em milhares de computadores é um dos principais motivos da popularização da nuvem. Se você quer estar junto de seus parceiros/clientes/funcionários nas 24 horas do seu dia / 7 dias por semana, e não conhece quem possa ajudá-lo, aqui é o seu lugar". Se você quer que sua aplicação possa ser funcional em celulares, smartphones, tablets, notebooks, desktops e TVs, não se preocupe :)... Contamos com uma equipe pronta para atender as suas necessidades.



Core business
Image for Cloud Computing ? Nuvem ? Software nas nuvens ? Projetos sob demanda ? Não achou? Entra em contato :)

Cloud Computing ? Nuvem ? Software nas nuvens ? Projetos sob demanda ? Não achou? Entra em contato :)

... Cloud Computing ? Nuvem ? Software nas nuvens ? Projetos sob demanda ? Não achou? Entra em contato :) ...

Byteridge's Logo

Hyderabad, India

51-100 Employees


We at Byteridge take pride in delivering true value to enterprises and start-ups alike since 2008. We are proud to be Great Place to Work®-Certified. Byteridge team maintained an impressive level of expertise, required minimal oversight, and ultimately delivered high-caliber work. Thanks to Byteridge for the high quality and time bound work delivered on many projects over the past 10 years. Byteridge pays good attention to detail on all projects. Byteridge is upfront, honest, and on-time on their projects. Our driven and dedicated team of engineers ensures that Byteridge consistently delivers high quality products and solutions to our customers. Understanding majority of our requirements, providing alternative routes/ methods, fairly good quality, deliver on timelines (10 on 10 for that!).



Core business
Image for Byteridge - Mobile App Development, Cloud Computing, Software Solutions

Byteridge - Mobile App Development, Cloud Computing, Software Solutions Development

... Byteridge - Mobile App Development, Cloud Computing, Software Solutions ...


York, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


At Tellan we pride ourselves on fair, honest and clear speaking as we know many customers find commissioning software systems or projects an intimating, but expensive proposition. Tellan is provider of vehicle telematic systems sold through a network of resellers. We are proud that this system is the most reliable telematics system on the market today with a wealth of complex reporting features. At Tellan we have a rich history in providing winter maintainance fleets with real-time information about spreading but also route compliance, temperature and weight monitoring. At Tellan we have vast experience and knowledge about all aspects of cloud computing and we offer a cloud consultancy service to help our customers maximise the potential of the cloud in their organisations. At Tellan we work hard to deliver quality software on time, but we know that sometimes software projects go wrong or fail to deliver on customer expectations. This allows us to design and implement innovative systems. We make it our priority to keep up-to-date on new technologies and advancements to provide the best service to our customers.



Core business
Image for Cloud Computing and Software Solutions — Tellan

Cloud Computing and Software Solutions — Tellan

... Cloud Computing and Software Solutions — ...

Comp & Phone Computerfachhandel EDV- und Kommunikationssysteme GmbH's Logo






Bridge 2 IPO's Logo

New York, United States

11-50 Employees


Our extensive relationships across the industry enable us to provide distinct access strategies.



Core business
Image for Pre-IPOs | Bridge 2 IPO

Pre-IPOs | Bridge 2 IPO

... Bridge 2 IPO provides access to alternative investment strategies to high net-worth clients, presenting them private investment funds that invest in high growth sectors such as cloud computing, software as a service, blockchain, and cybersecurity, just to name a few. ...

CloudYeti's Logo

Washington, United States

1-10 Employees


We can help you migrate to cloud to reduce cost, expedite development and reduce infrastructure overhead. Don't want to manage servers? We can build and help you with serverless solutions. We can help you expedite development, deployment and testing by leveraging cutting-edge tools, processes, and culture. Do you want to use voice applications to engage with customers? We can help you build voice applications and devise voice strategy. Keep pace with innovation in cloud computing. Reach out to us for a free consultation.



Core business
Image for CloudYeti


... Cloud Computing is revolutionizing Software Development. ...

Xardtek's Logo

National Harbor, United States

11-50 Employees


Xardtek is a software and technology company of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs, and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, end-to-end cloud solution design & deployment, automated security detection/prevention, real-time customer engagement solutions, QA, and consultancy services. Our dedicated team of engineers and experts has years of experience designing solutions that work with Love! We’ll help you test bold new ideas from concepts to real products that can change the world as you imagined. Quality delivery, on time, within budget and secured mindset through out SDLC.. Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process. Turn to our experts to perform comprehensive, multi-stage testing and auditing of your software.



Core business
Image for Xardtek - IT solutions and services

Xardtek - IT solutions and services

... Xardtek is an IT solution company that specializes in cloud computing,software development and mobile ...

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Facts about those Cloud Computing Software Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Cloud Computing Software

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers107
Amount of suitable service providers103
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1988
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Cloud Computing Software

What is Cloud Computing Software?

Cloud computing software represents a suite of tools and technologies that leverage the internet to deliver scalable and on-demand computing services. These can range from applications and storage to processing power, typically without direct active management by the user. At its core, cloud computing software enables users to access and utilize computing resources over the internet, which are hosted in remote data centers. This paradigm shift has significantly democratized access to sophisticated computing capabilities, allowing businesses of all sizes to scale their operations without the need for substantial upfront investment in physical hardware and infrastructure. The flexibility offered by cloud computing software is one of its most impactful benefits, as it allows organizations to adjust their resource consumption based on current needs, ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, it supports a wide range of services, including software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS), each catering to different needs but collectively enhancing the agility and innovation capacity of enterprises. The advent of cloud computing software has not only streamlined IT operations but also fostered new business models, enabling companies to focus more on their core offerings while relegating IT management to cloud service providers. This transformation has had a profound impact, fundamentally altering how businesses deploy and manage technology to drive growth and competitiveness.

Advantages of Cloud Computing Software

1. Scalability
Cloud computing software offers unmatched scalability options, allowing businesses to easily adjust their resources based on current needs. This flexibility means companies can scale up or down without the burden of significant upfront investments in physical hardware.

2. Cost Efficiency
By leveraging cloud computing, organizations can significantly reduce costs associated with purchasing, maintaining, and upgrading on-premise servers and equipment. The pay-as-you-go model enables businesses to pay only for the resources they use, translating into substantial savings.

3. Accessibility
With cloud computing software, users can access data and applications from anywhere, at any time, as long as they have an internet connection. This accessibility facilitates remote work, enhances collaboration among team members, and increases productivity.

4. Disaster Recovery
Cloud services often include robust disaster recovery plans, ensuring data is securely backed up and can be quickly restored in the event of a data loss incident. This provides businesses with peace of mind, knowing their critical information is safe from unexpected disasters.

How to select right Cloud Computing Software supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Scalability and Flexibility
Ensure the cloud computing software can scale resources up or down based on your business needs, providing flexibility without significant cost implications.

2. Security and Compliance
Verify that the supplier offers robust security features, including data encryption and compliance with relevant regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) to protect sensitive information.

3. Cost-Effectiveness
Consider the pricing model of the software to ensure it aligns with your budget and offers good value for the services provided, including any hidden costs.

4. Technical Support and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Evaluate the level of technical support offered, including availability and response times. Review the SLA for guaranteed uptime and how issues are managed.

5. Integration Capabilities
Check for seamless integration options with existing tools and systems to ensure smooth workflows and data synchronization across your business operations.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Cloud Computing Software?

Cloud computing software has revolutionized how businesses operate, offering scalable and flexible solutions across various industries. In the financial sector, it enables companies to manage vast amounts of data, supporting real-time processing and secure storage of sensitive financial records. This capability is crucial for financial forecasting, risk management, and customer transactions, enhancing efficiency and data integrity. In healthcare, cloud computing facilitates telemedicine and electronic medical records (EMR) management. By leveraging cloud-based platforms, healthcare providers can offer remote consultations and securely access patient data from anywhere, improving patient care and operational efficiency. Manufacturing industries benefit from cloud computing through improved supply chain management. The software allows for real-time monitoring and analytics of supply chain activities, helping businesses optimize production schedules, manage inventory more effectively, and reduce operational costs. Lastly, in the retail sector, cloud computing aids in creating personalized shopping experiences. Retailers use cloud-based analytics to understand customer preferences and buying behavior, enabling targeted marketing and improved customer service. This use case not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives sales growth. These use cases illustrate the versatility and impact of cloud computing software in transforming business operations, offering tailored solutions that drive efficiency, improve service delivery, and foster innovation across sectors.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Cloud Computing Software

Cloud computing software has achieved a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9, which signifies that it is at the most mature stage, fully operational, and has been successfully deployed in a variety of environments. This high TRL is attributed to several technical advancements and widespread adoption. Firstly, cloud computing technologies have undergone extensive development and testing, demonstrating high reliability, scalability, and security across diverse industries and use cases. The infrastructure supporting cloud computing, including data centers, networking hardware, and software, has seen significant improvements, ensuring robust performance and availability. Additionally, advancements in virtualization and containerization technologies have enabled more efficient resource utilization and isolation, further enhancing the stability and flexibility of cloud services. The broad array of services and platforms available, from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to Software as a Service (SaaS), and the continuous integration of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning into cloud platforms, underscore the maturity and versatility of cloud computing software. These technical reasons, coupled with the extensive real-world application and validation, solidify cloud computing software's position at TRL 9.

What is the Technology Forecast of Cloud Computing Software?

In the short-term, cloud computing software is poised for a significant leap in real-time data processing and edge computing. This evolution is driven by the increasing demand for immediate data analysis and decision-making capabilities across various industries. Enhanced machine learning algorithms and AI integration are expected to streamline operational efficiencies, enabling businesses to react more swiftly to market changes. These advancements will also foster improved scalability and flexibility in cloud services, allowing for more personalized and cost-effective solutions. Moving into the mid-term phase, the integration of quantum computing with cloud computing software is anticipated to revolutionize data encryption and processing speeds. This phase will likely see the emergence of hybrid cloud environments becoming the norm, with a focus on interoperability and seamless data exchange between different cloud platforms. The advancements in quantum computing could unlock new potentials in complex problem-solving and simulation capabilities, vastly improving predictive analytics and modeling in sectors like finance, healthcare, and climate science. In the long-term, cloud computing software is expected to become fully autonomous, driven by sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms. This will enable cloud systems to self-manage, self-heal, and even self-optimize without human intervention, leading to unprecedented levels of efficiency and reliability. Additionally, the advent of ubiquitous computing, where cloud services are seamlessly integrated into everyday objects and activities, will blur the lines between physical and digital worlds, creating a truly interconnected and smart global ecosystem.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cloud Computing Software Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Cloud Computing Software

Based on our calculations related technologies to Cloud Computing Software are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Cloud Computing Software are Bridge 2 IPO

The most represented industries which are working in Cloud Computing Software are Information Technology, Software, Internet Services, Professional Services, Commerce and Shopping

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